Present Time

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Sorry if that last part was bad, I know it was kind of sad I almost cried but ya know, I'm kind of a sap. So here's the next part hope you enjoy~ (oh and I forgot to mention that I do not own Haikyuu or any of its characters, though I do own all of the out characters. And I don't own you either~)
Here I am, I actually got accepted into Shiratorizawa Academy. That entrance exam was a pain in the ass, but I studied until I literally had a mental breakdown, and now here I am.

This campus is huge, oh my gosh I'm so excited. I'm only 159 cm. Tall so being around all of these flipping tall people was pretty intimidating. But I didn't care, I am studying at the Shiratorizawa academy.

I make my way through the halls trying to make it to my first class on time, though it's proving to be challenging due to the many people in the halls trying to get people to join their clubs, and the people joining clubs. I finally make it to the classroom I'm supposed to be in after walking into many different classrooms that weren't mine. But I finally found it, I'm glad I came almost 45 minutes early. I sit down in the seat a row from the back closest to the window. I was basically vibrating in my seat from excitement. But I knock it off as soon as someone gives me a dirty look.

I give a little pout and pull out my phone, seeing that I have many notifications from my text messages. My sister was blowing up my phone with worried texts. I give her a text that tells her to shut up because I'm in class.

So then I put my phone away just as the teacher arrives. So we all stand and greet the teacher, she tells us to sit and we begin to introduce ourselves. Many people go before me and when it's my turn I stand slowly and carefully.

"My name is Asami (y/n), my middle school was Kitagawa Daichii, please take care of me."

A few people stared at me wide-eyed, but soon after I sat down and the next person stood up, all attention was off of me thankfully. I hated attention, unless it was from someone close to me. After everyone was done introducing themselves we settled down and listened to the lesson, me taking notes aggressively.

Time skip, lunch break~

A girl I met in second period was talking my ear off for the past 5 minutes and I was already exhausted. Her name was Kayo Katsumi, she had every. Single. Class. With. Me. Of course she wasn't a bad girl, she was actually really nice, but she was a very energetic girl.

Much like me if I warm up to someone enough.

We go into the lunch room and we sit at a table with a bunch of girls talking about many topics at once, but one caught my attention.

"Soooo, who all is going to join the volleyball club? I hear that they are really lacking members this year~"

"Good riddance, they never won very many games anyway."

Really? I thought Shiratorizawa was supposed to be really good at volleyball?

"Where can you sign up?" I ask quietly.

"Whaaat? Do you want to join or something? Wow, braaave!"

All of these different voices talking to me at once was really overwhelming so I just hide my face behind my hair and sigh.

"No, forget about it." I say softly.

So I just kind of stare at my bento until someone taps on my shoulder.

"Uh, are you gonna eat that?"

I turn around to find myself face-to-face with a guy that looks to be a third-year looking at me with a screwed-up face, with spiky red hair.

Don't Forget Me. Tendou Satori x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now