Cuddles With Lockwood

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As Lucy was silently sleeping Lockwood stared down at her, he softly brushed some hair out of her face. Even with the cuts and bruises all over her face, she looked beautiful, she was wearing her usual pajamas, a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Lockwood picked up a magazine and began to read when George bursted in the room all in a huff.

"Lockwood you won't believe what-" George shouted, then he noticed Lucy sound asleep next to Lockwood.

"George do you have any manners? Be more quiet, Lucy needs her rest." Lockwood looked down at Lucy, she was dead asleep. "Now, what were you saying?" Lockwood asked setting his magazine down.

"I have a much more important question. What's with you and Lucy?" George smiled.

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" George scoffed at the question. "What do I mean? What do you think I mean? Lucy is asleep on your lap." Depsite his calm and buisness like composure Lockwood could feel his cheeks become hot and pink.

"She's not on my lap. Just her head. She was tired, she needed to sleep." Lockwood brushed it off.

"If she needed to sleep why didn't you send her to her room?"

"I tried. She didn't want to walk up stairs just to go to sleep, so I told her she at least needed to lay down and she did."

"Well. I am off to bed, I suggest you do the same." George tottered off to his room, leaving Lockwood with Lucy. George was right, it was time to go to bed, but he didn't want to leave Lucy alone on the couch. Carefully he got up then turned to face Lucy, he put an arm under her neck and the other under her legs and slowly lifted her up. He would carry her to his room, he slowly walked up to the stairs, careful not to drop Lucy or hit her head on the walls.

As he made his way up the stairs Lucy woke up, only enough to rest her head on Lockwood's shoulder and put her arms around the back of his neck, then she fell back asleep. Lockwood opened his door with his foot, and sideways shuffled into his room shutting the door behind him, he set Lucy down on his bed and laid in bed next to her. As he pulled his covers over Lucy she laid her head on his shoulder, Lockwood smiled and put his arm around her shoulder and rested his head lightly on hers.

"Sleep well, Lucy." Lockwood whispered and he softly kissed her forehead, soon after he fell asleep holding Lucy close. Little did he know, George had seen the whole affair, he had watched Lockwood carry Lucy upstairs through a crack in his door, then watched Lockwood kiss Lucy's forehead through a crack in Lockwood's door, and he had the skull with him letting the skull watch too. Oh, I'm going to have fun messing with Lucy later. The skull thought. George internally squealed, Finally some romance between those two! He thought as he crept back to his room.

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