Chapter 2

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Jane's (POV)
I sat on my bed taking my book out to read. “Whats your name?"I asked. “My names  Blake but my friends call me Blade, wanna know why? " he grinned as he had a blade in his hand sliding his finger on it. “Why?"I asked. “Because I like to cut,"he said licking his lips. “Oh cool. Me too,"I said. He looked at me as one eyebrow lifted. “Really?"he asked confused. “Im kidding,"I said paging to the page I left. “Ha, right, "he eyed me.
I almost believed she cut. This girls a good actor I must say. Urg what's wrong with me, now I'm giving her compliments. “I mean, I use to but I don't like talking about it," she said pulling her sleeves even more down. I did not expect that either. What the shit, she cuts. A girl like her. She seems way to happy to cut. “Use to? Why? Boyfriend problems?"I smirked. She looked up. “No,not really. Um,why do you cut?"she asked. Very hesitant. She's hiding things. Interesting. “Yes. I'm a cutter. And I do it because I have bad anger issues so I do self harm so I don't harm people like you,"I said. “People like me?"she asked confused. “Yeah. The innocent, naive,those types, "I said. I hate people like that. Especially girls like her, they make me feel weird and weak. “How would you know if I'm innocent?" She asked. “I just know,"I said. I really don't know ,she's hard to read.Dammit its frustrating.
Janes (POV)
Blake's giving me very weird vibes. “Ok sure," I said sarcasticly as I read laying on the bed. “Time between us,"I heard Blake read. I looked at him, he looked funny turning his head to look. “Let me guess. Romance?"Blake asked with a that stupid smug look. “Yeah. What? Not your thing?"I asked. “No I love those thing. Love and all that shit but Do you know what I like more?" He stood up. “Horror movies?" I grinned. “Besides that. This,"he grinned putting his speakers on as loud rock music played and I mean heavy metal. He banged his head to it. “How you like me now!"he yelled over it. “I love it,"I laughed turning it up louder.
What the freak. She likes it. Damn. She loves it. My roommates run away when I play this music I love. This girl is just full of surprises. I  watched her as she danced to it. I laughed at how silly she looks. Why am I smiling. I pressed my lips together and put louder. “How about now!"i yelled. “Yeah!whooo hoooo!"she screamed. I frowned. Time to play what I hate most.
Janes (POV)
Wow I love this guys choice of music but his acting a little bit crazy. Then I was confused when he switched it to classical music. Violins and all. “yeah this is my jam,"i saw him dance and do the sprinkler. I burst out laughing. He looked at me confused as i started doing it too laughing more. Then he laughed. We both ended up laughing like crazy people.
I started doing the sprinkler. Completely embarrassing myself acting crazy then suddently she laughed and did it to. I like her laugh, it's cute. It made me laugh too then we both carried on laughing like complete maniacs. She's different. For some reason I like it. I've never felt this way before. I cleared my throat and switched off the speaker. “That was weirdly fun. But I know you are doing all these things to see if I'll hate you and to get me to move out but dont worry, I won't bother you at all, we just say hi and leave each other after, okay, we both have different lives to deal with, I just dont want to have people hate me right now, deal? "She asked. I looked at her. “Fine, deal,but just so you know after that I still hate you," I said. You know just to make it clear. “Good to know,"she said and went in the bathroom.
Janes( POV)
He hates me. Seriously, just because he has issues with being in the same room with someone I think doesn't mean he has to just...urg. But I just gotta stay calm, he gives off a dangerous vibe. He has anger issues and I dont wanna get on the bad side of him. I washed my face in the bathroom that we have in the room. I looked at myself in the mirror with a sigh then my phone rang. I thought it was from my dad but I was wrong, it was my ex Ryder calling. I bit my lip afraid to answer, his always been so mean and controlling then nice in front of my friends and with me but its all fake.He was crazy, with all his mood swings.He called again, then again. A tear ran down my cheek just thinking about how he use to hit me and force me to do things. My soft crying turned into sobs that I couldn't stop.
Blake's (POV)
What she told Me sounded reasonable but I still dont want her in the same room with a guy like me. A messed up guy. Then suddently I heard her crying, and I mean heavy crying. I stood up and knocked on the door. “Jane, are you okay?"I asked. Her crying stopped. “Uh I'm fine,"she said sniffing. “I can hear you're not, what's wrong?"i asked. “Really, I'm fine, in gonna go for fresh air, classes start tomorrow right?"she changed the subject walking out the bathroom. I grabbed her arm as she looked down, not letting me see her face. “Jane,"I said as gentle as possible.

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