Another Day In Paradise!

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I wake with a start as my alarm clock blares really loud American music into my ears.

"Ahh!" I yell as I promptly fall off the bed hitting my head on the night stand.

"Ouch! Mother Trucker! I am not okay!" I scream into the emptiness of the room. I slam my hand down on the snooze button on the alarm clock and rub my face with the balls of my hands. I look at the clock and it's an hour fast. I groan and flop onto the floor.

"Might as well get ready for school..."

So I get my uniform on and turn on my radio I have downstairs in the kitchen. I put my (h/c) hair up in a ponytail because I don't want to mess with it. I whip up some breakfast while dancing to the music. Once it's done I sit down and as I'm eating I scroll through my Tumblr.

Once I'm done eating I look at the clock on my phone.

"Ack, I'm running 45 minutes early!"

Then there's a few harsh knocks on the door.

"Who is it?!"

"It's the police! You've stolen something important!"

"What? I stole something? What did I steal!?"

I say fearfully opening the door.

"My heart."

I see Tendou standing there bowing to me. I shut the door in his face.

"Hey! It was just a joke! Let me in!"

"Just let yourself in, its open!" I yell from the kitchen. So he walks in cautiously.

"Does this mean I can let myself in any time?"

"Sure, just never walk into my room without consent."

"Got it boss!"

"Did you eat breakfast?"

"Of course! Did you?"


"Hey, I brought some manga for you, if you wanted to borrow it for a while..."

"Really?" I say my eyes lighting up.

"Yes, but I would rather you leave it here so that you pay attention in class."

"Fine, since it's yours it's only fair I obey your rules."

"Yay! Let's head to school." He says placing the bag of manga he brought on the counter.

"Ugh, okay, lets gooo!" I say tugging him out the door, locking it behind me.

Time skip they're at school now~

I walk into the gate with Tendo only to be pulled away from him by Kayo. She immediately begins to talk about something but I stop walking with her for a moment. I turn around and see Tendou standing there looking like a kicked puppy.

"Tendou! C-mere!" I say waving him over. He looks at me happily and jogged over.

"I thought you were gonna leave me, glad ya didn't though." He says, if he was a dog I'm sure his tail would be wagging.

"Ha ha, you can't get rid of me that easily! Kayo, it's okay that he hangs out with us right?"  She looks uncomfortable, probably because he looks, "scary" or some crap like that.

"I know you think I look scary, but I'm not really a monster." I turn to him with a surprised look on my face.

"Okay, yeah it's fine. I let those girls influence me, ha ha sorry Tendou!"

"It's fine... what's your name?"

"Oh! It's Kayo Katsumi!"

"Tendou Satori, nice to meetcha!"

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