For old times sake (joe jonas story)

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One day I was going through some old things of mine when I came across an old yearbook. When I opened it I saw that there was tons of pictures of me in there, well there should be I did like everything I could to get in that year book. But when I kept going through the pages I had hit a page that caught my attention the most. And that was a picture of an old girl friend and me and we won best couple of the year.

            When I saw the picture I wanted to cry because I started to remember the old days and I wanted to go back to them. Christy was the love of my life and I wanted to see her for old time’s sake. So I was going to go on a mission to find out how all of my high school buddies where, so I went on the Internet and I began to search for them. I didn’t come across much so I knew what I had to do. I had to go back to the school we all graduated from.

            When I got there the school looked as if it was a whole knew place, but it still had the same vibe. When I walked in, there was now security checking everyone and then there was a medal detector to make sure that no one had a weapon of any kind. But when I stepped in the office I saw that my old principle was still there and I walked right up to her and said “hello”

            She looked up at me and said “Omg! What are you doing here?” I started to smile because I was happy that she remembered who I was. I came up to her and gave her a big hug and said “I'm here because I wanted to know how everyone is doing now days” she looked at me and said, “well I know that some of them are ok, but some of them went in the wrong path.” When she said that all I could think in my head was “wow, what happened to them” but I didn’t want to just up and say that.

            But to my surprise she asked me “do you want to know where they are?” I looked up at her and said “yeah, and if you can, give me there phone numbers and what not” she said that she could do it and I was definitely excited. When she gave me a list of them all I saw that they didn’t go very far. My best friend still lived in the same house as senior year and I decided that I was going to his house first.

            When I got there everything was still the same, and when I knocked on the door I saw that everything was exactly the same as I left it. When he got to the door I could tell that he didn’t know who I was and I said “Hi man, its me Joe” he looked at me up and down and said “wow, man is it really, the awesomely talented Joe Jonas?” I started to shake my head and said, “Yeah man.”

            He invited me in and I knew that I was going to have the talk of my life but I didn’t care because I got to see an old friend that I haven’t seen since I graduated. He started asking me questions like “so how was singing like a pro?” I looked at him and said “why did you said was, I’m still a singer, but now I’m getting into acting and if you want to say dancing”

            I sat there for about 3 hours just telling him about how life was as a celebrity. He was excited to know that I remembered who he was and I was glad that he was happy. But me seeing him wasn’t really why I came here; I wanted to know how Christy was. So I asked him and he said “oh her, um well she is kind of doing ok I guess.” “What do you mean you guess, how is she?” his eyes got kind of watery and he said “well after you left she said that she didn’t really have a purpose in life any more so she went over to drugs, she is now a prostitute and is being pimped out all over the city”

            I was upset that she was doing really badly, but I think what really made me upset was the fact that he said that she was doing OK. So I asked him “where is she?” he didn’t want to answer my question so I knew that I had to make him. When I grabbed his shirt and nearly picked him up he started to talk “Ok, Ok man I know where she is just put me down” the reason that he was so afraid was because I had grown since the last time he saw me. I now had a 6 pack and he also had a 6 pack, of beer. He had a really big beer belly and I was happy that I had got out of the situation where I would be living like that.

            I told him that “I’m happy to see you and if you’re ever in L.A then you can come over and say hello.” He said, “I will, and hey can I have you phone number you know to keep contact.” I gave him my number and as soon as I walked out of the door I got a text and it said, “Hey man can I come live with you?” I started to laugh and I said, “no, you have your own wonderful life why would you want to live with me, you life would be hell?” he texted me back saying “my life is hell”

            As I got back in my car I started to notice that more and more text messages were coming to my phone, I just thought that it was my brothers and my mom trying to figure out where I had gone, but when I looked at my phone it was numbers that I had never seen before. I wrote one person back and said “who are you?” and she replied “I’m your wife” I was shocked and replied “umm how did you get this number?” she didn’t answer back for a while then said “from you, remember you told that one guy and that’s how I got it”

            I didn’t know what she was talking about at first then I realized that she was talking about Tony, she over heard me giving my number to him and she started texting me. I had forgotten what a big celebrity I was, I had totally forgotten that I was famous and I had stalker fans. When I got here its like my whole life in the lights was over and it seemed as if I was a normal person until this fan started texting me.

            I knew that I had to get my number changed and I had to do it fast. But the only bad part about doing that is everyone has to know that I changed it, including my old friend Tony. But I realized a smart way to do it. But as I kept driving I got a text by someone I knew and that was Tony, he said “dude, thank you so much for coming over” I told him “you welcome” then he said “because of you I now have all the chicks” I didn’t know what he was talking about then he said “now chicks know that I know you, now they want to know me” I started laughing and told him “your welcome dude.”

            When I got to the street where Christy was supposed to be I looked in my rear view mirror and I saw that there was this car that looked as if they were following me. Then I started to think really hard and I started to remember why I had left in the first place, and it wasn’t because of fame and fortune. It was because I had got so rapped up in everything cool, I had joined a gang, and me leaving pissed them off, they now had a price on my head…

For old times sake (joe jonas story)Where stories live. Discover now