Chapter Two.

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hellooo :) here's chapter two


"You really should improve your relationship with Niall. You know that, right?" Kiera asked once she closed the door of their hotel room in Beverly Hills.

"What do you mean 'improve' my relationship with him, we're perfectly fine," Ashlee threw her backpack on the bed and went into the bathroom, turning on the tap.

"Oh, I'm sorry, you don't have a relationship with him," Kiera looked at Ashlee through the bathroom's mirror brushing her teeth. Ashlee murmured a 'so?'. "So? So you should have a relationship with him!" Kiera basically yelled word by word to make sure the girl understands her.

Ashlee spat out the white foam from her mouth and wiped her lips with a towel nearby, "we are perfectly fine just the way we are," she walked past Kiera and began to change her clothes into something more comfortable, she was way too tired to take a shower after the show. They ran way too much, and sang way too many songs. Which Ashlee loved dearly, because she was doing it for their Kings & Queens, but they did so much activities than planned. Thus, results a tired Ashlee Kheenz.

"No, you guys aren't," Kiera stated firmly, "whenever we hang out with the boys, you never talk to him-"

"I do talk to him."

"No, you guys just exchange some 'hey how are you?', 'excuse me', 'thanks' and 'sorry'," Kiera did many facial expressions in the mockery of Ashlee. "Seriously Ash, those are the only words I hear from you two," she came to sit next to Ashlee on the bed and put a hand on one of her knees and sighed, "just try to be closer to him someday, OK?"

Ashlee reverted her eyes from her phone and looked at the elder, "someday," she repeated.

"Soon would be better," Kiera gave her a half-hearted smile, "plus, you're the only one that knows what he's going through."

"You know."

"Yes, but from you," Kiera pat her knee once more before moving into the bathroom to take a shower.

The sound of running water filled the silence in the room and Ashlee couldn't stop thinking what Kiera told her.

You're the only one that knows what he's going through.

"Hey Ki, I'm going to the roof," she yelled, so that Kiera could hear her. An 'okay' gave her the permission to leave the hotel room and have a silent walk to the top floor.

You're the only one that knows what he's going through.

You're the only one that knows what he's going through.

You're the only one that knows what he's going through.

It kept repeating in her head. Of course she knew what he was going through. She once heard him in a room about it, murmuring 'why me?' Over and over again.

At first, she thought she was just hearing things when she passed by the boys' dressing room on tour, but the constant 'why do they hate me' got the best of her. She peeked through the small gap when she noticed the door wasn't completely closed. There, she saw the happy-go-lucky Niall Horan crying. The blonde was hugging his knees on the floor, back facing her, rocking back and forth trying to subdue his sobs.

She wanted to help him.

She assumed he was crying because of hate and she knew what it's like to be hated by some of the 'fans'. Being the only one that people thought wasn't good enough. She knew the feeling. She knew it all too well.

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