Chapter Four: A Despairful Game of Hide and Seek: Part 1...

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~~Toast's P.O.V

It felt like everything just stopped.... Like reality had shattered out of existence. I was too immersed in my shock and fear to notice that I was screaming and shaking violently. Not again.... Last time this happened, I almost couldn't break him free... I kept thinking. Cardboard Friend was standing in front of me, protecting me in a way.

"What do you want, Jimmy?!" It yelled, it's cardboard fingers curled into a fist and it's eyes flickering a bright green. Ghost, or Jimmy I guess, simply smirked and cracked his knuckles.

"Isn't it obvious? Why else would I be here?" He said, his voice more high pitched than Ghost's. Somehow, I knew it had an insane undertone to it. I finally managed to calm down enough to stare at him. Jimmy simply gave a creepy smile before ruffling his hair.

"Why..... Why are you here?!" I yelled at him, gritting my teeth.

"I'm here to play! That's all. But Ghost is way too stubborn to let me, so I casted a spell to make him give up control!" He exclaimed, laughing afterwards. I felt my eyes widen and my blood go cold.

"No..... There's no way you did that......" Cardboard Friend said. Jimmy grinned, his red eyes shining.

"Oh, I have, little brother." He said, grinning wider. My eyes widen further. Little brother...?! Cardboard Friend glared at him, his fists tightening.

"Even if you did do it, Gwegorwey will break through in the end!! You know it!!" It yelled, it's eyes flaring brighter. Jimmy gave a quiet chuckle before it turned into a full blown out cry of insane laughter. It seemed his voice pulsated the walls as he continued to laugh.

"Oh, that's so funny! Of course I know that, I'm insane, not an idiot!!" He stated, grinning wide. I felt my fist curl up as I snarled at him. That.....that monster!!!

"But, alas, when will he break through? Will it be just in time or a little too late?" He said with a sneer. I gritted my teeth. Huh?

"What do you mean?" I asked, my tone dripping with anger. Jimmy smiled softly before it turned into a grin.

"I mean, when I play, I can get a little..... Stab, stab, stab!!" He exclaimed, making stabbing motions with his left hand. I felt my eyes widen as I stepped back. H-he means..... He's going to kill us?!

"Well, if I say so myself, we don't have a lot of players to this game." He grinned as he snapped his fingers. In a flash of red light, four young adults I've never seen before appear, their eyes wide. The one wearing a blue hoodie that had a V on it was wearing some headphones and a confused look on his face. The other male, who was slightly taller than the other, was wearing a grey shirt with a rubric cube on it along with jeans. He had a pair of headphones around his neck as he adjusted his glasses. Next to him, was a girl also wearing glasses, but had frizzy orange hair and a green sweater on. She looked scared and confused as she pulled off her own headphones (What is it with these people and headphones?) Another girl with brown hair, glasses, and a purple shirt was looking around as she pulled down a mic on her headphones.

"Huh? W-where are we?" Asked the blue hoodie male. The grey shirt male shrugged while the orange haired one mumbled a 'I don't know'.

"You're in PIE Headquarters." I told the four, making their eyes widen.

"D-did he....?"

"Is t-that....?"

"That voice..... It has to be!"

"That means..... W-we're....!" They were all talking at once, unable to speak full sentences. I looked at them with a raised eyebrow, getting more confused that before.

"I-is..... Is your name Johnny Toast?" Asked the girl in the purple shirt. I nodded as she paled severely.

"Cierra..." Said the orange haired one, putting a shaky hand on her shoulder. Cierra was shaking badly as she hugged the orange haired one.

"Is she ok?" I asked, making the blue hoodie male look up. He was also pale.

"S-she'll be fine. W-we just..... Can't believe this...." He said, gripping his arm.

"Believe what?"

"This. All of this." He said, motioning around the room. I was confused. What does he mean? I decided to brush it off.

"How about you guys introduce yourselves? I'd think he want to know who to save in case something...... Happens....." Jimmy said, giggling like a mad man. The grey shirted man tensed up as the blue hoodied one paled.

"A-are you...?!"

"Jimmy Casket! Not Johnny Ghost!" Jimmy exclaimed, the girl named Sierra to cry out in surprise.

"I-Isaac...... He's....he's real!" The blue one exclaimed. Isaac was shaking badly, holding his arms.

"B-Bethany...Bethany's my name." Said the orange haired one.

"I-Isaac is my name." Said the grey shirted one.

"I'm Jordan." The hoodied one said.

"We're from VenturianTale. The people who made this universe...."

Broken Memories {P.I.E.'s Johnny Ghost and Jimmy Casket}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora