The Rescues

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Their lips collided together, the pale boy straddled the tan one his fingers tangled in the long brown locks. For weeks, both the prince and dragon had been highly affectionate with each other, from kissing and very intimate intercourse, the two could not get enough of each other.

Unfortunately, Michael -the brother of Victor- acquired assistance to retrieve a particular ingredient of a potion he was in the mists of making. Victor, being a dependable brother he is, offered his assistance which Michael gratefully accepted. At the most, the dragon would be gone for a few sunrises, leaving the prince to impatiently wait for his beloved to come back.

"Mm, Michael is awaiting my presence," Victor told, pulling away from the prince's lips.

"Please, just one more kiss" Kellin practically begged.

Not being able to refuse, Victor leaned in quickly capturing the prince's lips with his before pulling away and resting foreheads against each other.

"I don't want you to leave" Kellin whispered.

"Darling," Victor assured, cupping Kellin's soft cheek "it'll only be a few days"

"A few days too long" Kellin protested "Michael can retrieve whatever it is he wants by himself"

"Do my ears hear correctly" Victor teased "Kellin Quinn, being selfish?"

The prince didn't even realise his actions, immediately regretting his emotions. He couldn't help it, he just couldn't stay away from the tanned boy. He craved his every touch, his kiss, words, movement, just Victor's entire being. He craved it so much that his lust and desire for him clouded his behavior and minds.

"Oh no!" the prince gasped "I-I...I don't know what to say. I do not feel guilty for being...selfish for my beloved."

"Don't fret, my love" Victor chuckled, kissing the tip of the prince's nose "I like that side of you"

His loving words brought a smile onto the prince's face who also bashfully blushed averting his suddenly shy gazed. He leaned forward and buried his face in the crook of his dragon's neck and sighed.

"Is there no way to convince you to stay?" the prince mumbled into the tan skin.

"I'm afraid not" Victor confessed "I'll be back before you know it darling, I promise"

The prince sighed sadly nodding "Very well then"

He slowly climbed off the dragon's lap and sat on the soft blue blanket, watching the dragon stand and slip his white shirt back on. Victor turned to the sulking boy on his bed staring sadly at him.

"Darling," Victor reminded, leaning on the bed to kiss Kellin's forehead "A few days will come and go, then I'll be back before you can say 'I miss you'"

Kellin still sulked on the bed and the dragon was seriously doubting his decision, but he knew Michael needed him as well.

"I love you, Kellin," Victor said, peering down at his beloved.

The prince looked up, his greenish-blue eyes watering slightly, "I love you too, Victor"

The prince climbed off the bed and wrapped his arms around Victor's torso, laying his ear against his chest and listening to the beautiful heartbeat of his beloved. Victor wrapped his arms around the prince's shoulders, bringing him even closer into his chest and enjoying the warmth of Kellin's skin.

"Now get going, Michael must be waiting" Kellin insisted, pulling away from the embrace.

Victor placed one more kiss to Kellin's lips before walking out his room, disappearing around the corner, leaving Kellin to stare at the place where his beloved stood, whispering one thing.

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