A little fun with skulker

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The group has been walking for ten minutes and Danny had to stop Sam from trying to maul Paulina three times. She has been complaining since they started walking and Danny was about to let Sam loose on her. Sam was currently muttering to herself about different ways she can make the Hispanic girl shut. When she mutter something about ripping off those perfect little hands of her and shoving them down her throat, Danny knew he had to do something. Danny turned around and walked to Paulina.

"Paulina can you please be quite. You are gonna attract unwanted attention." Danny said.

"But my feet hurt, I can't walk anymore," she whined. Danny rolled his eyes. 'We just had to go to the ghost zone. Not a beach or something, I really don't want to deal with this.' Danny thought. Danny was about to says something but was interrupted by a menacing laughter from above.

Everyone looked up. There was a mechanical man, with a flaming mohawk floating above them.

"I finally found you welp, now your pelt is mine," Skulker said. There was a chorus of eew's and gross.

"Can you come back later, kinda dealing with something," Danny said, shocking the class. He would normally disappear by now. Skulker laughed.

"Why when I can get you now," he said diving at the class. Maddie and Jack pulling out their blasters, firing like crazy to stop the ghost. Val in the back cursing since her father took her weapons. Skulker simply dodges each shot, a cannon popping out from his shoulder.

Skulker started to fire upon the crowd causing them to disperse, except for Danny. When Skulker got closer, two glowing green blades came from his arm. He was swing at Danny, missing every time make him madder.

Maddie and Jack Screaming behind him. Danny rolled his eyes as he ducked another swing.

"Skulker when are you gonna learn that you can't beat me. Skulker roared and dove at Danny. Instead of ducking like before, Danny steps towards Skulker grabbing his metallic arm. He performed a judo throw, forcing Skulker on the ground still holding his arm. Danny put a foot on Skulker's chest and ripped his arm off.

"Dammit welp it took me a day to fix that." skulker yelled. Danny just smiles before reaching for the head. With a quick yank, Skulker's head was now in Danny's hands. Most of the class screamed at the sight.

"Calm down, it's not really him," Danny said digging through helmet pulling out a small green blob, cursing Danny's very existence. Danny chuckled, then another evil smile came across his face, Sam and Tucker sigh.

Danny picked up the ripped off arm. He threw skulker up a little before smacking him with his arm as if he was a baseball. Skulker flew across the green sky, yelling until he faded into the distance.

"Home run" Danny cheered before tossing the arm across the path along with the rest of his metal body. Everyone was staring at Danny, not believing what they were seeing. They all shook out of their shock when Dash tried to make himself seem tougher.

"I bet I could have done that, I am stronger than Fentoad. That ghost probably was a weakling anyway." Dash said poking out his chest. He was not gonna let Fenton show him up.

"Is that why you were screaming like a little girl?" Sam said. Dash glared at her and she just gave him an innocent smile.

"Come, guys, we need to start walking," Danny said and started walking ahead. Everyone following behind him. Maddie, Jack and Val walking with their mouths open, still in shocked at what Danny just did.

The group was walking for about five minutes before Paulina started to complain again. They were walking for about a half hour before Sam got sick of hearing the Hispanic girls voice.

"I swear if you don't shut up.."

"You'll do what curse me with you voodoo magic." Paulina sneered. Sam dove a Paulina ready to claw her eyes out. She almost did too, if it wasn't for Danny being faster than her. He caught her mid jump, throwing her on his shoulder. She was trying and failing to get down so that could rip that shallow little girl head had shrieked and ran behind Dash.

She peeked out, "See she was trying to get me with those things she called fingers." Some of the class started to giggle, which was really pissing Danny off.

"Whats the matter no spells you can cast?" Paulina continued. Danny had enough and yelled out "ENOUGH." It sounded like his voice shook the zone itself. Everyone backed up, for the first time scared of the raven-haired boy. Sam instantly stop squirming and shrink back, if that was possible.

Danny glared at Paulina, she nearly pissed herself.

"Paulina, if you don't stop acting like a stuck up brat, it's not helping anyone and fucking annoying." Dash was about to step up but a glare from Danny stopped him. He then looked at Sam who was still on his shoulder. She shrinks back more trying to get away from the gaze.

He put her down and walked ahead of the group, everyone following behind him, Sam with her head down. An hour later they stopped at a cave.

"We will be staying here for the night," Danny said. It was clear that he was still pissed.

"What about food?" Someone called out. Danny stood there for a second before saying.

"I take care of it get some sleep, I'll wake you up when the food is here."

"And how exactly are you gonna get food?" Maddie said. There was no food in the ghost zone so how was he gonna get food.

"Don't worry about it." was all he said before he to the opening of the cave. Leaving everyone else wondering about how he was gonna get food.

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