"I was not certain about your size, unfortunately," Victor admitted "I could get you a new size if it does not fit"

"Victor" Kellin sighed "it's lovely, though I'm afraid I cannot accept it"

Victor's face seemed to drop and looked as if he was slapped in the face.

"Is it the size? Perhaps the color...I could get another" Victor rambled.

"Please, it is not that" Kellin assured "I just do not like receiving things if I have nothing to give back"

"Princess, I insist" Victor pleaded.

Kellin felt himself giving into Victor's request and nodded reluctantly, bringing the fabric into his arms and giving Victor a small smile.

"It is very lovely, Victor," Kellin said honestly.

"Perhaps, you could wear it to supper tonight?" Victor suggested hopefully.

"Perhaps, you let me got home and I might consider" Kellin countered as he set the dress back in the box "until then, I see no occasion to wear such a dress"

Kellin brushed past the tanned man but unfortunately was halted by Victor gripping his upper arm. Kellin stopped, looking expectantly at the dragon, who sighed sorrowfully.

"You know I cannot allow that" Victor reminded softly.

"And why not" Kellin demanded.

"I just...I don't want to lose you" Victor admitted "I lost many suitors but you make me feel...different"

"Please, let me go" Kellin insisted.

"You can't leave me" Victor growled, tightening his grip on the prince's arm.

"Victor, I meant me" Kellin cried "You are hurting my arm, please let go"

Victor relaxed his shouldered and quickly removed his hand from Kellin's arm.

"Forgive me," Victor apologized quickly "but please...consider my proposal"

Kellin simply ignored the dragon and slammed the oak door closed, leaning against it afterward, hearing Victor sigh from the other side and his footsteps walk away.

Kellin felt awful...


The prince immediately wanted to rethink his plan. His eyes were drawn shut and he desperately gripped the fabric that he was dangling on. He felt as if his palms would bleed if he held the fabric even tighter, not to mention, his bare feet was bleeding and torn from the lack of shoes against stone walls.

Not only was Kellin terrified about losing his life to the ground but was guilt-ridden thinking about Victor's reaction when he realizes that his 'princess' was gone. Kellin didn't want to confess how much he had secretly adored Victor's kind gestures and lovely personality, even though kellin pretended to ignore him. It took a lot within the prince not to climb back up the tower and pretend that he didn't make a whole scheme to escape, but he repressed those feelings and continued to descend down the tower walls.

The wind lightly blew through the prince's raven hair and the prince could have sworn the fabric slightly swayed with the wind. Without any further thought, he climbed down the makeshift rope as quickly yet carefully as possible. Once his bare feet hit the soft grass, Kellin instantly relaxed and laid upon the earth. He could not believe he had done such a risky action as that. He put his life in serious danger, he could have fallen at any given moment. Kellin could have laughed out loud but due to his situation, he had to be absolutely silent. After gaining more confidence, the prince picked himself up from the ground and hurried away from the tower as quickly as possible, which led him to his next conflict; what to do next?

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