12.5 Planning Ahead

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The stone archway lit up like a ring of fire as Hades stepped through. He had returned to his temple, where his loyal manservant awaited. Like Hades, he has been walking this earth for centuries, sustained only by the magic which Hades had bestowed upon him so long ago.

"My lord, you have returned! I assume the hunt went well?"

He awaited the reply as Hades's flaming form slowly shrank, metal screeching back to its original shape and the fire snuffing out in an instant. Muscle and skin quickly grew back into place.

"Amadeus, my old friend, I'm glad you were able to return," Hades replies, embracing the man, "In answer to your question, yes, the hunt went well, if not according to plan..."

"Care to explain my lord?" Amadeus queries.

"I found the boy whom Zarathos currently possesses, however the law enforcement arrived. I didn't expect them to react to the disturbance so quickly..."

"Forcing you to teleport, I understand," the manservant finished.

"Oh no, I could have escaped many other ways if I so desired," Hades continued, walking and removing pieces of his armour as he did so, "However, I had planned for the day when I was caught out. I meant to teleport, and I meant to make a show out of it. I decided to visit a few of our old hunting grounds while I was out. Rome, Berlin, Moscow, London..."

"Master, forgive me for asking, but did you not consider the... reaction you might get? Who might notice?"

"Amadeus, you disappoint me," the chest piece falls, leaving only the leg armour to remove, "Of course I am aware, that's why I did it in the first place. I want my brother to know I have returned!"

"Sir, you do remember who your brother is, don't you? What he has become?" worry had worked its way into his voice now.

"Oh yes. I remember exactly who he is, and what he claims to be. 'The perfect hunter'. Bah!" Hades swung his arm, scattering goblets off a nearby table. "His pursuit of power never ends! He is no worse than those below us, nor whom he serves."

"I still do not understand how this all fits in with why you alerted them to your return..."

"It's simple, I want him to find me! I have made it my mission to destroy sin, but how can I when powers such as these exist? When my brother arrives on this earth, I can kill two birds with one stone. I pit His greatest weapon against Hell's latest soldier, and when they both weaken each other, I shall destroy them both!"

"You are a genius, my lord!"

Hades smiled at his old friend as he slid into a hooded jacket one of his followers had stolen for him.

"I shall prove to both Heaven and Hell that I am not one to be trifled with. I am the one all should fear. I shall prove to them that their time is nigh! I shall watch as the powers that be tear each other apart and destroy themselves!"

Hades threw back his head and laughed. A coarse, rough and powerful laugh.

"And with the destruction of these champions..." a blue flame lit itself in the palm of Hades' hand and he watched it with glowing eyes, "I shall have no-one left on this earth, nor in any other realm, that can challenge me..."

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