09 | Words of Wisdom

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"If your student is trying to console you, you still have a long way to go as a coach, Vitya" -Yakov Feltsman (Episode 7).

I think what he means is that, if Yuuri (the student) is trying to comfort Viktor in the time of his wrong doings, Viktor still has a lot to learn about being a coach because normally, it's the other way around and the teacher consoles the student.

It has some impact on me because even if Viktor left Yakov to coach Yuuri, he's still looking out for him. I think it's kind of nice that they still have some sort of bond despite him leaving.

I think it also made a difference in the series because now that Yakov told Viktor what he was doing wrong, he now knows what he's doing wrong and he's trying to correct himself and is becoming a better coach than he was before. It was probably a wake-up call to Viktor.

And finally, I think Yakov said that because he noticed the two walking out and he saw them together so he felt the need to say it right then and there so Viktor wouldn't make the mistake again.

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