chapter 3

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Jason's (POV)
“Where the heck is that mate, the party started,"I said as we ran up the steps to his room. “Probably making out with his new roommate, I bet he has one in secret," Isaac said with a laugh. “Fine, bet on it,10 bucks got it,"I grinned. I know Blake would never have a roommate for this long and he would neverkiss a girl so sudden. “Deal,"Isaac said as we all Walked in and saw the room was empty. “Luggage, oh, probably a girl,"Isaac grinned as I rolled my eyes. Then we saw Blake hugging a girl as she hugged him tight. “Aha! Score,"Isaac laughed as they let go in fright. “No dimwit, his not making out with her now is he, give me the cash, you still lost,"I said as Isaac frowned at hit the money on my hand. We turned to see Blake with a blade and filled up water. “Okay were you two about to do some romeo and Juliet shit where you both kill yourselves?"I asked as Blake let out a laugh. “Nuh, everything's fine,"Blake said putting down the blade as he smiled at the girl. Does he like her. “So she's your roommate? What's her name?" Derek asked stepping forward. “Hi I'm Jane,"she smiled. “Dude is it me or does she look freakishly like violet,"Isaac whispered out loud to me as I slapped his back head.
Blake kept on whispering its my fault “whatever you did, I'm sure you couldn't stop yourself from doing it,"I said. He nestled his head in the crook of my neck then we heard a guy say something and laugh. Then he mentioned violets name and how I look a bit like her freakishly. My breath hitched in my throat afraid to what Blake would do or what his thinking. “What did you say Isaac, I didn't quite hear you,"Blake clenched his jaw. “Look Blake, all he said that Jane looks a bit like violet, but, dude, you don't know what type of person she was, she was mean to everyone and she, I'm sorry to say was using you and then would get you into trouble with your baby, or she would just sell that baby and get money, she does that to all the guys she dated, her ex came for revenge and -" The other guy said.It worried me that Blake stood still and listened, I dont even know if he was breathing. “Im sorry you fell for her Blake,"the guy said with a look of sympathy. Blake then cleared his throat looking very heart broken . “Isnt there a party tonight?"he asked, I could see he was forcing a smile, the guys were surprised that he didn't act all violent now.
Derek's (POV)
After I told Blake the truth about violet. It was weird that he just stood there, calm and listening. That guy is truly heart broken. It sad to see our friend like this, our best friend actually since we were little. I thought he was gonna be all violent and throw or kick things around or attack us  like he usually does but all he did was force a smile an ask about the party. “Yeah man. Let's go party out flipping heads off,"I grinned as he walked with us. But he turned to face Jane.
Blake's (POV)
After hearing about violet, everything started to make sense, the way she ignored me after I got her pregnant by accident and I thought she was angry at me, many times I tried to reason with her she would look at her friends and they would laugh then she would do that pouting thing that I liked. She was faking it all. “Youre probably wondering who violet is?"I asked Jane as she looked me in the eyes. Then she nodded slightly. “She was a terrible mistake, I mean, yes it was my fault that she got killed, but.. She was playing me all along,"I said with a laugh because I finally realized everything. “Im sorry if they compared you too her, she's nothing when it comes to you,"I said. She looked at me, I couldn't figure out what she was feeling, her face showed no emotion. “But relax, I dont like you in that way. I like you as a friend,"I smiled, she had a smile that was so unreadable. “Hey Jane, coming to the party?" One of His friends said at the door. “Sure,"she said. “oh I'm Isaac by the way,"Isaac smiled. “Hey I'm Jason and that is Derek who organized the whole party, "Jason smirked. “Cool can't wait to see it," she smiled. “You won't regret coming,"Derek grinned as they left. “You should go have fun,"she said to me. “Yeah. See you at the party,"I smiled at her before leaving.
Jane's (POV)
See you at the party was what he told me as he left. Wow, all that girl violet did was lie to him and many guys. Then  heard a knock on my door. I looked and saw it was Emily. “I heard what happened, Derek told me. I knew that girl violet was no good. And my cousin, he always tried killing or hurting himself because of that.... Bitch,"Emily said with a frown as she crossed her arms. I sat on my bed with my hands on my face. “Jane. Are you alright. I'm sorry you had to see him like that. Really I am,"Emily said touching my shoulder as she sat next to me. “Why do I feel like this is my fault too,"I said. “Its really not. Its just, Blake's problem, not yours,"Emily said. “Yeah but..."I said but she interrupted. “No buts. Come on let's go to the party, dont worry about it,"Emily said grabbing me as we went out. “Fine,"I smiled as we walked down the steps then I saw on the beach alot of people dancing, having drinks, a stage with a DJ  playing awesome music. “Wow this is great,"I smiled. “Yeah let's go say hi to everyone,"Emily said pulling me. “Hey Emily, whose the new girl?"A girl with red hair asked. “Hey Hanna, this is Jane, she just moved in today,"Emily said. “Hi,"I said. “What room?"she asked.“Shes roommates with my cousin,hard to believe she still in the same room with him,"Emily smirked.“Yeah, very hard to believe,  How's it to be in the same to with him?"hanna asked. “Well its-"I said then spotted Blake by his friends acting like wild animals with the drinks laughing. Blake laughed at them then he caught a glimpse of me and smiled. “Jane I'll be right back. Mingle,"Emily said. “Uh wait, "I said but she walked away already. I sighed then looked around, girls drunk acting crazy. People dancing. I sat on the sofa there by the firepit as I watched it burn. “Hey, is this seat taken?", I heard a guy, I looked up and saw a tall guy with dark hair and green eyes. He smiled at me as he waited for me to answer.“Oh yeah sure," I smiled as he sat down. After a moment of silence he spoke. “Great party huh?',he asked as he drank the bottle of beer. “Yeah. Its not really my thing actually. Its a little to much for me,"I said. “Really. Well I just came here for the free beer,"he smirked as I laughed. “So are you new here, I haven't see you once,"he said. “Yes, I just moved in today, this place is nice,"I said looking up at the stars. “Yeah I guess it gets boring when you were here already, I've been here since I was 15, names Sage by the way, sage Gregory, "He smirked. “Jane Woods," I said. Then he suddently moved closer. “Cozy?"he asked. “Uhh, yeah its just a bit chilly out here,"I said moving away. “Want me to keep you warm?",he smirked. “Okay sage. I'm not interested, I'm gonna go "I stood up. “Dont you walk away from me," he pulled my arm but I punched him as he fell to the ground and people gasped. I looked as everyone stared  in shock. I walked away, my fist hurt. I went to the kitchen  down under the stage where people got more drinks. I sighed with relief as no one was inside the kitchen.  I opened the freezer to see for ice but I couldn't find. Then I heard laughing and saw Blake's friends walk in. “Ouch, need a ice pack for that?" Jason asked opening the other freezer as he took out  a ice pack and gave it to me. “Whoa Jane. I saw how you punched that idiot Sage, it was so helarious,"Isaac laughed. I said nothing putting it on my fist. “Well theres drinks if you want, do you want to party with us?"Derek asked. “No its okay, thanks anyway,"I smiled as they nodded and walked out. I leaned against the counter then Blake walked in and almost fell to the ground. I went to help him. “Blake are you okay?",I asked. “Jane! What's uuuuup roooomie,"he slurred, clearly drunk. “Are you drunk?"I asked holding him as he balanced against me. “Uhhhh, noooooo,"he said then giggled and hiccupped, it was kinda cute. He almost fell again. “Okay just sit here I'll get you some water, "I said helping him on the chair by the counter. “Yes mam," he did a salute as I laughed pouring the water in the glass. I set the glass down for him. But when I got there he was gone. I looked around. “Missed me,"he whispered in my ear as I jumped. He laughed out loud “okayyy I'm taking you too bed ,"I said as  my arm went around his waist and I put his arm around me as we walked. “But I'm not tireeeeed,"he groaned. I helped him and saw Emily, she looked at me wide eyed. An came. “I saw how you punched sage,. That was awesome, "Emily smiled. “Hey Eminem, we were juuuuust taaalking about yoouu," Blake said. “His drunk isn't he,"Emily shook her head. “Yes and I'm helping him back so he doesn't collapse here  , you mind,"I said. “Yeah go ahead, I'll see you tomorrow,"she smiled as she waved and walked toward some guy as he smiled at her. “Okay come on Blake," I said as we walked onto the concrete roads to the steps. Gosh its gonna be a mission to get him upstairs since his leaning against me. “Nooo my name is Blakey, and you're my janeyyy,"he said then giggled again. “Yeah sure,"I said with a laugh. We finally got to the top and toward the dorm room. I opened the door. Then got a fright as he screamed.         “Welcommeeeeee hoooome." Lifting his hands up as he walked into the room but I caught him before he could stumble again. He looked at me with a serious face then burst out in laughter. I tried putting him on his bed but he pulled me with him as I fell on top as he laughed  again. I tried getting up but he kept me in his arms, gosh his so strong, he didn't even look like he was trying. He snuggled me like a freaking teady bear. “Uh Blake,let go of me please,"I said awkwardly. “Fiiiiine,"he slurred and hiccupped as he let go. I stood up and was about to leave but he grabbed my wrist.“Violet,  sorrrrrrry,"he said wiping his face with a sigh. I looked at him wide eyed. His just drunk.“Its Jane. Not violet, she's dead,"I said biting my lip. “Ohhhhhh Jane,youre back... please stayyyy with meee,"he said pulling me close as he sat up looking drowsy as he showed a lazy cute smile. “Uh sure,"I said as I pulled away and sat on my bed. I layed down on my back and looked at him. He was looking at me still with the smile as he layed down on his back too. “Janeyy,"he said. I looked at him again. “Yes Blakey,",I smiled. “Im sorry for everything, and I wanna say...,"he said but yawned. “That uh, that uh,"he said. “That what?"I asked.Then he hushed me. “Im trying to sleep,"he whispered then immediately passed out. I watched him and shook my head as I immediately felt tired too and fell asleep.

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