It's Alive!

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As usual, Lockwood awoke before everyone else, the light of the rising sun spilling through his window landing softly on him and Lucy. He slowly got up, careful not to wake her. He grabbed a pair of clean clothes and went to take a shower leaving Lucy in bed. While Lockwood was in the shower George awoke, he slowly crept into Lockwood's room to find Lucy alone and asleep. George grabbed the skull in the jar and walked down to the kitchen to make a delicious breakfast in honor of the new love birds, even if neither of them would admit how they felt about each other.

George bought the best pastries in town and bought ginger ale to go along with it. By the time he was home Lockwood was sitting in the kitchen, Lucy was just barely waking up. She rolled over in bed hitting her wounded leg, she cursed in pain as she opened her eyes. The sun shined bright through the window, she glanced around, this was Lockwood's room, why was she in Lockwood's room?

She vaguely remembered falling asleep on the couch with her head on Lockwood's lap, then someone carried her upstairs but she thought they were taking her to her room. She got out of bed and hopped to the door, her crutch was luckily right outside, and made her way to the kitchen.

"Where were you?" Lockwood asked.

"Getting breakfast," George said placing the grocers down.

"How can we even afford that?"

"Fairfax paid a pretty penny for his case, even if he thought we were going to die in the process, and tried to kill us." George said. Lucy heard George and Lockwood in the kitchen and slowly opened the door to hear them arguing.

"We can't waste money on fancy breakfasts! That was weeks ago and we haven't had a single case since!" Lockwood shouted.

"That's my fault." Lucy said sadly as she walked in the kitchen, Lockwood and George turned their heads to look at her. Her hair was messy and her PJs all ruffled up, her bandage coming loose.

"You look like crap." The skull said from his spot on the counter, this was the first time he had talked in front of George and Lockwood, their heads shot to the side and gazed at the skull in surprise.

"It. He, he spoke?!" George muttered in shock.

"I told you he talks to me and thanks, I know I look like crap, I always look like crap." Lucy said bitterly.

"That's not what Lockwood thinks. . ." Somehow the skull smirked through the glass.

"What is your obsession with Lockwood?" Lucy asked.

"Obsession? With me?" Lockwood was astonished.

"Yep. He's always going on and on about things he hears you say and things he sees you do." Lucy explained sitting down and opening the box on the table, grabbing a cinnamon bun.

"Speaking of things I see. Do you know what I saw last night Lucy? Lockwood? No? Well, it was quite a romantic sight." Lockwood's face flushed as he realized what the skull was talking about.

"George, make him shut up," Lockwood said trying to compose himself.

"I can't make him do anything."

"Oh don't be like that Lockwood, somebody has got to get you two to conf-" Lockwood grabbed the jar and shoved it in the oven before he could finish speaking. George and Lucy stared at him.

"What?" He asked.

"Get him out of there! That's the first time we've heard him talk!" George complained.

"He was getting on my nerves."

"Oh just because he almost exposed your crush on Lucy doesn't mean you get to lock him up!" Lucy choked on her cinnamon bun, coughing violently, spitting parts of bread onto the table, Lockwood's face flushed red. George patted Lucy on the back.

"Come on Luce, don't act like you didn't know." George walked over to the oven and grabbed the skull.

"I was going to tell her!" The skull screeched. "You always ruin my fun!"

"When have I ever said I had a crush on Lucy, not that I don't, but not that I do." Lockwood was still blushing but was blushing slightly less. Lucy had stopped coughing now, her face red and she was having trouble regaining her breath.

"Well you never straight forward said you like her but, isn't it obvious?"

"Yes. The way you talk about her when no ones around, the way you worry about her, the way you look at her. The way you caress her." The skull hissed mockingly.

"Caress! Lockwood never touches me so much as caresses me!"

"Oh but Lucy, he touched you last night. Softly brushed hair out of your face carried you up to the stairs to his room. Held you all night." The skull seemed very pleased with itself as Lockwood and Lucy blushed.

"Hey! I was going to talk to Lockwood about that in private!" George yelled.

"Yes well, that's what happens when you let me speak."

"I am done with this! George and whatever you are," Lockwood angrily gestured at the jar. "butt out of it! My feelings for Lucy and whether they are romantic or not are none of your business! And I thought you were in bed when I carried Lucy to bed with me, but I suppose you were spying on me! That is not what a friend nor a colleague does, George!" Lockwood was outraged, his face was red from embarrassment and anger.

Lucy suddenly felt sick, she needed to eat, or puke, or both. She slowly and quietly went to her room and sat on the bed, she could still faintly hear Lockwoods shouting at George, honestly, it was scaring Lucy, he had never gotten this mad, not even about the secret room.

It was too much for Lucy to handle. Lockwood liked her, or did he not like her, he had saved her life at Combe Carey Hall, but anyone would have done that. He worried about her wound and forced her to eat something at each meal. But who wouldn't worry about her wound. Even that dreaded Kipps stopped George on the streets to ask if Lucy was okay. The skull had said he called her precious. But how could she trust him.

Lucy laid down, she had a splitting headache and her stomach was doing flops, her bed wasn't very comfortable, her pillow was very flat much unlike Lockwood's bed and pillows. That was another thing. He had let her lay her head on his lap and then carried her to bed with her, and she could remember that he put his arms around her and he had held her all night. There was nothing that could logically explain that.

Maybe he had feelings for her, but maybe he didn't, maybe she had feelings for him too. Maybe she thought about him all the time, maybe she thought he was the most handsome boy she'd ever seen, but if Lockwood didn't like her then these feelings and thoughts she may have would be wasted. Maybe she'd be crushed if he didn't like her, maybe she'd be broken if Lockwood didn't care about her the way she might care about him. Did she like him? She didn't quite know.

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