My heart literally began to hurt at the rude words he had just spoken to me.

"Calvin, please, let me explain."

"Explain what? Why you were at the movies with Rob Miller? I already know it's because you want a piece of him like every other girl." Calvin sneered.

I had never known quiet, nerdy Calvin Williams to speak to anyone this way before, and I was surprised that he would actually react like this.

"Can we talk this out?" I pleaded.

He didn't say anything.

"You've got me all confused. Trust me Calvin."

He glared at me. "Fine, get in."

I opened the passenger side door, and he started driving once I was in. I didn't know if we were going anywhere in particular, or just driving until I was finished explaining, but we rode around.

I told Calvin everything. From my insecurities, to how I had wanted that night to be perfect. His facial features eventually softened from the hard, cold expression he had worn earlier.

"I'm sorry I misunderstood." Calvin sighed, as if he had been holding it in.

"Don't be." I said. I hadn't told him about what was said at the movie, or what almost happened, and I would regret it later.

"No really. I said some horrible things."

"Please, that's not even the worse I've heard from someone." I snorted.

"You don't deserve to hear anything bad about yourself. You're an amazing girl."

I blushed and looked away. "Thanks Calvin, but I have to ask, who told you about our date?"

"At first, I had just been hearing talk of it. I thought it was a huge joke at first." he said. I didn't understand why everyone thought me going out for once was a joke. It wasn't even that funny. "But then, Maddie Fuller told me about it."

I gasped. So Maddie knew too. Although I wasn't surprised. She would be one of the first to know, and I just knew who the next was.


"Looks like I'm going to have to deal with her questioning me about that." I sighed. I hadn't checked my phone all day. It was dead, but I was sure it was blown up with people asking questions about me and Rob Miller. "You know, I hate this place, and I'm leaving it someday. People here don't know how to mind their own business."

"It's like that everywhere." Calvin chuckled.

"Well, I'm sure it's not as bad in some places as it is in others." I said.

Me and Calvin drove a little more, and talked a bit before he eventually drove me back to my house. I was exhausted, and I had no clue why. The summer heat was really starting to take its toll on me. Not to mention I was already getting a pretty nice tan in from it.

It was even hotter inside my house, and I checked my phone when I went inside. Just as I expected, several people were asking me things, but I ignored them all. Believe it or not, I wasn't the type of teenager who spent hours on end on their cellular devices. I liked to actually get out and interact with people, do things, not just text. I know that may sound completely bogus considering I had no real people to interact with, but it was the truth.

I ended up dozing off for a good few minutes before someone knocked on our door.

I'm sure you could guess who it was.

Rob and I walked over to his house and sat down on the infamous porch swing where we had our previous conversation. He looked happy for once, and was actually smiling.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"According to everyone around here, us." he said in a matter of fact tone.

"You don't say." I sighed.

"Does it bother you?"

"It bothered Calvin." I said, not wanting to express how I myself felt about the situation.

"You mean the guy you went on that date with?" Rob asked me.

"Yeah, I had to beg him for some time to let me explain things."

"Is everything okay between you two now?"

I shrugged. "I guess. He still looked pretty depressed about it though."

It was quiet for a moment, then Rob said, "I've gotta ask, does he know what happened between us last night? You know, the awkward kiss thing that never actually happened?"

I blushed. "No."

"Heather, honestly, do you have a crush on me?"

I snorted. "No." I said a little unsurely.

"Sure." Rob smirked.

I rolled my eyes, trying to think of a new topic because this one made me feel awkward and uncomfortable. "Do you ever want to get away from Ohio?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know, leave it all behind, never come back. Like do you ever imagine what life's like beyond this state?" I asked.

Rob nodded. "Everyday, yes."

"I've got plans to leave someday. I save all the money I get from babysitting in this huge jar. It's not much, but it's a start."

"That's smart. I'm glad you've got dreams, and don't just plan on being stuck here after high school." Rob said.

"Ohio isn't forever." I muttered under my breath, not really paying much attention. Every time I talked of leaving I drifted off into my own little world where I had everything I could ever want and need.


I snapped out of my trance, and turned to a confused Rob. "Uh, nothing."

"Did you just say Ohio isn't forever?" he asked.

I shook my head. "It's kind of like my mantra when things around me get a little too crazy."

Rob smiled. "I like that." he said. "I might just steal that little mantra of yours."

I rolled my eyes but smiled back at him. In this moment everything was calm even though it really wasn't because we had half the town talking about us, but I didn't care.

"Will you take me with you when you leave?" Rob asked.

I snorted. "You're joking. You'd want to be stuck with me?"

"What better person could I end up being stuck with?"

"Well alright Rob Miller, I'll take you with me." I laughed.

"Promise?" he asked.


"You're never supposed to break those you know. I hope you hold true to your word." he said.

"I do."

And so there I was, spending the rest of the day until it got dark out chatting with Rob Miller about the most random things. Our futures, our current lives, what we wanted to become. I don't know how we ended up getting so far into each topic, but it felt nice.

It felt nice to have someone to open up to. Someone who wouldn't judge me for anything, and you know I think that's about around the time I started realizing that maybe I did have one real friend in Cleveland.

And their name was Rob Miller.

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