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Another week went by, Lockwood and George going off on cases while Lucy gradually healed. By now she could walk around without much difficulty, she no longer needed to take pain pills, the wound was getting smaller each day, and she felt much better now. Lucy often complained that she was ready to go out on cases but Lockwood insisted she wait until her leg was fully healed. Today was the first day George and Lockwood were home and not going on a case that night, it was a Sunday, a day of relaxing. Everyone was sitting at the kitchen eating a nice lunch, talking, and smiling. Even the skull was talking with them, and he was being very well behaved, hadn't threatened George, hadn't embarrassed Lucy and Lockwood. Honestly, Lucy was surprised.

Then someone rang the doorbell, Lockwood sprang up. "I'll get it, it's for me anyway."

"How do you already know?" George asked, but Lockwood was already headed for the door. He came back with a small brown box in hand.

"What's that?" Lucy asked.

"Oh nothing," Lockwood said as he quickly made his way to the offices. Lucy and George continued to talk while Lockwood hid the box under Lucy's stack of drawing paper then went back upstairs.

They talked for a while longer then cleaned up their lunch and went about doing their own things. George went to do paperwork, Lockwood went to practicing with his rapier and Lucy went to their library to relax and read. It wasn't until dinner that they all talked again.

"What's with all the dirty dishes everywhere? Why haven't you cleaned them yet?" Lucy asked scanning the kitchen.

"Well, maybe you could help me clean every now and then."

"I did not join Lockwood & Co. to do dishes."

"Neither did I. Lockwood. Help me out here."

"Hm. Perhaps George is right, we both could help him out a little. At least once a week." Lockwood said sitting at the table. Lucy scowled.

"Fine. Once a week we'll help out."

"Thank you." George said as he set dinner on the table. They ate in silence for a while before Lockwood spoke up.

"So Lucy, what were you doing all day?" Lucy gave him a weird look.

"Uh. I was reading in the library. Why do you need to know?"

"No reason, so you didn't go to your desk at all?"


"Oh, alright."

The rest of their dinner was quiet except for a few short conversations, then Lucy and Lockwood cleaned the table and did the dishes. They stood next to each other at the sink, Lockwood washing the dishes and Lucy drying them and putting them away.

"Why did you want to know if I went to my desk?" Lucy asked as she struggled to put a dish on a high shelf. Lockwood looked at her as she hopped trying to put the dish away, he chuckled softly to himself. It was so cute how she couldn't reach. He dried off his hands and grabbed the dish from her hand then, with ease, put the dish in its proper place. Lucy blushed lightly from embarrassment.

"I could have got that." She muttered.

"Sure you could have. Now, in regards to your desk, you'll just have to find out when we finish the dishes." Lockwood smiled. Lucy gave a flustered gesture as Lockwood went back to the sink. After they had finished Lockwood followed Lucy as she rushed to her desk, she picked up her drawing paper and stared down at the box. She picked it up and opened it.

"Chocolates?" Lucy asked picking one up. She popped it in her mouth. "Mm. Yummy chocolates."

"I thought you'd like them."

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