{Chapter 6:Opening my mind}

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Even though I couldn't stop thinking about my horse, something else was bothering me. The country. Grayson had told me to open my mind; what in earth did that mean? It's not like my mind is closed from my imagination, I imagine things every day. So then what did he mean by that? I thought all day about it that I was just exhausted. Grayson invited me to come over again, but I said no. I wasn't in the mood for being happy. I needed to think over this problem.

It wasn't that big of a deal, and I didn't know why I couldn't get it out of my head. How do you open your mind?


At home I flopped on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I jumped up and changed into My bathing suit. Maybe a trip to the hot tub would clear my mind.

I ended up going to the workout room and working my guts out. I ran on the treadmill for thirty minutes, lifted some weights, biked in place, and a whole bunch of other stuff. I did that for two hours and the went to the pool. I swam laps until I could hardly move, then got in the hot tub.

I was sweating like crazy, but I felt better. I was still bothered by what Grayson said, but I ignored it while I soaked in the hot tub and took a shower.

When I finished I did all my homework and some for next week. But my mind was bogged down. Why could I not stop thinking about this?? It was a stupid little phrase that would not leave my mind.

I ate dinner and went to bed early. Maybe I could forget by tomorrow.


The next morning I felt refreshed-a little bit sore -but still refreshed, and I walked into school feeling happy. I still couldn't get his words out of my head, but I planned to ask him what he meant.

School dragged by, and finally the lunch bell rang. I hurried into the cafeteria and grabbed piece of pizza. I found Grayson and was about to pull him aside when Jordan and Jess walked up to us.

"Hey new girl." Said Jess. Not in a mean way though.

"She has a name," muttered Grayson.

"Okay, hey Brittany. Better? Anyways, we just wanted to ask if you knew a Bianca Evans. She used to go here but went on vacation mysteriously. She had this awesome house. You just kinda looked like her, and we wondered well, are you her?"

Jess' words hit me hard. Of course my two best friends would recognize me! They have known me since second grade. I didn't know what to say. So I lied to their faces.

"Who? Bianca? It's a cool name, but I've never heard of anyone named Bianca before. Sorry. Let me know if you find her." I turned away and gently pulled Grayson with me. They shrugged and walked away too. Phew! That was close!

"Bianca? You are her, aren't you?" Great. Now Grayson was onto me. I sighed.

"After school I'll tell you everything."

"Like why you wear contacts?"

Crap! I had forgotten all about that!

"Yeah that too."


After school we sat on the bridge and I told him everything. And when I mean everything, I mean basically my whole life story. I told him everything from the beginning.

"So, was I just a part of your experiment?" He asked, looking a little hurt.

"No! Well, not really. I just wanted to see what it was like and would anyone be my friend if I was someone else. Turns out, that person was you. And I couldn't be happier that it turned out this way. I've never been that close to anyone before, so you are my first real friend." It felt amazing telling him that. I needed someone to spill to.

I don't think he knew what to say. He just sat there staring at the water.

"Well then, I'm honored to be your friend and your King." He smiled.

"Oh yeah. And there was one thing I was meaning to ask you."

"Okay shoot."

"What did you mean when you said close your eyes and open your mind?"

"Well it's something that is indescribable. You just have to free your mind. Let it wander. Let it take you places you have never been. You will see the world a whole new way. I should be thanking you because ever since we built the bridge, my mind opened up and I can finally see new and wonderful things. You have opened my mind, and I feel complete and at peace with whatever life throws at me. Is like I will be joyful no matter what."

We sat there in silence letting his words sink in. I never felt that way before. I'd always just stuck to the facts and closed off the wild part of my imagination. Now that I thought about it, he was right, my imagination had been told what to imagine and I couldn't think anything unreal or impossible things.

In life people are taught to be real and to dream big. But they meant to dream about possible things. Things like my life. I had all the things that people wished for and dreamed about. But why dream about things that are possible? Why not create a whole world to be free in. A world where everything and anything is possible. A world where you can dream about unexplainable things that make you love everything. Like Grayson said, feelings are indescribable. Why would you want everything that I have and not feel those things? Why not be the poorest person in the world and still be joyful.

That moment, that day and hour I wanted to keep my mind open. Never to be closed again. I wanted to let my mind open up, and let it out like a wild lion.

And with that decision my mind opened and I knew what Grayson meant. It's a feeling so powerful and it is precious. If anyone has ever felt it, never let it go. My mind was open and the feeling was so much better than wonderful. I was at peace and joyful for ever.

Or so I thought.

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