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You have matched with Lance McClain
Keith: I didn't know you went this way
Lance: babe I go evrywhere ;)
Keith: How much time did you save not typing that e
Lance: doesnt mattr
Lance: send n00dz
Keith: wow with a z and zeros you totally deserve my nudes
Image to Lance sent
Lance: that is a picture of a knife
Keith: Yeah that's my dick
Lance: u have a knife dic?
Keith: Yeah. Don't be r00d.
Lance: at least its big
Lance: my family isnt home
Keith: What, are you scared?
Lance: no you should cum over
Lance: more specifically cum
Keith: My dick is a knife
Lance: mine isnt
Image from Lance received
Keith: I'm blocking you
You have blocked Lance McClain
You have unblocked Lance McClain
Keith: Why the quiznak are you outside my window
Lance: i just want to chill
Lance: and by that I mean Netflix and chill
Lance: can i cum in?
Lance: more specifically cum
Lance: keith
Lance: did you block me again?
Keith: Jesus Christ go away
Lance: i biked all the way over here
Keith: Bike back
Lance: cruel
Lance: fine i guess ill go
Keith: The door is unlocked by the way
Lance: u sly little thing ;)
Lance: im cumming up
Lance: more specifically cumming
Keith: Stop or I'll lock the door

Klance OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now