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Ashton finished with his shift at the restaurant that he works at. Calum met up with him since he just recently started his job at an ice cream parlour that isn't far from where Ashton works.

"How was your day at the parlour?"

"Michael came in and check up on me, to see how I was doing. He was being a cutie and wanted us to share a milkshake, but I couldn't because I was working. So he sat there for a good ten minutes, just pouting at me as I serve the customers."Calum explains with a pink tint on his face.

"Are you going to do it?"

"Hell yeah I am, I'm not letting him down!"the kiwi chuckles.

"I swear, you guys are too cute for my functioning."

"How are things with you and Luke?"he asks his friend.

"We are great! Not long ago, he took me out for dinner. But I haven't hung out with him lately since I'm busy with school and work. Now I feel like I'm neglecting him but I need money and get away from my dad."

"I still can't believe that you still put up living  with him. He's a terrible human being with a terrible drinking problem!"Calum exclaim, wondering why his friend is still living with that toxic person.

"Cal, that's my home. I don't know where to go if I leave. That's why I'm saving my money so that I can buy my car and hopefully an apartment."Ashton sigh, not wanting the conversation to continue on.

"You are welcome to live at my place! It's basically your home and you know that we have a spare room! My parents love you! They probably love you more than me!"

"Calum, I don't want to talk about this. But turn this way because we are going to the store."Ashton instructs before checking both ways and walking across the street to the convenience store.

"Why do we need to go in here?"

"I've been wanting ice cream and you aren't helping since you work at the parlour."the dirty blonde states while looking for ice cream in the freezer aisles.

"You can always come around when I work, I can easily give you a discount."Calum shrugs while helping Ashton find the ice cream aisle.

"I still want my ice cream."

There was a moment of silence between the two as Ashton went to find his favourite ice cream brand and flavour, which is Ben & Jerry's Strawberry Cheesecake ice cream.

"Well, I would like to stay but I have someone to see and your boy is down the next aisle. I better leave you two alone. See you later Ash,"Calum said as he starts walking away. The dirty blonde said a goodbye as he looks down the aisle and saw Luke.

The teen never fails to look good, he could literally wear a garbage bag and Ashton will still be attracted to the blonde. But he couldn't help but notice that the blonde has on layers even though it's hot outside.

"Hey Lukey,"Ashton smiles while walking up to the blonde, which grabbed his attention from looking at snacks that are hanging on the racks.

"Hey babe! I didn't know you were in here, I thought you were at work?"the other teen smiles.

"My shift is over and I came over here to buy some ice cream."he shrug before adding,"Why are you in layers? It's hot outside."

"Oh, I was planning on going ice skating so I wouldn't be rusty once hockey season returns."he responds while tugging on the sleeves of his black Sike sweater.

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