This time, he was actually listening.

"And?" he pressed.

"And she came to my date's house and told me that she was surprised I was wearing the dress I had on because I was too dirt poor to afford it. Maddie had bought it for me, and I just snapped. I don't know. I didn't want to be around Calvin because I didn't think I was good enough for him. Abby has a point. I don't have as much money as most people around here." I explained.

"And you're really letting that slut get to you? Heather, you're so much better than her. Sure, you may not have a lot of money like they do, but money is just something people like to throw in others faces to make them feel bad about themselves. It isn't everything." Rob said.

"Yeah, but the point is, it was the first date I've ever gone on in my entire life Rob," I admitted. I probably looked like a complete loser in front of him confessing something like that, but at this point, I figured my luck with guys couldn't get any worse. "She ruined the whole night for me."

"Why don't you try again?" Rob asked me.

"I made a fool out of myself just ditching Calvin like that. I doubt he wants to try again." I scoffed.

"No, I mean try again with me." Rob said.


"We could still go to the movies tonight. Please Heather, will you at least think about it. We've still got a few hours." he said.

I stared at him in disbelief. I was sure he was doing it out of pity. I was just as miserable today as I was last night.

"I-I guess so." I stuttered, nervously twisting a strand of my hair.

"Thank you." Rob smiled, he placed a hand on top of mine, and intertwined our fingers. I found myself blushing at the gesture. "Anytime you need somebody, I'm here. I know I've been a jerk, but I apologize."

"Thank you. That means a lot." I said.

Rob nodded. Kids riding on bikes rode past us, sticking their tongues out, and others saying "ew" for whatever reason. I guess it was because I was holding Rob's hand, or they too thought I looked like hell today.

"You know, you're really pretty." Rob said suddenly.

I blushed. "What? Now I know you're a liar. My eyes are swollen and I'm not even wearing any makeup."

"So? And no, I'm not lying. You're a really pretty girl Heather."

"Whatever." I snorted, pulling my hand out of his. I couldn't take all of this at once.

"Look, I know you're messed up about that Calvin guy, but things will look up sooner or later, just hope sooner." Rob said. "On the bright side, you get to go out with me tonight if you make up your mind, and I'll make sure no one ruins it. I'll punch that Abby chick in the face like she's a guy."

I laughed. "Fine, I guess going out with you tonight does sound nice."

Rob smirked. "Of course it does."

I rolled my eyes at his cockiness about it. "I'm surprised any guy is interested in going out with "plain old Heather Whimes"." I said, quoting what Maddie Fuller had said about me the other day.

"I like my woman simple." Rob said. "Girls nowadays do way to much to get noticed by us guys. You're not like that, but you are nosey."

I rolled my eyes. "You've told me that 50 times already."

He chuckled. "Just thought you needed a refresher. Is this making you feel any better at all?" he asked me.

"Sort of. I think what would finally do it is when we go out tonight." I said. "Hopefully the swelling in my eyes will go down soon."

When I left Rob's house, I felt a little bit better about myself. Knowing what he liked made it easier to pick out what I should wear tonight, so I settled on a plain white t shirt and black shorts. It was something simple, and I now knew that's what Rob Miller liked.

I didn't bother with any makeup at all, and I was glad my eyes had returned to how they normally looked. I was nervous about going out for a second time. Especially since this time I had no one to help me get ready. If I chose the wrong outfit, there would be no one else to blame but myself.

Rob and I ended up watching some horror movie at the theater that had just opened up recently in Cleveland. Horror movies absolutely terrified me, but I always found myself watching them anyways.

We passed popcorn silently between each other, never really making much eye contact, or saying anything. I wondered if he was nervous, because I sure was. I excepted Abigail to leap from the shadows and ruin everything all over again.

"So how are you liking this?" Rob asked suddenly in the middle of the movie.

"Uh, I guess it's pretty good." I said awkwardly.


I studied Rob for a moment. His eyes were trained on me as well, then he leaned towards me, tilting his head. I took this gesture as he was about to kiss me, and leaned forward myself, only to discover that those were not his intentions at all.

He swatted the air next to my face.

"There was a fly." he said.

"Oh." I said, quickly pulling myself away from him before he noticed what I thought he'd been trying to do.

But it was too late.

"Did you think I was-"

"No." I said quickly. "Not at all. I must have just zoned out for a second and not realized what I was doing."

"Hm." was Rob's only response.

My cheeks burned with embarrassment. I had just screwed up again. Had I really expected Rob Miller, the hottest guy in Cleveland, to actually kiss me? I was clearly losing my mind. Just because he had been there for me, didn't mean he wanted anything more than to be friends.

And what about Calvin? I had completely neglected to think how he would feel about all this.

I suddenly felt like this was all too much again, and I wanted to get away. I was not used to being in situations like this, and maybe I was overreacting again, but I didn't know what to do at all anymore.

"Can we leave?" I asked Rob.

He gave me a strange look. "The movie's not over yet."

"I know, but I think I'm feeling a little sick." I lied.

"Please, you can't actually try to pull that one on me."

He was seeing right through me.

Rob leaned closer. "What's really wrong?" he asked me.

I sighed. "I'm on a date with you, and I haven't even been thinking about Calvin. This is completely wrong. Not to mention that I thought you were going to kiss me."

I hadn't meant for that last part to come out, and I gasped, covering my mouth with my hand when it did.

"What? Kiss you?"

"Look Rob, I think we really need to go right now. So if you could just-"

Rob grabbed my face gently, but firmly, and pulled it to his until our lips were brushing against each other's. "Is this what you want Heather?" he asked.

"I-I don't know." I whispered. I really wanted to just kiss him, but I couldn't. It felt like he was teasing me or something.

Finally, he pulled away, and I could actually catch my breath. I didn't know what he was thinking doing that to me, but all I could think about is how close I had been to actually locking lips that the hottest guy in town. The guy that literally every girl wanted, and I didn't even take the chance.

It was silent for a few moments, the only sounds coming from the movie, and neither of us said anything to each other. Then Rob broke the silence and said:

"When you figure out what it is that you do want, let me know."

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