The Growth

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The next morning everyone was up eating breakfast in the dining hall. The trio was talking with Pandora while Val was playing with Dani. Maddie was still fuming over Danny being near the ghost and saying that she wasn't his mother.

After breakfast, Pandora let the group use on her carriages to leave, waving goodbye to them. Everyone was sitting in the carriage looking at Danny and Sam. Well in Maddie's case glaring.

Danny was in the back with his eyes closed. One arm around Sam who was leaning on his shoulder, and one hand playing with Dani's hair who was asleep on his lap. All the females of the class awed at the sight. Think about how cute they looked together, almost like a family. Tucker was to the side taking pictures for later, a smile on his and Val's face.

After riding for a few minutes Danny's eyes snapped open, a familiar blue mist coming out of his mouth. Danny turned towards the window.

A giant green vine was approaching the carriage, fast. he couldn't go ghost and make a shield, so he did the next best thing.

"EVERYONE GET DOWN!" Danny screamed covering both Sam and Dani. A second later the carriage was split in half, knocking the class onto the ground beneath them. Luckily no one was hurt too badly. The worst being a sore bottom.

Danny got up, his eyes scanning the surrounding. He already knew who attacked and it wasn't good. Moments later, vines began to pool together until they formed a giant plant-like ghost, Undergrowth.

Danny growled, his eyes flashing green for a second. Undergrowth looked down at the group.

"I have finally been able to get my power back. Now flesh dweller, you shall be the first to see the start of the growth." Undergrowth said

"Not gonna happen," Danny yelled getting in a fighting stance. Dani floating next to him, hands glowing blue. Val, Sam, and Tucker were tight next to them ready to fight. The class behind were too scared to move and Maddie and Jack were looking for something to fight with.

"Ah, the young half, along with my daughter and it seems you did indeed produce an offspring," Undergrowth said

"I am not your DAUGHTER," Sam screamed at the top of her lungs. Danny's eyes started to glow blue. Luckily the class was behind him and didn't see this. Undergrowth didn't seem to care and shot vines towards the group. Dani raised her hands and fire ice at the vines freezing them. Undergrowth growled before swinging a Dani. She dodges the initial swing but didn't see the second one right behind it and was knocked away.

"DANI" Danny and Sam yelled. Danny snapped his head back towards Undergrowth, growling before charging at the overgrown weed. He was dodging vines that were getting in his way trying to get to Undergrowth. He missed one and was sent throw the air over some rocks.

"You are nothing but weeds to me a weed that I will remove from my garden," Undergrowth said, getting ready for another attack. He started to swing down until he was hit by a black and white blur. Undergrowth toppled over and in the air where he stood was Danny Phantom and he did not look happy.

Undergrowth knew he was in trouble unless he could find a way out of this. He looked around and saw Sam. He smirked before sending vines over to her, planning on taking over her mind like last time. Danny didn't notice the vines and started to charge at Undergrowth when suddenly vines wrapped around his body.

Danny looked around until he saw Sam in ghost form with a vine coming from the back of her neck. Sam started walking over to Danny, while Undergrowth got up. He was a triumphant smirk on his face as he looked down at Danny.

"It's over Halfa, I have my daughter back and there is nothing you can do about it." Undergrowth taunted, forgetting that Danny has ice powers. Danny growled before freezing the vines around him. The ice started to spread until it froze Sam up to the head. He then broke the vines and started shooting ice blast at Undergrowth, freezing pieces of him.

"How dare you touch, my little girl. How dare you try to control Sam again." Danny was flying closer to the plant ghost freezing more and more of the ghost until he was completely frozen. Danny landed on top of the ghost, glaring at the frozen ghost.

"I better not see you anywhere near them every again or I will rip your core from its body," Danny growled before bringing down a fist shattering the ice and Undergrowth, leaving behind a small plant. Danny picked up the plant and tossed it away from the group.

Danny walked over to Sam and unfroze her, and she changed from the ghost form and passed out. He set her on the ground near Tucker and Val before flying off. A few minutes later Danny came back in human form caring Dani in his arms. She was awake just had a serious headache. Maddie rushed over to Danny.

"Danny are you alright. Oh, why would you do something so stupid like trying to take on that ghost? Don't you know you could have been killed." Maddie said trying to check over Danny. Danny said nothing, he just keeps walking until he was next to Sam, who was still unconscious.

He brushed some hair away from her eyes before looking at the wrecked carriage. He sighed.

"Tucker can you see if you can call Frostbite," Danny said looking over to Tucker. He nodded before pulling out his PDA. Danny looked back to Sam and sighed. This was gonna be another long day.

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