Lockwoods Private Chat With the Skull

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After Lucy was told the truth about Lockwood's feeling towards her she tried to go to bed but ended up tossing and turning all night. She was happy to find out that he liked her but she was also worried about how awkward it would be to know that the gorgeous boy sitting next to her liked her, but did he really? These thoughts troubled her, the skull was right, this was messing with her. It was early in the morning, the sky was a pretty light blue as the sun rose. Lucy rolled over and fell off her bed. The skull chuckled.

"Wow, that news really did mess with you. You didn't get even an hour of sleep all night."

"It's too early to deal with you." Lucy muttered as she grabbed him and pushed him outside her room shutting the door afterward. She laid in bed, dozing off every so often until George called her down for breakfast. She shuffled down the stairs into the kitchen still wearing her rumpled up pj's and her hair messy. She didn't even feel awkward about sitting in the same room as Lockwood, she was too tired. Eyes only half way open she sat at the table slowly eating, George and Lockwood were talking about something but Lucy wasn't sure what, she could hear the words but not process them, she closed her eyes and her head landed next to her plate as she fell asleep.

"Um. Lucy are you alright?" George asked.

"Mm. Leave me alone."

"What is up with you?"

"Need sleep." Lucy muttered.

"Poor Lucy there couldn't get any sleep last night."

"Isn't that obvious by the fact that I can't keep my eyes open and stuff."

"Lucy. Go back to sleep." Lockwood said.

"I've tried. I can't." There was a squeak of wood scraping against wood then a door opened and closed, Lucy, didn't hear anything else as she dozed off. A few minutes later Lockwood was speaking.

"Luce, take this." He had a small white circular pill in the palm of his hand. "It will help you fall asleep, I take them when we have a hard case and I have a hard time sleeping."

"Okay ." She picked up the pill, her fingers brushing against his hand, which was soft and warm. Lucy then shuffled back upstairs to her room and fell asleep. She slept almost all day and by the time she woke up it was already dinner time, Lockwood and George had already started eating without her so she grabbed a plate of food and plopped down in her usual spot next to the others, she felt better after sleeping but now she was more confused than ever.

With her working habits and strange sleeping schedule you would think that she would be used to sleeping all day and not being tired at night but her long nap had just made her feel more frazzled. It didn't help that both George and Lockwood were unusually quiet and both were looking at each other as though they had something important to discuss.

Lockwood raised his eyebrows at George and tilted his head towards Lucy, George did not get the hint, Lockwood then kicked George under the table.

"Ow! What do you want! I don't speak eyebrow!"

"What are you guys talking about?" Lucy asked, and now she was even more confused.

"I need to talk to you George, right now." Lockwood pulled George out of his seat and dragged him down into the offices.

"I need to know. It's driving me crazy!" Lockwood shouted, and it was driving him absolutely mad. He could no longer sit next to Lucy and pretend nothing had changed, and now he needed to know what she felt.

"Need to know what!? What is driving you crazy? In all the time I have been working with you, you have never acted like this before. Can't I please just go back upstairs and finish eating before the pasta gets cold."

"It was cold, to begin with." George was insulted. "Now please tell me, has Lucy told you any secrets or has the skull said anything to you lately?"

"First of all it's not my fault the pasta was a little undercooked, second, why on earth would Lucy tell me a secret, that's a girly thing to do and Lucy is not girly."

Lockwood sighed, there was no way he'd ever find out, not unless he asked Lucy and that was not something he planned on doing. "Has the skull said anything to you?"

"Yeah, he said he had 'nerve-wracking, mind-boggling, heart-stopping secrets to tell you' so I told him to stuff it and closed the lever."

"Where is he! I need to talk to him!"

"In the kitchen. What is going on with you?" Lockwood was already flying up the stairs, without breaking his stride he snatched the skull off of the counter and headed straight to his room.

"What in the bloody hell is up with him today?" Lucy shouted as she marched down to the offices and began taking out her feeling on Esmeralda. Meanwhile, Lockwood shut and locked his door then switched the flip to hear the skull.

"Well hello Mr. Lockwood my good sir, might I ask why I am being blessed with your glorious presence today." The skull made a horrid face at Lockwood.

"I don't want to hear it from you. I know you don't like me but I do not care about that. Do me a favor, let's skip the usual sarcasm and cut to the chase. Did Lucy tell you any secrets by chance?"

"I know what you want to know. You want to know whether Lucy likes you or not, well why should I tell you?"

"If you don't tell me then I will chuck you into the Thames and you will be found by some no-talent relic man and you'll never have decent company again." Lockwood threatened, having his informant Flo in mind.

"Ha! You think I'm just going to tell you what you want to hear. Well, I'm sorry to say that no threat you make will sway me, I know that you wouldn't do anything to me. You can't, I am the only person here who knows Lucy's mind, I'm the only one who knows her secrets and there's no way she would ever tell anyone else. You can't do anything, or else you'll never know what you want to know."

Well, he had a good point, Lockwood could not think of anything to say in response.

"How does it feel? Tell me, does it hurt to be told 'no' for the first time in your life. It stings to not be getting what you want, doesn't it? I won't melt at the sight of that fake smile of yours, you can't get to me the way you get to Lucy, I won't let you hurt Lucy."

"Hurt Lucy? You must be insane to think that I'd ever hurt Lucy!"

"You will hurt her I know it. You'll flash that smile at her and get her to do anything you want, she'll either throw herself in front of a ghost for you or you'll get her attached to you then you'll throw yourself in front of a ghost and leave her feeling empty inside."

"I'd never do that!" Lockwood was getting mad now, the skull had no idea what it was talking about, Lockwood would rather throw himself off a cliff than let Lucy get ghost-touched for him. The skull knew this though, he knew how Lockwood felt about Lucy, through observing him as much as possible and through George, who had told the skull what Lockwood had said about him liking Lucy. Yes, the skull knew what he was saying was wrong, but he did have a reason for saying what he was saying.

"You could care less about Lucy, so why do you want to know how she feels about you?"

"Because I love her!" Lockwood shouted without thinking. The skull grinned.

"Oh I know you do, I just needed to hear you say that before I could decide whether to tell you how Lucy feels about you or not and by the way, she feels the same way." The skull laughed before he disappeared to wherever it is he goes.

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