Suppressing the memory, I focused back on Louis. "Yes. I can't really recommend it though. I mean, Leonardo DiCaprio is nice to look at but the plot was plain boring. What's your favorite movie?"

He didn't even think about it. "Fast and Furious 4."

"Huh," I murmured. "I don't really like action movies," I commented.

"So," he began, blue eyes glistering with humor, "what do you like then?"

"Hmm," I fake-thought. "I really like long baths. And melon shower gel. It softens the skin. And," I added, lowering my weight on my forearm, pushing the now empty plate aside, "I like to change out of my bra after a long day of taking classes in college and studying for exams."

Louis took a deep breath. "Maybe that's what you should do then," he said, his eyes flickering down to my chest.

"Wanna help me?" I asked bluntly.

"I'd be glad to," he whispered, standing up, pushing his chair aside and coming over to my side.

He wrapped his protective arms around my waist and lifted me up. I put my arms around his neck and tugged his head down, close to mine. He looked me in the eyes before his soft lips were placed on mine, awaking a tingly feeling deep inside my chest.

I nibbled at his bottom lip, mentioning for him to open his mouth. He let his tongue slip out, guiding it into my mouth to fight with my tongue, keeping it down and winning this little game.

His hands travelled down my body to my waist, pressing me into him. My hands went up to his hair, pulling slightly. His lips left kisses down my neck, travelling along my collarbone to my neckline.
With one swift motion, he picked me up and carried me to his bedroom, placing me softly down on the bed.

I pulled his shirt over his head before he got on top of me, straddling me with his weight. My hands felt down his chest, touching his hard muscles. His skin was tanned and very, very soft. He was thoughtful for a moment but then his hands started to work, taking off my shirt and pulling down my jeans. I lifted my hips so he had an easier time ridding me off my jeans.

I opened his belt without any problems this time but Louis still grinned down at me. I rolled my eyes and tugged down his jeans with a lot of force, making him grin even wider.

He unclasped my bra, tossing it aside. My pants were removed with his teeth but within seconds he moved back up to my dripping center, burying his face between my legs and blowing cool air onto my clit. He slowly licked up my slit, leaving me gasping for air. My hands grabbed his hair once again, pulling forcefully.

Just when I thought he would back up to kiss me, he plunged his tongue deep into my core. I moaned loudly, still gasping for air.

I pulled at his hair again, harder this time, forcing him to meet my gaze. His eyes slowly lifted up to meet mine and he smiled evilly.

I shifted my weight and pulled him close to me, pressing my mouth to his. He leaned back down, smiling at me before getting up. He went over to his desk, opened the drawer and I closed my eyes, knowing exactly what he would do now.

The bed shifted slightly. "I might need a little help," he whispered close to my ear. I opened my eyes and looked down at the little package in his hand. My hands went down to pull down his boxers. I snatched the condom from his fingers and rolled it onto his long and hard dick. He moaned quietly, letting his tongue flicker over his lips.

My right hand went up to stroke his face. He laid on top of me, putting his body in between my legs and shifting his weight onto his forearms. He pressed his forehead onto mine and let his hot breath fan over me. I took one deep breath and he slowly pushed into me, closing his eyes and pressing one longing kiss to my lips.

His thrusts began slowly but soon moved to a faster pace. Louis was pounding into me and our moans synchronized.

My long finger nails scratched along his back, making him gasp. He pressed his mouth on mine again, pushing his tongue into my mouth, letting our tongues dance.

My right hand left his back and I held it against the mattress.

We broke our kiss, both panting for air.

Louis' blue eyes looked down on me and he planted one last kiss to my lips before his mouth nibbled at my right nipple, tugging and licking.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and he pushed in deeper with each thrust. My left hand pressed his back down, making his chest touch mine.

He went at an even quicker pace now, thrusting harder and deeper. I felt the familiar tingle in my lower abdomen and let out a loud moan, my muscles clenching around his dick. Louis kept going at his own pace now, letting me ride out my orgasm. I came down from my climax, panting heavily. Just when my breath has returned to normal, I felt him release into the condom and he collapsed on top of me.

I kissed his forehead, tracing his hair. He opened his eyes and smiled at me, kissing me slightly before getting rid of the used condom.

And just like last time, he came back, laid next to me and put the blanket over our naked bodies.

He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close to his chest. I could feel his fast heartbeat under the skin. It quickened up ever so slightly when I kissed his neck.

Louis grabbed my hand and softly intertwined our fingers. I looked up into his startlingly blue eyes. He sucked at my neck, probably leaving a little purple flower.

His eyes closed again and he forced himself to open them. He looked me into the eyes, pressing one last kiss to my lips before sleep embraced him in her strong arms.

The captivating blue eyes were now hidden and I closed mine, trying to find my own peaceful sleep.

Just when sleep had caught me as well, his fingers loosened their grip on my hand. The warmth escaped my hand and the last thing I remembered were piercing green eyes and hot hands touching mine in a popcorn bag before I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


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