Chapter 10: Pyromaniac Much?

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Its three now and Raven hasn't come out of her room. We've been waiting for her decision. If she doesn't come out by four were gonna have to do in and check.

Even if that happens if she's gone I guess we know her decision.

I feel bad putting all this pressure on her but sometimes you need to do that to get stuff done.

"Friends, do you think that she will choose to stay?"

"Before Monday, yes. After Monday, heck no. But who knows." Cyborg answers.

"Raven knows." I say.

"She might not even know." Robin says.

"Should we go check?" Star asks for the third time in the past hour.

"No!" We all say.

I swear were all turning into Raven.

We sound just like her when she's yelling at us.

Maybe we should go check on her...I'm getting kind of anxious.

I start walking to the door and knock. The others follow me without hesitation oddly enough.

"Anybody? Hello?" No answer. I look back at Robin.

"Rave? You there?"

"Raven? You can like, come out now." Cyborg says.

"Yes! It is the day of decision making!" I'm tired of this. I turn into a fly and slip through.

She's not here....

I could have sworn last night would have done it for her, but I must have underestimated Rage. And I must have underestimated Slade.

I really just want to force her to come back, but that wouldn't bode well for her relationship with any of us.

I guess... we'll have to do without her....

I go back through the door and morph.

"Is she there?" Robin asks. I slowly shake my head. Everybody looks sad now. I hate to be the bearer of bad news.


Raven's POV

Ugh... My head. Where, where am I? It's too dark to see anything.

Am, am I tied to a chair? The metal feels cold and unforgiving against my skin. I don't have my cloak on either.

I've got a towel over my mouth and I smell kerosene. Why is there kerosene in here?

This rope rubbing against my wrists and my ankles is chafing. I try to squint to get a good look of my surroundings. Or at least what I cab see which is virtually nothing.

I make my chakra glow with a spell I learned from Slade. It makes the room a faint red and it lets me see stuff about a yard and a half away.

Looking around I only see boxes upon boxes if worthless crap. Spare parts and broken things. I look down and see that the ropes aren't rope. They're metal cuffs with tiny spikes that make it feel like rope. Who made these?

The last thing I remember is being in my room getting ready to–

What's that? Is that a foot? I can't tell if that's somebody's foot or its a spare part that looks like one.

I'm not I the Tow–

Oh my god! No no no please no!

Beast Boy POV

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