chapter eighteen

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Selena and Justin laid on their beach towel.

"This sun feels so good," Selena said.

"Totally. I think I got a tan going on," Justin says as checking out his legs. Selena smiled and rolled her eyes. "So, was you really jealous like five minutes ago?"

"Are you still thinking about that?" Selena asked.

Justin turned to his side and held his head with his hand. "Yes, I am. So, tell me. Was you?"

Selena finally looked at him. "No, I wasn't jealous. Why on earth would I be in the first place."

He shrugged his shoulders. "So, you wouldn't mind if I went over there and talk to her?"

"No, I wouldn't mind."

Justin looked at her. Finally, he had got up. "Then fine, I'll go over there."

"Okay." Selena looked away.

"Fine." He stood up tall, still looking at Selena.

"Fine." Selena still didn't look at him.

Justin walked away. Selena moved her head and watched as he walked to her.
Selena was actually jealous. She wanted to go over there and just grab Justin and tell that witch that he was hers. She knew she was with Tyler, but she knew that she had feelings for Justin. Even tho she didn't won't to amit to it, she knew she did like him.
As watching Justin talking to her, they were both laughing and pretty much getting to know each other.

Oh please, Selena thought. Selena could do better.

Justin and the blonde girl started to walk near the water. As walking, Justin looked Selena and wink.
Selena rolled her eyes.
She couldn't take her eyes off of Justin. She knew what he was doing. He was hanging with this girl to make her jealous and yet it was working.
Don't pay attention, Selena told herself. He was trying to make her jealous. Selena laid back down and enjoy the sun. As enjoying the sun, she heard Justin and that girl talking and still laughing.
Selena sighed and blocked their voices out.
With that, her phone went off.
It was Tyler.

"Hey," Selena said as raising up. She smiled. She noticed that Justin stop what he was doing and started to look at Selena. He knew that she was on the phone with Tyler.

"Are you at the beach?" Tyler asked. "I can hear waves and people."

Selena smiled. "I am."

"Wish I was there with you. I wanted to tell that I made it."

Selena got up from her beach towel and started to walk. "That's great."

"Hey, I got to go now, okay. I'll talk to you later. I love you."

"I love you more." Selena hung the cell phone up.

Justin came back.

"Did she not like you?" Selena asked Justin.

"She does. We are going swimming." Justin came close to Selena. His body was close to hers. "And we will be touching bodies." His hand touched Selena back, making her have chills.

Selena came close to his face. "Have fun." Selena wink. Selena put her phone in her bag and walked off, heading for the water. Justin watched her. He smiled at her and knew what she was doing, it was working.
Gosh, he wanted to go over and just grab and kiss her body. He didn't care if she had a boyfriend. He watched at Selena step in the water, letting the waves splash her. She let out laugh. Selena bent down, showing her butt... She lightly put her hands in the water, grabbing a full of water and with that she held both of hand that was full with water and let the water fall onto her chest.
Justin was shaking. He had to go over there.
Forget that blonde girl, he thought.
Justin started to walk toward Selena in till he heard someone call his name.
He turned his head, seeing the blonde girl. She stood there, waiting for her.
Crap, he thought.
Justin walked over to the blonde girl.

"Do you want swim?" She asked.

Justin turned his head to find Selena walking out of the water.
Uh, he thought and sighed.
He was craving her and now his food was gone. 👈 Okay, I really don't know why I put that lol

Justin turned back to the blonde girl. "Listen, you are a sweet girl, but I'm sorry, but I can't be with you. I like someone else."

She stood there.

"Sorry." Justin ran out the water, heading for Selena's way. She was at the soda bar, getting her some water.

As Selena grab her water, she turned around about to get up, but Justin got to her. He held both of his hands on the bar, were she was locked and couldn't leave. His face was close to hers.

"Why aren't you with the other girl?" She asked him as leaning back and letting her leg go onto the other leg. She cross her arms to her chest. She let out a smile. She knew what she did.

He nodded his head no. "I know what you are doing. I'm not stupid."

"And what am I doing?" She asked.

"Turning me on. It's working."

"Justin, why on earth would I do that? I have a boyfriend." Selena lean up. She was face to face with him. Her hand slowly touched his chest.
Oh gosh, Justin thought. He wanted her and yet he knew she wanted him too. She couldn't lie to herself. She felt what he felt.
Selena got off the chair, still letting her hand still touching his chest. She looked down at his chest and back at Justin. "I'm going to the bathroom." Selena moved away from him, but let her hand slowly let go of his chest, leaving him chills.

Selena walked to the bathroom. She kept the door unlock and basically waited for Justin to come in.
What was am I doing, she thought.
Selena looked in the mirror, looking at her self. Selena took a breath, feeling nervous.
She sighed, thinking that she needs to stop this.
She even told Justin that they weren't supposed to do this. She was here to help him, not make love or fall for him.
Selena turned around about to walk out the door... In till Justin came in and stood in front of her. He grab a hold of her and with that, he pressed his lips on her lips. They kissed.
Selena lean back. "Justin." She looked at him and he looked at her.
She wanted him. Selena lean to the door and locked the door. She looked back at Justin and had kissed him.

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