[Chapter 8] Open The Door

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-Anthony's POV-

I hung up the phone from the call with Ian and glanced over my shoulder at Rachael. She had looked up from her laptop that sat on her lap, listening to my conversation.

"Who was that?" She inquired.

"Ian," I answered, walking over to her and sitting down on the couch next to her. I glanced down at her laptop screen and saw that she was looking at apartments. I rose my eyebrow in confusion. Before I could ask her what the hell she was doing looking up apartments for, she asked me:

"What'd he call you for?"

I leaned back in the couch and shrugged my shoulders, "He wants to meet up with me for lunch and tell me something."

"What do you think he wants to tell you?" She remarked, closing her laptop and setting it down on the coffee table. She leaned back and looked at me with a slight smile.

"I don't know," I told her, glancing away from her, "I'm not even sure I want to meet up with him..."

"You have to!" She exclaimed eagerly. I jerked my head back at her, "I mean..." She continued softer, "It's probably to discuss bringing Smosh back or something..." She scratched behind her head, "I don't know..."

"I think you do," I stated, leaning in closer to her, "Rachael, did you make Ian do this?"

She avoided my gaze and remained silent.

"Rachael, you did!" I demanded.

"No I didn't," She murmured under her breath, "I didn't make him do that."

I scoffed, "Sure..."

"Just go, Anthony," She remarked, looking over at me with sincere eyes, "What's the worst that can happen? He tries to make things go back to the way they were?"

"Things are fine the way they are now," I snapped at her, "I don't need Ian or the stupid-ass YouTube career I used to have. I've got all I need," I blushed, "I've got you."

She just stared at me, speechless. I leaned in slowly, placed my hand softly under her jawline, and pressed my lips against hers. She pushed me away, "You make me sick!" She exclaimed before she got up from the couch, and walked away from me, slamming her bedroom door behind her.

I heaved a sigh and ran my fingers through my hair. Maybe things weren't as fine as I thought they were...

-Ian's POV-

I sat there, watching the clock on the wall tick with each minute. 1:27...1:28...1:29... My hope was fading as each minute passed by. Anthony wasn't coming. Why did I even think he would agree to come talk with me? The last time we tried to talk, it ended up in an argument.

Just as I was about to give up, there was a knock on my door. I slowly looked over at it. Another knock. "Come on, man!" His familiar voice emanated from behind the white door, "I'm sorry I'm late, I just...open the door."

I practically ran to the door, my heart beat getting faster and faster with each step I took. I grasped the doorknob, but hesitated to turn it. What if I wasn't ready to make things right? What if...?

"I'm serious, Ian," Anthony said, "Open this damn door before I change my mind!"

I turned the knob and swung the door open. I stood there, frozen, when I saw him. He looked the same, but I felt like I didn't know him anymore. It was like meeting someone new.

"Hey," He greeted, slipping his hands into his pockets, "So, where are we going for lunch?"

I swallowed hard, unable to answer him. I was in too much shock.

"How about our favorite Chinese place?" He suggested, "And it can be on me if you want. I brought some cash..." He said, pulling out his wallet and opening it.

"No," I remarked, snatching his wallet away from him, "It's on me."


We sat at the table by the window of the Chinese place, eating our lunch and not saying a word to each other. I set down my empty carton and cleared my throat, "Anthony, I wanted to tell you something." He glanced up at me with a mouth-full of noodles. Months ago I would've burst into laughter, but things were different. I shook my head before continuing, "I'm not sure if it's been as hard for you as it's been for me, but..."

"This needs to stop," He finished my sentence for me. I leaned back in the booth seat. "I mean, I tried to make it seem like ending Smosh and ending our friendship was nothing to me. But...I was lying to myself. And everyone else too." I allowed the corner of my lips curl up into a slight smile He sighed and folded his hands on the table, "I say we bring back Smosh. The way it used to be. With you and me being complete idiots in front of a camera."

"I don't know..." I said. An expression of disbelief crossed Anthony's face. I laughed, "I'm kidding, man."

He shot me a glare, "You're an asshole, you know that, right?"

I chuckled, "Oh, Anthony..."

"So, Smosh is back. What about Rachael and Natalie and Nachael Squared?" He question, taking a sip of his drink.

"What about them?" I retorted.

"You're serious?" He questioned me. I nodded my head yes. He shook his head, "We tore them apart, Ian. Rachael's miserable without Natalie. And I'm sure Natalie's the same way. The least we can do is bring them back together."

I crossed my arms, "Fine...but how? Natalie's not talked to Rachael in weeks and I highly doubt Rachael is going to talk to Natalie."

"Well we'll just have to make them," He remarked with a sly smirk.

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