Prologue: Forever

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Prologue: Forever

POV: Zayn Malik 

AN: Hello everyone! I'm sorry the prologue is so short, I promise that the forthcoming chapters will not be nearly this short. They'll be around 1.5k+ words. I hope you enjoy.

Ask nearly any parent, and they'll remember their child's firsts. From their first breath, marking their baby's entrance into this dysfunctional world, to their first steps, first words, first day of school. These precious milestones give the parents moments to reminisce on, beautiful moments that they'll never forget. But despite all these firsts, most parents don't get to see their children's lasts. Last words, last breathes, the closing parentheses of life and how we finish it just like we started it. It's probably better off that way.

No parent wants to watch their child die before their eyes, especially in such a gruesome manner.

In the despicable nation of Panem, our government exploits this fear of watching your children perish. It used to be certain that your offspring outlived you, but these days, you can never count on it. The Hunger Games reiterate the fact that, compared to the Capitol, we are powerless. They remind us that if we hit and try to destroy evil, evil will hit us back ten times harder. Evil won't only kill us, but also the people that matter more to us, more than the world itself. Our children.

By the time that I have children myself, I pray to see a world without this revolting event happening every year. But then again, I probably won't live to have children.

My name is Zayn Malik, and I am from District 12. I am a tribute for this year's 67th Hunger Games. I am prepared to die.

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