"Wow, Dean, she really got under your skin, huh?"

"Can it, Sam."

He snickered at his brother's frustration.  Dean grabbed his things as they walked out of the room.  Sam had found a lead on a job.  They were on the road again in no time.  After a few hours they stopped at a gas station.  Dean filled up the car.  Sam grabbed a seat at the diner next door.  Dean parked the impala closer to the diner.  He flicked through his phone to find the latest addition to the phone.  His thumb hesitated over the number.  There was knocking behind him.  Sam held up a piece of paper that read just call her already.  Dean sneered at his brother who was clearly mocking him.  Dean wanted to play it cool.  He didn't want to seem too eager, but he kind of wanted to hear her voice again.  He sighed as he pressed the number.  It started to connect.  The pause before the first ring felt like an eternity.  Why did he feel this way even?  It wasn't a common occurrence that a woman made him so frustrated.  But that wasn't even the right word.  She knew cars, she drank good whiskey, and that body, Dean smirked remembering the night before.

"Talk to me," her voice answered.

"Uh, hey, ____, it's Dean."

"Why Mr. Winchester, I admire your disregard for the three day rule."

"Haha, I admire that love 'em and leave' em style of yours," he retorted.

"I tried waking you, but you slept like the dead."

"Where did you head off to in such a hurry?"

"Got a job.  Couldn't say no."

"Where are you headed?"


"That's nice."

"Yeah, figured I could use a little vacation," I laughed.

"Well, we're grabbing some breakfast and heading out ourselves," he responded.

"Well, I should be expecting a handsome payout for this.  So I'll grab something nice for the next time we cross paths."


"I've got a deadline to meet so I will talk to you later. Take care of yourself."

"You too.  And don't be afraid to call if you get into hot water."

"Yeah, I'll do that."

Dean grinned as the call ended.  He tucked the phone into his pocket.  A piece of paper was tucked inside. He dug it out and unfolded it.


Sorry I had to run.  Business calls.  It is kind of a scary job.  But I've dealt with worse.  Maybe I can steal you away for a few days.  We could use a few days off.  Don't worry I'll get something nice for you.  I'll be seeing you.

There was no signature.  Just a kiss mark beneath the hand writing.  It was the same color she had on her lips the very night before.  Dean tucked the note back into his pocket.  He hurried inside to join his brother.
Miami, Florida

It was a long drive.  But I arrived with a few hours to spare.  Even I needed to get sleep. Working at night was much better than daylight.  More people are out.  Higher risk to be spotted.  My bike pulled into an alleyway.  I leaned against the bike as I pulled on a pair of gloves.  The backpack dropped on the seat of the bike.  I strapped my knife into its holster.  This one was a vampire.  I looked up the building.  A gun slid into the holster on my other hip.  You could never be too prepared.  It didn't make sense why a vampire would turn someone high up.  Things were really strange these days.  Nothing was making sense anymore.  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.  I vanished into a quiet room.  A figure slept in the bed.  It was morning so of course a vampire would be sleeping.  Quietly the knife drew from my side.  I stepped closer.  With a quick movement I moved the blade just shy of their neck.  It was them alright.  Their eyes shot open.  My body stepped back.  I raised the blade.

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