The Truth

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I don't own Haikyuu or any of its characters but I do own all of the OC's, and I don't own you. Alrighty then here we gooo!
I wake up the next morning with dark bags under my eyes. I barely got any sleep because of Tendou's statement. It just kept on replaying in my head over and over. Did he really mean it? Or did he just mean platonically?

That's it, I'm going over there, ASAP. I stomp down the stairs, disturbing Sabrina, my brother's girlfriend, who was sitting quietly on the couch. "Good morning!" She says to me cheerfully in English. Since I can speak fluent English I answer back in English with a smile on my face.

"Morning! If my brother asks where I am tell him I'm across the street, please and thank you!" I say as I get my shoes on and walk out the door.

"Okay!" I hear her respond quickly before the door shuts completely. I look both ways before crossing the street, and cross over to his house. I get up to his porch and knock loudly on the door.

"Coming!" I hear Kyoko say, I hear her come to the door and she opens the door.

"Good heavens child! Did you sleep okay? You look terrible!"

"Thank you Kyoko-san, but I need to talk to Tendou."

"Oh, of course! I'll have breakfast ready when you two get down here!"

"Okay, thank you!" I make my way up the stairs and in front of his bedroom door. I knock quietly.

"Tendou, can I come in?" There was some grumbling that took as an okay to come in. I open the door to see his crap strewn all over his room.

"Why are you here?" He asks me rudely.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because you hate me now probably."

"No, I don't. I'm here to talk to you about yesterday."

"What about it?"

"Did you really mean it? Do you love me? The truth, please." He paused for a long moment. Finally he sits up in his bed, he looks like crap, but he gives me that look that he gives his opponents in a volleyball match.

"Why would I love you? No, I didn't mean it. I don't even know why I was so happy to reunite with you in the first place, just leave me alone."

My eyes widen, then fill with unshed tears, I violently wipe my eyes. I shake my head and back away.

"You, Tendou Satori are by far the worst friend I have ever had, I wish I would have never reunited with you either! Of all the people that have stabbed me in the back, you were the person that I least expected to do that to me. Well, that's what I get for trusting someone again, goodbye." I say as I walk out of his room into the hallway.

"Goodbye, and never come here again!"

"Don't worry I won't!" I yell from the staircase.

I run to the door and get my shoes on quickly.
"(Y/n)? Where are you going? Why were you guys yelling?"

"Ask your jerk face of a son, tell him he's never allowed at my house ever again." I get my shoes on and walk out the door. I run across the street without looking both ways, I almost got hit by a car. But I didn't care, I get inside the house, go upstairs, go into my room and lock myself in. I don't even come downstairs for dinner, my brother has to bring it to me. I spend the rest of the break that way, and when it's time for school again, Tendou and I don't even glance at each other in the halls.
I know it's short but I meant for it to be that way. I just needed a heartbreak chapter so I could get on to the good stuff. You're welcome my beauties! Have a nice day!

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