Chapter 15 : "Hold On To Me, Kongpop.." (Part 1 : Me, You, And Him)

Start from the beginning

"Yes. Actually, I'm also working though, under supervision. Every move counts as consideration whether I pass or not", he explained.

"Of course you will pass, P'Arthit..", Kongpop replied back.

Arthit gave him a smile, as a thank you for believing in him.

"P'Arthit.. Umm.. As you told me before, about moving to the dorm near your office..", he said with very heavy heart.

Arthit nodded. Quite sad in his face.

"Yeah, maybe that's a good idea. Your office is so far from here. I don't want to see you late to work..", Kongpop said, as he tried to hide his sad feeling.

They've been living together for almost 1,5 years, now they have to separate? If only they're in their room, Kongpop would easily hug him, won't let go.

"Kongpop, there's always the next step of our life. Not only us, but everyone does. If you ask me, do I really want to move, I would say no..", Arthit explained it wisely.

Kongpop nodded.

"If I have free time, I'd really like to sleep over in your dorm, P'Arthit.."

"Of course, you may come everytime you want. You must to"

"So, when will you move?"

"On Saturday, I guess.."

4 days to go, Kongpop thought, he'll be lonely again.

"Oh.. Okay, P'Arthit.."

1 minute silence.

"Kongpop, how's the hazing team selection? Are you in?"

"Yes, P'Arthit. I must be the had hazer, right? I'll do anything to get that position..", he said it proudly.

"Yeah.. I know you can do it"

Both smiled. They continued to inspire each other in every single thing they had done. Arthit, would be the best role model for Kongpop: being the head hazer, finished the bachelor degree in 3,5 years, best student in his class of his year. Kongpop, on the other hand, would be the best role model for Arthit too: every single thing he had done in the past, he showed it to Kongpop. While all the mistakes he got, he told Kongpop not to repeat it again, and for his lesson for his next step. Just being complement each other.


There he was, Arthit started his first day of his job smoothly. He's a fast learner person, all he need was more concentrate to get everything done, as his supervisor expected.

He lived in a dorm near his office since then, living on his own again. But he knew for sure, that's another chapter of his life. He still could see Kongpop once a week, he's free on Saturday and Sunday. He could sleep over at Kongpop's dorm, or vice versa. Moreover, they could see each other everyday if they want to, through a video call. It's just about spending their quality time in the right way.

"P'Arthit, where are we going?", Kongpop asked.

"You'll know it later, Kongpop. Just drive", he said. It happened before, while he wanted to make a surprise to Kongpop.

They arrived at a new restaurant, with an amazing view.

"P'Arthit, why are you taking me here?", Kongpop amazed.

"I got my first salary, Kongpop..", he said, as he raised his eyebrows.

Once they took a sit in a very best spot in there, the waiter came with the menu book.

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