Part I: Aurelia

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The first moment I saw that old woman, I knew she was an interesting person. The way she held herself, it was unnatural in this place. You were either high or low. I was intrigued, yet afraid of her, as if she wasn't quite human. I only found out later who she would become.

It was a hot summer day in my mistresses house. My lady lay on her couch being fanned by both me and another.

"I require more food," she said.

I reached for the vine of grapes from the bowl on my left, and had begun feeding her, giving her one at a time. That's when we heard the tentative call of another hand-maiden.

"Mistress, if you don't mind..." the maid's voice wavered. My mistress waved her forward, having her continue, "There is an old woman outside, she wishes to be a maid."

"Send her in."

The maid exited and entered back in with a spry old woman walking confidently behind her. The old woman knelt before my mistress, kissing her outstretched hand.

"My lady...I wish to be of service. I wish for work."

My mistress looked her up and down, and wrinkled her nose. "You are too old. You are of no use to me. Leave."

The old woman smiled, and seemed undeterred by the rejection. Instead she seemed rather amused by it.

"But I have experience, I can create new robes for you to wear," the woman leaned in uncomfortably close and whispered, "I know things. I must tell you, beware of carts today."

My mistress raised her eyebrows, "I can be generous. Go to your art while I go out. If it is to my liking I shall allow your stay."

The woman bowed and was led away to another room. My mistress gathered up her robes and beckoned me to her side. As we headed out the opening, I grabbed a basket to fill with food from the market.

As we left the building, I followed my mistress through the streets.

"That woman was interesting was she not?"

"Yes, mistress. But I would be wary, she seemed not right in the head."

My mistress turned the corner into a more crowded street, lined with makeshift stalls selling varieties of food. "I found her amusing. I look forward to seeing her work when we are done. You should to, Aurelia."

I bowed my head, "Yes, Mistress."

So we moved on through the various stands. My mistress moved quickly, pointing out what she wanted and walking briskly to the next stall. I kept up with her perfectly, always right behind. I was the best at that.

My mistress was gazing at the jewelry laid before her, when we heard a yelp arise from the crowd. I strained my ears to hear the cries, they said solvitis plaustrum, solvitis plaustrum*! The people began jostling each other to create a space in the middle of the street. My mistress became squished among the people.

And she was soon placed right in the middle of the wagon's path. I cried out. And I flung the basket aside, pushed through the crowd to tackle my mistress to the away from the runaway cart.

"I am sorry Mistress, for my misuse of you," I said to her, helping her to her feet, and brushing her off.

My mistress seemed preoccupied with her thoughts though. I leaned in to listen to her soft muttering.

"The cart. It came true, I was almost killed! I mean, what she said. It was right. I should have careful. She did say, beware of carts!"

She was speaking of the new person, her message. It does seem rather odd that she knew that. But I would not have been so trusting. But one must follow the superior's wishes.

I walked in silence behind my mistress, who was muttering silently to herself. Many people we passed by, stared at her. They probably thought she was a loon. I glared at them, making them avert their eyes.

When we reached her house, my mistress called the old woman back into her private room.

"It has reached my attention that you have predicted an event that did indeed happen."

The old woman smiled, "Did we have a little trouble at the market, mistress?"

I clenched and unclenched my hands. How dare she speak to her mistress like that, I thought.

"Indeed. But this proves nothing, though it does pique my curiosity. Are you able to show us your handiwork?"

The old woman nodded, and waved in some maids. My eyes widened, the clothing was beautiful. On a wooden frame, sat a beautiful light orange dress. It was thinning and sat on both shoulder. It seemed so light and silken.

My mistress gazed at it in wonder. "You are very talented," she said.

"Thank you," the lady replied. "Is my work something of value in your mind, mistress?"

"In my mind it is. What do you think, Aurelia?" Turning to me.

Still in awe of the garment's beauty, I answered, "It is a very pretty dress."

My mistress smiled, "You are welcome, grandmother. Aurelia will show you to your room."

The old woman smiled and picked up a bag of clothes. I led her to her quarters. She entered the room, and placed her bag on the small bed in the corner. "Very nice," she said.

"Please ask if you need any help. Dinner for the servants is in the late evening."

"Thank you, I shall get some rest before then."

I turned and stepped outside the room, when I remembered something. "I forgot to ask. What is your name?"

"Oh, of course.We can't have you calling me old lady during my stay, can we!" Shelaughed. "My name is Sybil. Sybil from Cumae.

*loose wagon (Latin)

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