Chapter Ten: Face-to-Face...

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~Ghost's P.O.V.

"Is that what you wanted me to see, Jimmy?" I repeated, coming closer. Jimmy glared at me as he backed away, his knife no where in sight.

"...Yes. All of it!! Why did you forget us, Gregory!?! Me, Jeffery, mom and dad?! Did we not matter anymore!?!" He spat, his eyes blazing crimson fire. I flinched in surprise, my eyes widening slightly.

"I-I couldn't remember even if I wanted! The doctors removed my memories!!" I retorted, regaining my edge. Jimmy scoffed and rolled his eyes as he crossed his arm, obliviously not believing me. Now that I had a closer look at him, I was startled to see he looked just like me; shaggy brown hair, paled skin, and a dark hoodie with jeans. All that was different was his red eyes.

"The doctors did it!' Yeah right! Face it, you didn't want to remember us!! No wonder you pulled Jeffery's cord; you wanted him dead." He stated with venom practically dripping off the words. I froze, my eyes wide. I-I did pull his cord..... but he wasn't going to live anyway......

"Rich. Just rich. He could've lived if you hadn't pulled it!!!" Jimmy yelled, as if hearing my thoughts.

"No he couldn't!! Even if he did, he wouldn't have been the same!!" I yelled back, anger fizzing up. Jimmy snorted and gave a dry laugh of disbelief.

"How could you know? You're not a doctor, nor did you believe he could!!" He yelled, taking a step towards me. I clenched my fists at the approach, ready to fight if I had to.

"No, I wasn't a doctor, but I knew well enough to understand he wasn't going to be the same little brother!!" I yelled, starting to reach my boiling point. Jimmy glared at me, his own fists curling up.

"Face it, you never cared!! You didn't even try to stop Dad like I did!!!" He yelled, punching me across the face. I winced and staggered back, gripping my face. Blood dripped on to the floor from my nose as I looked up to Jimmy. He seemed to be in shock at his action as well as I, his eyes widen and his shoulders tensed.

"I-I.... I didn't mean-" he started only to be cut off by my punch. He gripped his jaw, wincing from the force.

"There.... We're even." I said, wiping my nose of blood. He looked up slightly, spitting out the blood from his mouth.

"Ha.... I guess so... But that doesn't change the fact that-"

"When will you two stop thwoing punches at the other?" Came a soft, kiddish voice. Jimmy and I flinched at the voice.

"Jeffery? I-is that you?!" Jimmy cried out, looking around frantically to find the source. I looked around, anxious to see him too.

"Down here, at the foot of the stairs." Jeffery said, waving a hand to us. Jimmy's eyes widen and he rushed down the stairs to hug him. I followed and hugged Jefferey as well, overjoyed to have him back.

"How are you back? I-I thought..." Jimmy started, only to falter mid-sentence. Jeffery smiled and waved a hand. As he finished the motion, a sort of mirror appeared next to us.

"Well... it's kinda hard to expwain. When you destroy my physical form, you didn't actually send me away to the spwirit world. So, I followed everyone around until I had an chance to talk wif you two." As he spoke, the mirror showed images of a smoky, green spirit running after Jimmy and these other people I didn't know, along with Toast.

"W-what about Serria and Jordan? A-are they.... y-you know....?" Jimmy cut in when it showed two young adults in an image, frozen mid-scream. My eyes widen and my blood went cold; did he kill them?!

"They'll be ok. I changed the forces in their world to heal their wounds and let their spwirits enter their bowdies. They're just sleeping for now, but they'll wake up when I return back to them." Jeffery said, smiling reassuringly to Jimmy. Jimmy gave short sigh in relief as I mumbled a 'thank god' under my breath.

"So.... now what? Aren't we still in my head?" I asked, looking between the two. Jimmy shrugged as Jeffery nodded.

"Honestly, we should head back; the frizzy red head knocked me out with a mop to the face." Jimmy said, giving a weak laugh. I grumbled; now I'M going to have bruises from his doing.

"Gee, thanks, what else did you do, run into a door frame?" I asked sarcastically, only to get a sheepish laugh from him.


"Dang it!!" I exclaimed as he and Jeffery started laughing. I eventually started laughing as well. It felt good to have them both back, even better to know who they were.

"But really.... we must get back. Bethany and Issac must be wrongfully grieving over Jordan and Serria." Jimmy said, looking back to me. I nodded in agreement, anxious to get back as well.

"One more thing, you gwuys... I'll have to go too.... I'm not alive anymore and I can't attach myself to Gregory." Jeffery said, looking down and gripping his wrist. I froze up and felt my eyes widen in realization; H-he'll be gone for good....

"N-no, that can't happen! Why can't you attach yourself to him?" Jimmy questioned, his eyes full of panic and distress. Jeffery smiled weakly.

"...Because you two are closely connected. Only one ghwost can connect to a certain person." He said, looking between us. It felt like ice had pierced my heart. I-I... don't want him gone, but.... me and Jimmy had always been a little closer. I still want Jeffery here, though.

"T-then I'll unattached myself from him for you."

"No. You can't do that; he'll be lost without you, even if I did attach myself with him. You can stay with him, Jimmy." Jeffery persisted, his eyes shimmering with understanding. I felt hot tears welled in my eyes as a feeling of cold helplessness came over me. I-I can't let this happen....

"You must, Gregory..... but remember, you'll swe me around. The laughing of a child, the warm air of the wind.... you'll have us both." Jefferey said, smiling softly. I hugged him tightly, trying to regain my composure. I felt him hug back, as well as Jimmy hugging us as well.

"We'll be ok.... all of us...." I murmured, looking at the two of them. They nodded, Jimmy wiping his eyes. Slowly, but surely, them and the surrounding faded to black. I tried to grab to them, but they slipped past my fingers. Gone....

No. Not gone....

Just not visible. They're still there....

Always and forever.

Broken Memories {P.I.E.'s Johnny Ghost and Jimmy Casket}Where stories live. Discover now