13. Who Is In Control

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It was almost 10 by the time Oli tore himself away from Charlotte's side. He hated to leave her, but he had to eventually. Besides, dealing with the obvious looks her dad was giving him was getting beyond bearable. He slipped into his jacket, jumped in the car, and drove. He travelled for miles, his head swirling with thoughts and emotions he had no idea how to process. Charlotte was traumatised by an attack he had been responsible for, her dad knew Oli was keeping a secret and was not afraid to announce it, he was now being hunted by some demon and it's cult followers and the gang that had started this journey of nightmares was still alive and kicking.

Oli pulled off the road and parked in a layby. He climbed out, slamming the door behind him and paced back and forth in enraged silence.

Kid, I'm sorry, I didn't think...

"So am I," Oli interrupted, "Sorry I ever made that deal because not only have you scarred the woman I love, maybe for the rest of her life, but you've also brought a demon-god after my head!"

Silence fell in Oli's mind.

"You and that old man mentioned that your last host escaped Hades by breaking his bond with you. How?"

I don't think the monks who helped achieve that are gonna be of much help... They're kinda dead, last I heard.

"Shit..." Oli muttered to himself

The only other way, I suppose, would be to fulfil your contract

"Wait, why are you telling me that?" Oli asked, "How does this benefit you in any way?"

Believe it or not, I don't want to die either...

"Ok, got me there. So we take the Fifth Street, that's it? Fine, we start now."

Oh no you don't, Hades is looking for us now, we can't just go all 'gung-ho, let's kill everything'. If we run into him now, he'll rip us apart.

"You were all for destroying them completely two days ago!"

That was before a psychotic god tried to snuff me out...

"This is my body, my contract, I am in control now! You don't get to force me into anything anymore, you've caused me enough trouble as it is!"

Without warning, Oli felt his chest tighten. He felt a pain in his right arm and he was struggling to breathe. He burst into sweat and light-headedness clouded his thoughts. Before he knew what was happening, Oli was on his back, completely unable to support himself as his chest kept on tightening. Just when Oli thought he was going to pass out, it all stopped.

Heart attack. A few moments longer and I could have brought on full cardiac arrest. Do not underestimate me for a second. You may be conscious during our transformations now, but I still have the ultimate say in what happens. You attempt to do something that will get us killed, I'll stop you.

"You... You..." Oli still couldn't muster the energy to speak

I know what you're about to say, don't bother. I am the one in control, remember that.

"How.... about... we go... to that... old... man...?" Oli asked, "Seems... to know... a lot..."

Now that makes more sense Oli. Let's go ask him for the best way to go about this.

Oli gathered his breath, stumbled into the car, and allowed it to drive him to his destination while he recovered from this latest ordeal.

"What the hell have I done?" he muttered, the extent of his mistake weighing even heavier on him than ever before.

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