chapter 5

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I woke up feeling cold, I saw Blake wasn't next to me. I sat up running my fingers through my hair and went to the bathroom. When I came out dressed I went out and saw Blake outside reading the book. I smiled. "Hey,"I said as he looked at me. "Morning to you too,"he smiled. "Oh and sorry that I fell asleep on your bed, I was too exhausted to get up,"Blake said with a laugh. "Oh no problem,"I said looking down as I played with my hands nervously. "What?"he asked. "Nothing much. But I just wanted to thank you, I've had trouble sleeping and when you layed beside me I could sleep like a normal person should,"I said. "Well you know if you want me to sleep next to you, just ask, if it helps you, I'm glad to help,"he smiled. "Thank you, "I gave him a hug as he hugged tightly back. "Hey you two,I have an idea, come down here with the others," Derek said. We both looked at each other confused then headed downstairs. "Ive decided that why dont we skip this ratchet place and go on a road trip, it will be so much fun,"derek said. "Yeah I'm down,"Isaac and Jason yawned. "Sounds fun but why wake us up,l so early, I'm sooooo tired," Emily yawned hanging on me as I laughed. "Em, its 8 o clock in the morning,"derek said. "And your point is?"Emily asked. "I think a road trip is a fantastic idea,"I smirked. "What about you bl- Blake are you reading?"Derek asked with a laugh. "Yeah, figured I'd try, this book is interesting, and a road trip sounds awesome, but when are we planning to go?"Blake asked. "Right now, come on get packing and let's leave this place,"Derek said as everyone sighed heading to there dorms."But what if the head principle here finds out and calls our parents?"I asked blake. "He won't. Its our life and we decide. Besides, Jason is a genius with this, he will make it look like we went home and that our parents know about it by sending a fake email to the read principal, dont worry, it will be fine. Besides, in happy I get to spend more time with you,"Blake smirked. "Me too,"I said.
We all packed and went to put our bags in the boot in Derek's mini van. We all got in. I sat next to Emily. "Okay Jane. What are you doing here?"Emily whispered. "Whats wrong with me sitting here?"I asked. "Nothings wrong just , sit by my cousin, talk with him, go,"Emily pushed me. I walked over to blake . I saw him reading the last page. "Wow you read fast,"I said then the car moved as I fell onto blake. We laughed as I sat in the seat next to him. "Uh yeah. Its a good book, here,"blake smiled giving it to me. "Yeah, its my favourite, so, see any girls you like in that place?"I asked then immediately regretted it as I blushed. I heard him laugh."Yeah something like that, I was actually gonna ask for your advice,"he smirked."Oh, yeah, what can I do to help?"I asked, I felt dispointed, to say the truth. I actually like blake. More than a friend. But his giving me mix signals."I can't get through to her. What does girls love the most?"he asked. "For a guy to do for her?"I asked as he nodded."Well,it depends on what girl I guess, "I shrugged. "What would you like a guy to do for you?" He asked. "I don't know. Anything to show that he cares so much for me and that he loves me,"I said. He licked his bottom lip then leaned close to me."Can I be that guy?"he whispered in my ear as I felt a bunch of butterflies.The girl is me?I looked at him,our lips brushed against each other as I blushed like crazy."I-,"I stuttered then he laughed. "Im just joking around,"blake said. "Okay now you're just being a jerk,"I said. "Okay I'm sorry. I won't joke around like that again,"blake said.
Blake's (POV)
Okay I admit. I am flirting. But I just love how nervous she gets when I do, her cheeks turn the light rosy pink colour, and when she bites her lip....okay, stop blake, we are just gonna be friends. But.. For some reason I wanted more. I mean, she's amazing, she makes me feel different and like myself. What guy wouldn't want that from a girl. She eyed me. "I won't. I'm serious," I chuckled. I smile spread across her face then Isaac came. "Hey guys, we are gonna go to the gas station, want anything in the store Jane?"Isaac asked. "Anything,"she said as he nodded and looked at me. "Blake come help,",Isaac said."Fine,"I rolled my eyes and stood up moving pass Jane. "Dont miss me to much," I grinned following Isaac as Isaac left, I looked back at her as she pouted. "Missing you already,"she said,damn I couldn't tell if she was lying or not. That pout, is she trying to kill me. I dont think I can stay friends with her. I want to be more than friends. Who says she even feels the same.
Jane's (POV)
I rolled my eyes at blake as he left. Why does he have to be so hot. Everything he does. Emily sat by me. "Lets go get our own things,"Emily said. "Okay fine. Let's go ,"I laughed. We went out and saw blake,isaac and derek by the petrol filling it up. We all walked in, blake them followed after. Emily an I scanned through what we were wanted. Isaac was taking a bunch of things and blake was just looking at him like a 'im not surprised' look. I took a bag of skittles, its seriously my favourite and MNMs. "Hey Jane. I'm definetly taking these. Do you know they sell shirts here too," Emily smiled showing me a black sweater with NYC printed on it. "Cool,"I smiled going with her to check. Then I heard the guys talk as they had a map. "I think we should go to lakestown lads,"Jason said. "But lakestown is a dump, let's go to Kingstown, its close there but much more better,"derek said. "But why would you go to places close to each other?"blake asked. "Yeah that's just dum,"isaac laughed. "Hey shut it all of you. I'm paying for the things you want so I suggest you be nice to uncle derek," derek said. "I have my own money," isaac laughed. "Oh really, show me,"derek said. "Its....not here at The moment ," isaac pressed his lips together. "Ah, yeah not surprised, Jason gets some more snacks,"derek patted Jason's shoulder as he went to grab more.
Blake's (POV)
I saw Jane looking at the sweaters and shirts with Emily. I checked too. "Oh blake. This is definetly for you," I laughed showing him a black sweater with a skull face on it. I smiled. "Yeah perfect because he has no soul,"Emily whispered. "Em, I heard that, I have ears you know,"i frowned. "So no soul," Emily acted surprised as I rolled my eyes. "Ill take it,",I smirked. "Of course you would,",Emily said. "Hey Emily, this one is perfect for you,",I said showing her a pink sweater that had 'little miss know it all 'on it. Emily frowned at me as I grinned. Jane moved away looking at necklaces. I followed her not gonna argue more with Emily. Jane picked up a necklace with a green stone on it. "Well what do you know. It is a jade stone,close to your name," I smirked as she looked at me. "Yeah its beautiful,"I said putting it down. "You can take it you know,",I said."its really really expensive blake, no,"she said. Walking away. If only I had the money to but it for her, my parents were rich too but they left nothing for me. But she looked like she really wanted it.
Jane's (POV)
I wanted that necklace but it would probably be way to expensive, even for derek. My mother use to wear one just like it, that necklace reminded me of her. I sighed as I walked out the shop after we all bought our things. We got in the rv and Blake smiled at me. But a weird big smile. "Why are you smiling like that ?" I asked. "Oh nothing. Close your eyes," blake smirked. I did then he felt him out something around my neck clipping it. "Open your eyes,"he laughed, I opened it and I saw I had the necklace on."Blake! Did you steal this?"I asked wide eyed. "Yeah,"he said in a way that its normal as he gave me a 'whats the problem'look. "You shouldn't steal,"I said grabbing him by his sweater. The others laughed out loud. "Im sorry its just you really wanted it, I couldn't help myself. You deserve to be happy,"blake said. "Awww,"isaac and Emily said. "Stop eavesdropping,"blake said. Emily stuck her tongue out at him. "Blake I can't wear something you stole,"I said. "he will steal for you. Just to make you happy, that is so cute,"Emily smirked. "All he wants to steal next is your heart, booya!"derek said as isaac High five him. "Guys, I'm trying to concentrate on the road, shut it," jason said driving as Emily directed him with the map since the GPS was broken. "Please wear it, it looks good on you and your eyes lit up when you saw it, why?"he asked. "My mom had the same kind of one, I think she Bought it there too when my dad and her were maybe going out,"I smiled looking at it. "So keep it, if it reminds you of your mom, keep it," blake said touching my hand squeezing it as I smirked and nodded. "Besides jane. You gotta live and do bad things a little,"derek smirked. "You will love the rush,"Emily smiled. "And the thrill,"blake smiled at me. "You guys are right. But I'm not stealing anything, "I said as they laughed.
Blake's (,POV)
I slipped the necklace in my pocket, and stole it for her. So what , I've stolen before when I didn't have a home before I went to Emily's, I've gotten a lot of things, I'm such a kleptomaniac. But I loved seeing her smile and that's what she wants from a guy right, to care for her to make her happy.I looked at tee necklace again with a smile. I was surprised she didn't take her hand away from me as I held it, then she saw it and took her hand away with a nervous smile and looked out the window. Then her phone rang.
Jane's (POV)
I checked my phone that was ringing and saw it was a unknown call. I sighed taking a deep breath then picked up. "Hello," I said. "jane. Its good to hear your voice,I'm coming to get you baby,"Ryder said. I started to panic , my phone fell out my hand as I stood up. "Whoa Jane. Are you okay? Is it Ryder?"blake clenched his jaw. All I did was stare at the phone in shock , frightened. "Hey you son of a bitch, if you try to call Jane again, I'll fucking kill you do you understand," blake said on my phone. The others listened in shock staring confused. Jason stopped the rv and went to look at us. I sat on the chair crying. "Whoa blake,just hang up,"Emily said, she knew about Ryder except the boys. "Who the hell is Ryder? And why did he make Jane cry?" Isaac asked sitting next to me holding me as I cried on his Chest. Blake punched the roof of the car violently and walked out the rv. "Okay, he needs time to cool off, Jane, should I tell them, they can help,",Emily said. I nodded. After Emily told them, I also told her about how he use to hurt me, that whole story about my mom, they all listened and looked at me with sorry faces."Jane, I'm so sorry love,"jason said kneeling in front of me so he can look at me. "Its not anyone's fault here, I need to check up on blake,"I sniffed. "no stay here, I'll go talk to him,"jason said calmy. I nodded as derek sat beside me putting his arm around me as they tried to comfort me.
Jason's (POV)
Okay. To tell you the truth, I'm always the one that's there to give people especially blake advice but not when his extremely pissed off, I saw him kneeled on the ground sitting against the tire with his hands on his face. "Blake, mate, are you okay?" I asked sitting beside him. "He can't keep hurting her like that,"Blake's voice was shaky, like his been crying. "We heard who that guy was or is, everything that happened to her,"I said squeezing his shoulder. As he pulled away and stood up pacing. "Jason, I can't see her cry all the time, see her vulnerable, it hurts me to see her like that, that's ass!" Blake yelled and kicked the tire as he groaned in pain holding his foot hopping. "Blake.No matter how angry you are you always do or say something stupid that make people laugh,",I said with a laugh as he hopped holding his foot. "I dont mean to," he said. "Hey mate. That's a good thing,"I said. "Jason. I wanna find this guy myself and just punish him for what he did,"Blake said. "Oh no, I know that revenge look, blake, revenge isn't a good thing. Even though its fun to do sometimes. Look, how about we get Jane a new phone, a new number and that guy won't bother her again, simple as that,"I said. Blake pressed his lips together. Then we saw derek walk out throwing Jane's phone to the ground trapping it. "Derek,"Emily came out with Jane following. "Ill get you a new phone, "derek smirked.Blake and I laughed at how derek actually did what we were gonna do. "Good idea," I said crossing my arms, I mean I had that idea, well ill give it to that loser anyway.
Jane's (POV)
Derek was getting me a new phone, I think its a good idea to get a new number so he couldn't reach me. I didn't mean to break down in tears but I couldn't help it. Just hearing his voice again amd he said he was coming for me, made me afraid and all those feelings he gave me, the hurt and all that he caused came back. Blake sat by me and put his arm around me.
Blake's (POV)
I limped back in the rv, my foot hurt. I sat by Jane and put my arm around her. Im not good at comforting people so I just sat there like a weirdo. Then she snuggled close, my heart skipped a beat as she put her hand on my chest. I rubbed her arm, making circles as she smiled and closed her eyes. I layed my head on her head and closed my eyes to. Everyone rested while jason drove.
Janes (POV)
I opened my eyes, the sun shining on me through the window. Blake was holding me as he slept. I moved away and he layed against the window. I stood up and saw everyone fast asleep and saw jason still driving drinking a monster cooldrink. "Does it keep you awake?",I asked sitting in front by the other seat. "Yeah it does,",jason laughed. "Is blake alright? I didn't mean to cry like that,"I said. "It was a trigger, you couldn't help it. And Blake's fine dont worry, he was just worried about you,"Jason smiled."Oh. Does he...uh, I know this is a odd question to ask but, does he have feelings for me?"I asked biting my lip. Jason smiled at me again. He has a nice smile, I always see him smiling. "What do you think?"he asked. "The way he acts around me with others and with me, I get mix signals with him,"I said. "I think he feels the same about you, talk to him about it, Blake's not really a guy to open up easily because he always wants to act like a smart ass, "Jason said as I laughed. "But, I'm sure he will open up to you, he cares a lot about you. And you are the one who brought our friend back to a even better person, violet did none of that, we like you for that love," jason smiled touching my cheek as I smiled.
Blake's (,POV)
I woke up to find Jane not in my arms, I saw her in front with Jason as he caressed her cheek as she smiled. Is he flirting with her. He better not be. No, jason would never do that to someone I like. I sighed and close my eyes stretching then I heard her giggle I looked and saw his face close to hers. Anger was building up inside me.
Jane's (POV)
"Thank you,"I smiled touching his hand on my cheek. "Anytime love, ",he leaned close to whisper it and pinched my cheek."Now make yourself useful and navigate me with the map," Jason said as I laughed and took the Map on my lap. "Hey you two, what's up?" Blake asked. "Navigating,"I smirked as jason laughed. "Uhuh,",blake nodded looking at both of us in a weird way. "Wanna help mate?"jason asked."No I'm too tired, mate,"blake mocked jason with the accent as Jason frowned. Blake grinned victoriously. "Well go sleep then if youre tired, you're next to drive, "jason said. "Nah, I'm good here," blake said leaning by the opening my us blocking the back just staring at us. "Okay head left,"I said. "Right,"jason said. "No left,"I laughed. "Yeah I'm agreeing with you,"jason laughed. "Right sorry,"I laughed. "Wait should I go right?"Jason asked. "No I just agreed that you're right,"i laughed again, I saw blake roll his eyes at us. Is he jealous or something. Jason noticed to then knew what I was thinking and winked telling me to play along. I smirked. "So Jane, you know,I've always like the way you smile,"jason said. "Me too, I've always wanted to run my fingers through your hair, can I?",I smirked. "Please do,"jason smiled as I leaned toward him and ran my fingers through his hair and pretended I whispered something in his ear. Blake cleared his throat. "Jane what are you doing?",he asked. I ignored him as jason touched my hand. "Jason what the hell,",blake said pulling me away. "Why you acting so jealous?",Jason asked."You know very well why," I blurted out, jane smiled. I know, they are trying to make me jealous, maybe I should play along too. "You know what, you two would make such a cute couple," I said pushing Jane toward jason, they both laughed. "Of course we would,",jason said touching Jane's waist as she smirked at him. I felt really jealous. I walked away and dropped on the chair with a sigh. What if its not a prank. They were not even surprised that I said they make a cute couple which they won't. I groaned rubbing my head.
Jane's (POV)
"You think he believed us?",I asked."Oh he definetly did,trust me,"jason smirked. "maybe I should just talk to him, I mean the jealous thing did work but,"I said. "But we kick it up a notch," derek said behind us as we jumped. "you were eavesdropping the whole time weren't you?",Jason asked. "yep, so what can isaac and I do to help?"derek asked. "We are just gonna teach blake a little lesson for not getting the balls to actually tell Jane what he feels,"Jason said."Oh I'm in ,",isaac and derek said.
Blake's (POV)
I was getting bored then I saw Jane and derek putting his arm around her as they walked pass. I sat up and saw them in the seats behind looking like they were flirting with each other. I clenched my jaw then stood up then isaac walked pass me and sat by Jane too as she stood up and hugged him, a long hug. I dont think Jane even likes me. I sat back down putting my earphones in my ears as I played music. I mean who would wanna be with a messed up, suicidal short tempered guy like me.
Janes (pov)
"Guys its hopeless, I dont think he feels the same,"I said letting go of isaac. "Then let me talk to him,"derek cracked his knuckles. "Stop just leave it alone,",I said, they both sighed and nodded. I sat back down at the back. Why would blake even want to be with a girl like me anyway, messed up, vulnerable.I looked at him, he sat in front listening to music not even bothering to look back at me. "Hey Jane,",Emily said. Sitting next to me. "I saw you guys were trying to make blake jealous, did it work?",she asked. "i dont know, you tell me, his your cousin, "I said. "His obviously into you Jane and maybe seeing you with his friends now obviously made him feel stupid which he should feel because he can't man up and tell you how he feels," Emily said. "Guys who want to swim,"jason yelled as they all ran out. Emily pulled me as I smiled and went with. I stopped and looked at blake who still sat then looked at me. "Coming to swim?"I asked. "ill be there, go ahead, ",he said with a small smile. I nodded, the way his acting now made me regret trying to make him jealous. I walked out and ran with Emily them as we splashed each other wet and isaac pulled us in the water as we laughed.
Blake's (POV)
I stood up to look out by the window. I saw Jane laughing and actually having fun. She looks so happy. Sometimes I wonder what my purpose is here, and with her. She doesn't need me to be happy. She's okay with my cousin Emily and my weird ass friends. I smiled. The only thing I'm scared of is the feeling of being alone again. I feel lost without Jane, she's the one who held my shattered life together. I watched as a tear fell down my cheek, I wiped it and walked out, the breeze blew over me. They all waved for me. "Come in here you dimwit!" Jason yelled as they laughed. I just smiled at them and shook my head."No it look like you guys are having plenty of fun without me, I'll chill here alright! "I yelled, they all looked at each other as they said something. Then Jane came toward me.
Jane's (POV)
After what blake yelled at us, I felt really guilty. "Uh, maybe we took the jealousy thing a bit to far," isaac said. "No idiots, blake should feel like that he will come around," Emily said. "Guys excuse me,",I said walking out the water. Blake looked at me. "jane, go have fun why are you coming here?",he asked. "Because I feel guilty, okay,come have fun with us, "I nudged his shoulder as he shrugged it off. I looked at how his face saddened. "jane. I'm just holding you down from happiness, please just leave me alone and go have fun," blake sighed. "I can't be happy without you blake, if I never met you I wouldn't have all of you,"I said looking at the others goofing around. "Jane.its just that I...,"he said leaning close. "yes blake,",I said touching his hand as I moved close to. "Why were you trying to make me jealous earlier on?"he asked. I blushed then nodded. "Why?"he asked brushing my cheeks with his thumb's as he kept my face close to his."guys, theres a concert over there, I wonder whose?"Emily pointed. "Lets go check,"Isaac smirked as they all got in the bus, we followed. "Ill tell you later,",blake said. I nodded the we all drove to the concert, it was huge and anyone could go and see, it was actually a festival. Fall out boy and black veil brides were playing and singing there as we all laughed and danced like many people did. Blake started banging his head like the first time we met, I laughed at that memory and did it too. "Jane. Remember,",blake grinned doing the sprinkler as I burst out laughing."Dude the sprinkler, really,"derek laughed as the others chuckled. "Yeah and I completely embarrassed myself,"blake laughed. "Lets get closer,",I smirked pulling blake with me as the others went to get candy floss. Blake stood behind me , his arms around my waist as he pulled me close and his head in the crook of my neck as I looked at him and he smiled. He started to sway me with the music, as I laughed when I almost stumbled but he kept me balanced. Then I felt him kiss the back of my neck as I let out a giggle. Was that me? "Jane, for the first time I understand what being in love feels like with you, Jane, I love y-" blake said then I heard two loud bangs, and blake suddenly let go of me. I heard people screaming. Blake was in the ground, covered in blood by his chest. Jason ran and knelt by him with the others. Emily screamed, with tears in her eyes. I stared in shock. I couldn't breathe, then I saw the police caught the guy that shot him but everything became blur. All I heard was derek yell Blake's name but blake never budged. I dont think he was even breathing....
We got to the hospital, blake was in surgery and the doctor said is he doesn't wake up I'm a hours time his gonna go in acoma. I visited him a lot. My dad knows about what happened and is trying to cheer me up but I missed blake. I needed him to wake up. Then one night i grew fed up so the next morning I sat beside blake, he was so pale because of all the blood he lost. "Blake! If you dont wake up now I will regret ever loving you!"I yelled. Then I felt him squeeze my hand. "You -l-ove me?"he asked. "Blake,"I smiled so big. "Was it something I said?'he asked confused then I hugged him and he groaned in pain but hugged me anyway. "Guys!his awake!"I yelled. The others ran in and literally all hugged blake as he laughed."Finally miss sleeoing beauty wakes up,"derek grinned. "How are you feeling from your long hibernation?"Isaac joked to. Blake just laughed."Seriously, how are you?" Jason asked. "Im really good noe,"he smiled then warmly smiled at me holding my hand tight as I smiled.
2 years later
I'm 19 now, we all studied in collage and blake and i started dating and we grew really close. Jason met the love of his life in new York where he was looking for apartment. Derek and Emily got together, I didn't see that coming since they both hated each others guts. But they really get along, sometimes. Isaac met his too. They are in love with each other. And the person that shot blake was sage. Surprising right, I thought it would be Ryder but Ryder left me alone for some reason, I think his the one who sent sage to spy on me and kill blake. Who knows. But I'm glad I'm with blake. I sat on my bed and layed down yawning. Then I felt Blake's arm around me as he brought me close and kissed my lips. "Wake up babe,did you forget what today is?"Blake asked tracing circles on my arms. "No. Today derek invited us to him and Emily's new place they bought near the beach for a party, "I said snuggling close to him."Do you wanna go?I mean we can lay here if you want, tired?'he asked pushing the strands of my hair behind my ears."Alittle but I wanna see everyone again, just give me one second," I smirked. "Get up cutie," he smirked standing up and i missed the warmth of him next to me."or what?"i grinned and now I regretted that. Blake pinned me down "You shouldn't of said that,"he grinned and started to tickle me. I hate being tickled, its like my weakness, and normally he uses it to get what he wants. Evil huh? I laughed so hard, I tried pushing him away but it didn't work. Then I managed to flip us over. "Youre evil,"I laughed. He lifted his head to kiss me. I kiss back tangling my fingers in his hair pulling him close then we heard a knock on the door and Emily burst in and shrieked turning around."Oh sorry were you guys about to do you know?"Emily asked. "Emily,"i smiled crawling off and went to hug her. "Hey you two, I missed you both, I heard you two travelled to Japan, londen, and Italy, "Emily smirked at blake as blake smiled and hugged her. "Yeah it was amazing," I smiled holding blake close to me by his waist as he put his arm around me. "You guys seriously make the worlds cutest couple,"Emily said. "Nahhh we do,"derek grinned walking in and gave me a hug, a long one on purpose as blake pulled me away rolling his eyes. "Blakey, my blade,"Derek grinned actually jumping on blake as he fell onto the bed in the most awkward position as both emily and I laughed at them."Blake!"Jason an isaac ran in and jumped on the bed too onto them like a pile. Emily and I smirked at each other than jumped onto them too as well as all laughed. "Lets get to my party mates,"Jason grinned. "My party you ass,", derek said."No mine,"isaac said with a weird laugh. "Some people never change,"Blake smiled. I got dressed quick. "Im glad they didn't,",I said. "Me too," he said bringing me close as we kissed again. "I love you, always, "blake said. "I love you and forever," i smiled. "Hurry up romeo and Juliet, this is a better ending for that movie dont you think, I mean both of you two live,"Jason said. "Jason we are not romeo and juliet.." Blake shook his head. "You could be," Isaacs said as we left.
Two imperfect people can find love too. Love can come in the most unexpected ways , like how Blake and I met at first, now look where we are...

The end

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