[Chapter 5] What About Smosh?

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-Ian's POV-

"It's not fair..." I remarked, leaning back in the couch, "Why do we have to suffer and they get everything? I mean, Rachael got the Nachael Squared rights, right?"

"She actually stopped Nachael Squared a while ago," Natalie answered. "She said it wasn't the same without me. But she wasn't willing to work with me again..."

"So what do you do now? You know, now that you don't do Nachael Squared."

She frowned, "To be honest, I don't know what I'm doing."

"At least your sister didn't replace you like Anthony did to me," I stated coldly, vividly remembering what went down between me and Anthony...


I was driving home when I heard my phone go off. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw that an unknown number was calling me. But the number wasn't unknown, unfortunately. It was Anthony's number, one I had embedded in my memory and couldn't forget. Why would he be calling me?

I pressed the answer button and pinned the cell phone between my shoulder and ear, "What's up?" I greeted as casually as I could.

"We need to talk," He answered hastily, as if he was doing something.

"About what?" I growled back.

"Just meet me at Smosh Headquarters in twenty minutes, okay? We'll talk about it there."

"Anthony, I..." I was cut off by the sound of the ending beep. I glared at my phone and slammed it down on the passenger seat. I made a U-Turn and started heading that way. I had nothing to do and I wasn't far from the headquarters.


Anthony sat across from me at the table, picking at the food he brought for him and me. I cleared my throat, causing him to glance up at me, "Uh...why are we here?" I asked him.

"Well," He wiped his mouth with a napkin, "Since we're not friends anymore," He started, "I began to wonder about what's going to happen to Smosh..."

"What about Smosh?" I retorted, worried about what he was going to say about it.

"Well, I was thinking...Smosh was my idea, so..."

"Are you asking me to just give up Smosh?" I inquired, choking on the sip of soda I just took.

He avoided my gaze and said nothing. But his silence spoke a thousand words.

"You know what?" I snapped at him, slamming my hands down on the table, "Fine, Anthony. I'll give up Smosh. But it was a stupid idea anyways. We were stupid-ass teenagers who were obsessed with Pokemon and Power Rangers. We shouldn't have gotten this far anyways!" Anthony was speechless. I stood there, breathing heavily and my cheeks burning. I heaved a sigh, "You know what? I'll see you later." I said before walking out.


And about two weeks later, I was checking my email when I got a notification. One from YouTube. Saying that there's a new video for Smosh's 2nd Channel. The new video called "Important Message!!!"

I raised my eyebrow and curiously clicked on the video. The web page came up and there was Anthony, sitting at the dining table.

"Hey, guys!" He greeted with a smile, "Well, I don't know if there's anyway to break this news easily, but Ian...he's taking a break. So, while he's gone," Just then, Stevie jumped in from the side, "Stevie here is going to be his..."

"Replacement!" Stevie squealed, overjoyed about taking my position. My eyes widened and I leaned forward, not wanting believe I just heard what I just heard.

"Yeah," Anthony said followed by a sigh, patting Stevie on the shoulder, "Replacement."

I slammed down the laptop screen and covered my face, letting out a loud and shrilling scream of distress.

-Anthony's POV-

I closed my eyes and pressed the right side of the mouse. I slowly opened my eyes and frowned, turning around in the office chair to see Rachael leaning on the threshold of the door with her arms crossed over her chest. "Uploaded it," I announced sadly.

She shook her head, "Is this really what you want, Anthony?" She questioned, "Replacing your best friend with someone else?"

I ran my fingers through my hair, "No...but what am I supposed to do?" I snapped back at her, "He's gone mad!"

"I know, but...replacing him? Don't you think that's a little too far?"

I frowned, "I didn't say it. Stevie did. I just agreed with him."

She shook her head.

"What?" I extended my arms out to the side, "It's not like you and Natalie are on better terms!"

She walked up to me and stuck her finger in my face, "We're on bad terms only because of you. If you didn't come that day and made Ian make me and Nat choose between the two of you!"

"I was already there, Rach!" I argued. "It was Ian who showed up!"

Rachael glared at me, "Maybe Natalie's right...I did choose the wrong person."

"No!" I jumped to my feet and clutched her upper arms, "No...I am the right decision."

"Well I'm starting to think you're not," She murmured under her breath, avoiding my gaze.

I tilted her head up, so that she was looking at me, "Rach, I need you to believe me. I'm trying to do what's best. For Smosh. For me. For everyone."

"What's best is that you fix this," She remarked under her breath, poking me in the chest, "Because, thanks to you, my sister left me. For good," I watched as a teardrop rolled down her cheek, "And soon enough, I'm going to leave you for good too." She threatened before walking out of the house, closing the door gently behind her.

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