3-Greeting *Edited*

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I couldn't even fathom it. I, a prince any other day had attended public school. A place of which the commoners in my household spoke of regularly and now... well right now I was obviously running away from it all. 

Darn Seer, she had never even spoken of the possibility that my Mate would be attending so soon. If she had even so much as slightly brought it up, I would have fixed myself out for him correctly. Probably would have worn a fine style of hair, dressed more adequately. Rather than look like any other boring old Medium who had woken up on the wrong side of bed. 

Yes, I had known that Maverick was probably sending me to school so that I would be able to meet my Mate. If it was anything to do with the sickeningly goofy smile that he had sent me as I headed out this morning, I really should have known. 

Rowan tugged at my arm impatiently, dragging me to the side later placing her shoulders down me curiously with her forest bottle green eyes studying me in genuine concern.

She was scrunching her nose (a sign of her unease); I took the time to observe her female Beta group swarming around us. Emma in particular was standing in a strict position, striking out in the dim hallway with her bright blonde hair.

Rowan spoke at long last, "I do not have to tell you surely?"

I nodded. "The heat?"

Rowan tusked in fury shortly. "Well, obviously now. It burns slightly." I growled.

Rowan frowned apologetically, her forehead creasing in the most unattractive manner. "That is only because you are a male. The pill should calm it down temporarily long before we get you back to the royal quarters."

I decided to entertain the crowd by asking the question on everyone's mind. "Am I expected to return? Are we leaving without him?" I questioned my voice now oddly hoarse. 

I didn't want to leave him; I yearned to cuddle up to him and to never leave his side again. I never knew how much love I would feel for a Mate that I'd only placed my eyes on for a mere second, though now I knew that the tales were surely no exaggeration. Mates existed, thank the Eternal Elders that they did. He was perfection for my very dwelling, moulded to fit me like no other and by this second I had wanted to lie beside me whilst I was keened into submission.

Rowan shrugged. "Probably, you forget that we are dealing with a Medium. He is not a wolf or Were of which-"

"He has a recessive gene Rowan!" I yelled. Slamming my foot down, childishly. 

The female Betas lowered their gazes, awaiting Rowan's reaction to my outburst. It was uncommon and impolite to yell or voice remote anger when it came to older siblings. Doing so was punishable. We were all about respect, allowances were made conversely I had without a doubt overstepped my own.

Not now though. My being Omega (upcoming) King had given me an advantage in addition to now finding my Mate had increased it even more so. Rowan would from this moment bow down to me. 

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