Chapter Seven: Gregory Casket and Jimmy Casket...

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~~Jimmy's P.O.V.~~

"Time's up~!" I intoned playfully, uncovering my eyes. Before me was the grey building my brother had worked for so long. Poor Gregory, this place is so much like home.... he was so lucky to be here.... I thought as I giggled.

"This'll be so fun!! Just like the good 'ole days!!" I exclaimed, running down halls with my wonderful secret. It was dad's secret..... it's now my secret.... I'll tell them my secret..... they will be apart of that secret.... I thought, running through the halls. My feet echoed through the grey halls, the lights on the ceiling flickering.

"Jeez, this place was creepy. This makes it more fun!" I thought aloud, twirling my secret. Sadly, it wasn't tainted in it's favorite color, crimson. I sighed unhappily before running downstairs, jumping into a hallway. It was dark, despite it's few lights with about 6 doors on each side. I walked through it, trying to open some. They all opened, but no hiding places for my friends. I closed the doors back just in case they try switching their spots. One door on the right wouldn't budge, so I pushed as hard as I could. When that didn't work, I kicked it down. You should know I don't give up so easily at my game.

"Ding, dong~!!" I called out, walking over shards of wood that was the door. No answer came. I looked around the dark room. The chairs were scattered and the table crooked. I grinned happily.

"Someone's here!" I called, slicing the small curtains that covered the window. I heard a gasp and some shuffling from a small closet. I walked over to it and tried the knob. I grinned and opened the door, reveling two out five playmates.

"Why, hello~!!" I called as they screamed.


~~Ghost's P.O.V.~~

Gregory..... Is that really my name...? I thought as I gripped my head. Many memories had flooded into my head, but they were mixed, making it hard for me to actually know what memory was what. I shakily shook my head and looked up, only to be greeted by a messy bedroom with a bunk bed and a smaller bed across from it. The room was littered with toys, books, and a few gaming cases. The sheets on the bed were messy and in different colors; green, blue, and red.

"Gwegory! I think the gwost is this way!" I heard a small, kiddish sounding voice call. I flinched at the way he said my- I mean, that name. I turned to the door and saw two boys, one younger than the other wearing tinfoil hats, cardboard chestplates, and rain boots.

"Way to go, Cardboard Friend!" Said the older boy who was wearing way less cardboard than the smaller. I winced at the name, giving a small gasp. C-cardboard.... Friend....? I thought slowly. I've said it before, I just know it..... but why did that younger version of- ..... that boy say it?

"All right, gwost! Come out wif your hands up!" Yelled the small boy, pointing a small tinfoil piece around. The top bunk made a squeak as someone wearing a white sheet with eye holes cut in.

"OooOoo! You'll never take me, ghost hunters!" It yelled playfully, waving its arms much like a stereotypical ghost would. Ghost hunters? What am I hearing and seeing? I thought, staring at the "ghost".

"Oh yes we will! Jeffery, tickle plan A!" The older boy shouted, running toward the bunk. The ghost figure yelped and hung on to the bars of the bunk bed to get down. It ran for the door, only to be stopped by the small boy, who I believe to be, Jeffery.

"Not so fast, gwost!" He yelled before he started tickling the boy underneath the sheet. It squeal and laughed, falling on the ground in attempt to get away from Jeffery. The other boy grinned and joined in, tickling both the boy and Jeffery.

"Gwegory, no!!" Jeffery yelled, giggling. I paused for a moment as I looked to the boy who I guess was Gregory. He had brown eyes and hair and three scars on his cheek from some sort of animal. I put a hand to my face, feeling my own scars. T-that boy..... he's me..... as a kid.... Why don't I remember the other two? I thought, rubbing my arms in confusion.

"Alright, alright! Gregory and Jeffery, get off me!" Yelled the boy under the sheets, poking his head out. I gasped; it's the kid version of Jimmy. He was that kid that told me to look inside this house. But why isn't he pale and skinny like he was before? There's too many questions and not enough answers. I sighed shakily, rubbing my eyes. When I looked up, I was in the living room, but it was dark and only one light was on in the connected kitchen.

"Shh, Gregory, I'm certain I heard Mom scream." I heard a quiet voice say behind me. I turned and saw Gregory (or me, I guess) and Jimmy coming from a hallway. They quietly walked over to the edge of the kitchen door frame and looked at each other.

"Are you sure about this? What if someone's in there with Mom?" Gregory whispered, looking afraid. What scream? I thought as I walked closer to them.

"That means we have to save Mom and get the police. We'll be ok, trust me." Jimmy said, gripping Gregory's shoulder. He nodded and looked in the kitchen slightly. He paled and covered a hand over his mouth, muffling a scream.

"W-what is it?" Jimmy asked quietly. Gregory shakily pointed in the kitchen. Me and Jimmy looked in and paled. I screamed as Jimmy jumped away in fright, tears in his eyes.


Broken Memories {P.I.E.'s Johnny Ghost and Jimmy Casket}Where stories live. Discover now