Should I risk my life for her?

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All I could do was stare and just sit there. My face had the least amount of expression on it. I didn’t now whether I should move or not move. I was afraid that if I had moved they would think that something was wrong. So I just sat there in there orange and red seat that had the best type of cushion on it. I just sat there comfortably. “Dude you heard him talking to you.”

I looked up in surprise, “hmm, what... what are you talking about?” I tried to say in surprise.

“Well I said you looked familiar and you didn’t say a word, to me that sounds like you do know that I know you and or you are a known person which one is it?”

I didn’t want to put ideas in his head so I just tried to come up with the smallest answers I could think of. “Well uh no.”

I could tell by the look in his eye that he knew who I was and that he was going to do everything in his power to figure out who I was. If I was to say one more thing I might have blown my cover. But I knew he wasn’t going to say much more so I just sat back like everything was fine.

“OK so I’m here now what?” I said trying to figure out why they even wanted me here in the first place. I was going to find out one way or another.

“Well Mr. impatient for your information we are here because we want to discuss this trade that’s going down tonight that you are going to handle for us.”

I looked up in fear. I didn’t know what to do for this. Was I to do what they wanted me to do or was I to go my own way and maybe get caught. So I decided to go with the plan that I was going to us previously, get them busted but leave before the cops show up so they don’t think I did anything.

“Hey bru before you even think about doing anything I need for you to do something for me. I need you to make sure that nothing happens that not supposed to. Oh and if something does happened just know that I will have someone to come and kill you and your family boy, got it? Good!”

My hands began to shake from the horror I had gotten from the guy speaking, he made me shiver and I don’t want to mess with him. He was the one person I knew I had to do what he said or I was a goner

When the meeting was finally over things just seemed to keep going. 10 minutes after the meeting I sat there listening to what they wanted me to do tonight. I didn’t want to do this at all but I already knew what was going to come out of the cops mouth, you have to do it Joe or else things are just going to get worst for Christy she needs you Joe and if you don’t do this you are letting her down.

I wanted to help Christy but I wanted to help myself also. I just don’t know whether I should care for others before myself but I now which ever I choose something is going to go wrong.

That Night...

(trucks pulling up)

“Hey get that over there” someone yelled

“What are you talking about, but uh boss wanted to know whether this was all of it.?”

“Yeah it is once you grab that over there.”

“Oh OK, I'll tell boss its all here, hey where is that one guy that’s supposed to be handling this stuff?”

“Dude he's right there hearing everything you say.”

“Oh hey dude, hows it going? Do you think you can handle selling these boxes all by yourself?”

I just looked up at him like he was a dumb fool I wanted to just yell at him and say Of course you idiot I'm Joe Jonas I can sell anything come on now wheres you intelligence? But instead I just nodded my head hoping he would just shut up. I grabbed one of the boxes wondering to myself what was inside. But in my head I already knew what it was I knew that each one of these boxes contained drugs that was smuggled across the boarder. I knew that all they wanted me to do was make them there money without them even paying me what a mess they were.

For old times sake (joe jonas story)Where stories live. Discover now