MIGHTY EAGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! :O!!!

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Your Pov

It's been a few weeks the pigs have been staying here. And a few days red asked me out. I sit on my chair by the window upstairs in my room drawing him. Some one knocked on the door and i immediately walked down stairs and opened the door to find Red."Hey Red what you doing here?...can't get enough of me?" He blushed and chuckled rolling his eyes."Actually i need a place to stay". "Why what happened Red?" His face goes from blushing to anger. The pigs took it over making it there it hotel". I giggle."What big tough Red can't handle pigs." He smirked and wrapped his arms around my waist and went on his tippy toes just to kiss me. i kissed back. He pulled away and i smiled."you coming in or not?" He smirked and walked inside with me following behind.

Lenard's Pov

I watched from behind the tree. (y/n) was in her room drawing while sticking her tongue out. She was so cute. Just then Red came up to her door. knocking on it and waiting. She immediately opened the door greeting her little friend. He kept blushing at her. I grit my teeth as i watched them kiss."What are you gonna do know sir?" i turn to my minion. I turn to him."Tell everyone to get ready...we will be stealing the eggs tonight...and my new queen". He nodded and left. I turn my attention back her house. They were talking upstairs in her room."Enjoy each other's company because tonight you will be mine (y/n) (l/n)"...

Red's Pov

Me and (y/n) are meeting bomb and chuck by the mighty eagle statue. I had wrapped my arm around (y/n)'s waist as we walked. She just smiled. I look back in front of me to see pigs and birds glancing at us in a weird way. I mug them and continue on walking with (y/n) to the statue.


"So then why did you call us here Red?" Chuck said a little exited. Then he squealed."ARE YOU GUYS ALREADY GETTING MARRIED?!" I close his beak quickly."Shut up fist of all your way to loud and second of all were not getting married.." I pause and look at a blushing (y/n)"....Yet...." she blushed even more and i chuckled."Well then Red why did you call us over here?" Bomb asked."Well i'm glad you asked bomb..um well you see i don't trust theses pigs! i know there up to something!" 'But Red no one will believe's us". Chucky said."I know but there is one bird that can see everything and know everything that's happening its him! I pointed to the statue. Bomb zoned out for a seconded. Then Chuck zoned out rubbing his chest. Me and (y/n) both looked at each other with the wtf is he thinking about face."Hey snap out of it you two!" i said snapping my fingers. They snapped out of it and listened to the plane."Were going to climb mighty eagle's mountain and get him to tell them to leave!" Everyone cheered."Alright then lets go!" (y/n) said only to get stopped by me."What? whats wrong?" "(y/n) your not going with us its to dangerous". She raised and eyebrow and crossed her arms giving me the sassy look. I give that same look back at her. We stayed like that for five minuets with no sign of her stopping."Alright fine i say". She squealed and hugged me."Besides you don't want to leave me down her with Lenard wanting me and my body-"Ok now your going with us nomad-er what". She smirked and we walked to the mountain.


"Come on guys were almost there". (y/n) said. We climbed all the way to the top."YES WE MADE IT!" bomb shouted."Not quite". (y/n) said pointing to the mountain we were supposed to climb."This is the wrong mountain". Chuck said disappointed. We sigh and climb back down. taking a day realizing bomb wasn't with us and we had to go ALL THE WAY BACK UP! to get him. Three days later were half-way up the mountain."Alright guys now were almost there". (y/n) said."If your wrong (y/n) i'm literally going to climb back down and go home and won't come out till it's snowing. We made it up and the top. Bomb just laid there and chuck ran over to the lake. (y/n) just walked behind the big rock resting her back."May i?" She smiled and nodded. I started massaging her back. ignoring the two in the water messing around."(y/n) just laughed at them while i rolled my eyes."No don't spit it in his mouth.....no don't spit back in his mouth...Don't swallow". Me and (y/n) look at them with disgust. Then there were big thuds coming from the cave above."Come on you two i said pulling bomb out of the water. Chuck jumped out and we watched and waited. Listening. Just the he came out spreading his wings like a true warrior."Wow.." (y/n) mumbled. Then he moved his feathers and started peeing in the water below. (y/n) was trying to control her laughter as bomb threw up ad chuck was rubing a rock back and forth across his tongue."Horrible turn of events.....Horrible". Then mighty eagle walked back into his cave."IF YOU'VE COME TO SEE ME THEN COME ON UP!" a booming voice said from the cave causing everyone to stop what they were doing. We all walked up to see him come back up. My GOD HE WAS GINORMOUS! I know and and see all...I.AM.MIGHTY EAGLE!" he said looking in another direction."Are you sure this is him?" (y/n) whispered."Yep this is him". I replied shaking my head. 

Mighty Eagle: Now what are your names?

Chuck: I thought you knew all 

Mighty Eagle: I know very well who you are....You are lost souls looking for wisdom

Bomb: Can we have some?

Mighty Eagle: I cannot give it to you

Bomb:*sighs* "alright" *Starts walking down the mountain*

Mighty Eagle: *Picks up Bomb* "But you can still earn it my friend".

He put bomb back down and walked into the cave with us following.


Your Pov

After all his dancing we walked into the room and sat on the big chair. Red sat on my lap. Chuck sat on one side and bomb sat on the other side. He grabbed his guitar and started singing. I toned him out with my own thoughts."If we get the pigs and especially Lenard out of here then what? What will happen next? "(y/n)? are you ok?" "huh?...Ya Red i'm fine". "Hmm you don't sound fine." I roll my eye's. "So your a counselor now?" He rolled his eyes."I'd hate to be one of those...You'll never see me act like one of those." I chuckle and lay back on the chair."I'll be right back", He said following Mighty Eagle outside onto the balcony."Soooo (y/n)....What are you and Red gonna do after this?" I turn my head to Chuck."To be onset i don't know". He raised an eyebrow."I think i do". He said mischievous."And what would that be chuck?" Bomb said."Well i can already here the wedding bells. I blush and cover my face. Chucky and Bomb both Chuckle and walked around the room grabbing stuff."Hey isn't that stealing?" They both looked at me."Nooooooooooo"......I think it's borrowing". I roll my eye's and walked with them outside. "uh-oh". Bomb said. What whats wrong?" I said walking in front of him."I used to believe in you....But now you've shown me you don't care about anything." Red said to Mighty Eagle."What's going on here?" I yelled at both of them. Red took my hand and bomb grabbed chuck."Come on (y/n) we have to go". I nodded and started running down with him.


We made it down to see everything getting bombed."W-What?" I muttered out."Chuck go stop the party and shut it down"! "ON IT"! Chuck said running away."OH (Y/NNNNN)!" I turned around to see Lenard heading straight towards me. He grabbed my waist and started laughing."RED"! I screamed. He looked horrified."(Y/N) HOLD ON I"M COMING FOR YOU)! Red yelled running to the boat with bomb following behind. We landed on the boat with the egg's."SET SAIL FOR PIGGY ISLAND!" Lenard yelled. I tired to jump off but Lenard grabbed my waist.'Don't worry i'll take good care of you. He whispered in my ear putting a strand of hair behind my ear. Then something hit my head and everything turned 









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