A Chat With The Parents

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Maddie and Jack were about to pull the trigger but Danny stepped in the way, a frown on his face.

"What did I just say, now the weapons got to go," Danny said

"We are not handing over blaster, especially with that thing here," Maddie said. The frown on Danny's face deepened. He reached up grabbing both weapons before crushing them in his hands, shocking his "parents".

"Now I don't have to worry about those," Danny said with a smirk, turning around.

"Danny wait, it's dangerous to be near them," Maddie yelled. Danny ignores her and kept walking towards Pandora.

"Geiá sou mitéra," (hello mother) Danny said, everyone confused on what he just said.

"geiá sou lígo ippótis mou elpízo na eínai entáxei. ótan paírno sta chéria mou stráta eínai to gonna epithymía ítan poté éna fántasma." (hello, my little knight I hope you are ok. when I get my hands on walker he is gonna wish he was never a ghost.)

"ídi sas nikísei se aftó. schedón katéstrepse pyrína tou, ótan aftós prospáthise na vlápsei Dani," (already beat you to it. almost destroyed his core when he tried to hurt Dani) Danny replied. Pandora smiled down on Danny.

Dani popped up from behind Dani, her eyes wide.

"Giagiá" (grandma) she yelled jumping into Pandora's four arms.

"It's good to see you to my little polemistís,"(warrior) Pandora said hugging the little girl.

"Come on we should get to the Palace, I'm sure your group is hungry," Pandora said walking to the carriage, Dani still in her arms. Danny, Sam, and Tucker right behind. Everyone followed behind the trio, Maddie and Jack last because they were glaring at the carriage, not trusting the ghost at all.

Eventually, everyone was in and they were on their way to Pandora's palace. In the carriage, Danny sat next to Pandora, who still had Dani in her arms. Sam was next to him and Tucker was next to her. Val sat next to Tucker a little uncomfortable near the giant women, next to her was the nerds, then Lancer, A-listers, normal kids and finally the Fenton, who were glaring at Pandora.

The carriage was in quite other than the occasional giggle from Dani and Pandora. Mr. Lancer decided to break the silence, with some questions that have been plaguing him for a while.

"Danny, where did you learn greek from." Danny looked over to him.

"I learned it from my Mitéra," Danny said pointing to Pandora. Mr. Lancer had to think for a while trying to remember what mitéra meant. It only took a few seconds but when he finally remembered what it meant he started to get a little worried.

"Why do you call..." Mr. Lancer tried off not knowing Pandora's name.

"My name is Pandora," she supplied making Mr. Lancer eyes to bulge.

"As in Pandora's box, Pandora." She nodded with a smile on her face. Mr. Lancer stared in shock. Who would guess they would meet, the Pandora.

"Umm..Why does Danny call you mother." He tried to whisper the last part, not wanting to get a reaction from Maddie but unlucky for them she did and she was pissed.

"WHAT!" she shrieked, everyone covering their eye, trying and failing to block out the noise.

"That thing is not your mother I am," she yelled. A frown appeared on his face.

"One you will not call her a thing, she is a lady. Second, she is my mitéra since you were so busy working in the lab. You lost any and all rights to even think of yourself as a mother." Danny yelled back. Maddie was not gonna take that.

"What do you mean I lose the right as a mother. I raised you."

"No, Jazz raised me while you and Jack spent your days in the lab. She made sure I didn't starve while you'll play with weapons in the basement, she was the one that made sure I got to school, she was the one to comfort me when I had nightmares. You did nothing but give birth to me, after that you practically handed me over to jazz who was only four a the time. She didn't get to spend time with friends because she was watching me, all because you were too busy with a new invention. I was lucky to meet Pandora, who was more than happy treating me a son, at least now Jazz can enjoy her life a little more," Everyone sat there shocked at what was going on.

"Danny, you will not take that tone with your mother," Jack said, for once losing the happy tone for a serious one.

"Don't even start, you are no better than her, constantly cleaning the fridge of food before anyone else could get anything to eat. Not to mention, everything you build ends up exploding, messing up the lab. And guess who has that privilege of cleaning up the mess you make. ME!" Danny yelled. Jack immediately fell silent. Both Maddie had their heads down, ashamed about what was just said. No one else talked for the rest of the ride, too afraid to upset the young boy.

They finally arrived at Pandora's Palace. The class looks amazed at the sight. Pearl white pillars rose high above them, around were beautiful rose bushes. The floor and stairs were made of marble with a red carpet in the middle.

"Everyone welcome to my home. There will be a feast later but until then I will have my servants show you to your rooms." Pandora said walking up the stairs.

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