Missing You

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Guess who's back, back again. I don't own Haikyuu or any of its characters but I do own all of the out characters, and I don't own you.
I get up the next morning and get ready for school an hour early once again feeling like a zombie, but it gets worse. I saw Tendou at the train station, so I go into the coffee shop hoping to not run into him. I even made a nice conversation with the cute barista.

But knowing my luck Tendou walked right up to the counter, not knowing it's me, and orders a large black coffee, like usual. He looks over at me and he freezes. He then trains his gaze ahead on the coffee machine that was there.

The cute barista starts to hand me my French Vanilla Cappuccino but holds it away from me for a moment. I frown but he smiles playfully.

"What's your name?" He asked with a teasing lilt to his voice. 

"Well, how about I tell you after I come back after school today, m'kay?" He looks at me and swallows. Before putting on a smirk and handing me my coffee.

"Don't forget Doll." He said giving me a wink before walking to the back. I blush while staring with wide eyes straight ahead.

"Tch." I said as I walk quickly out of the cafe. I take a drink out of my coffee, to find that it's somewhat cooled off already. He put ice cubes in it so I could drink it right off the bat. The train pulls into the station and I step on to find the elderly lady there already.

"Good morning." I say to her sounding surprisingly cheerful sounding.

"Good morning. How are you?"

"I'm fine, thank you. How are you?"

"I'm great. Thank you." We sit there chatting about anything and everything until I turn around to throw my cup away to see Tendou walk onto the train right at that moment. I drop the cup into the trash can and sit back in my chair, willing the train to just move already.

I see the lady look confused for a moment and she eventually asks me what's up.

"Why aren't you two talking to each other, did something happen?" I knew Tendou heard because I heard his head whip around to look at us.

"Oh, well, I really would not like to talk about it. I'm sorry." I hear Tendou snort but I ignore it for the sake of the peace on the train. Finally the train begins to move and I sigh with relief.

The train ride grows long and awkward for Tendou and I. The train finally stops and I stand slowly because I know Tendou will want to be the first out, so I wait so I won't have to cross paths with him.

"Have a good day ma'am." I say in the threshold of the train.

"Have a good day young lady, and try to patch things up with that boy alright?"

"Yes, I'll try miss." I say stepping off. The walk to school was long and boring without him. I finally made it to the school gate and Kayo was waiting for me there.

"Hello Asami! How are you today?"

I don't want to hurt anyone else with my words, what do I do?!

"Just peachy Kayo, how are you?" I say
it sounds nasty, I didn't mean for it to come out like that.

"Asami? Are you okay? That was really rude, you're not usually rude-"

"Well that's just how my day is going you know? You have those days where you're just plain nasty to everyone? Even your friends? Don't take it personally. I had a really rough weekend."

"Okay then, I'll leave you then?"

"That's probably best for the both of us."

"Okay, see you later!" She walks ahead of me as I go to the vending machine. I get a milk box and drink it aggressively.
(A/n) lol Kags af)

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