Part II: Sybil

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I could tell the young maid Aurelia did not particularly like me. She never showed it though, a credit to her craft. Yet there was always tension between us. I tried my best to be nice with her, but that was hard since she always was so polite.

I had grown into being a part of the household when I went to the gladiator fights at the new theater in Roma*. A new sport.

The mistress arranged for seats to be held for her and Aurelia. Yet she had fallen ill of something. Her face was red and sweat was pouring down her body. So the physician decided she must stay at the house. But she made me go in her place, to defend her honor or some other thing. Young people now a days, always on about a woman's duty to be punctual, beautiful, or some other thing. I don't think about those things. Sometimes you have to take charge instead of your man.

I came out of the house in a blue garment and was helped into the wagon going to the theater. I sat their waiting for Aurelia, wishing she would hurry up. I didn't want to be rude, or anything. But when she came out, I could see why she took so long.

Aurelia was pushed out the door by the other maids. She was wearing the beautiful gown I had made the mistress. The one of light orange fabric. Aurelia had always admired it.

The man driving the wagon helped her into the back next to me. Aurelia tugged at the garment, clearly uncomfortable. The poor girl. I turned towards her, and said, "You look very beautiful today, Aurelia."

"Thank you for those words of kindness Sybil. You look nice as well. Very proper."

Still the same politeness. We could be great companions, if she just opened up.

"All the men in the street were staring at you, you know."

"Oh I think not. I'm not so beautiful as to garner that much attention."

I chuckled to myself, "What are you saying? That you are not beautiful!? No, they were looking at you alright, with their mouths opened like a fish."

Aurelia smiled, "Oh come now, grandmother. I have no use for such ideas."

"Have you ever talked to any of the men?"

"About work, of course."

"No, when you were in the thrall of Venus. And you certainly captured them in the goddess's web."

"Do not speak of the gods in such a way."

"Oh hush, child. I am old already, no reason to strike me down before my time," I turned my head towards our driver, Marcus, "Marcus was also in awe. Were you not?"

Our driver flinched and said in a shaky voice, "Yes...I suppose so."

I laughed, and turned back towards Aurelia. Her face was slightly flushed, "Please, let us stop talking about this. It is embarrassing!"

I nodded. But my mind was at work. Perhaps something could happen between these two. It certainly had a chance in my opinion. Marcus was a sweet, nice young man.

My mind was mulling this over, when the wagon stopped in front of the great theater.

"Oh, my..." Aurelia breathed out. The theater certainly was a sight. It was massive with arches and other. You could hear the roar of the crowd inside. It was deafening.

I made to get out of the car and onto the crowded street below. I stumbled but was steadied by an old man beside me. He was wrapped in a light brown cloak. He stood me back on my feet and moved off into the crowd, before I had time to thank him.

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