Confessions: Part 1

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Lockwood and George had hardly noticed Lucy's disappearance, they hadn't stopped screaming at each other for an hour until they finally calmed down.

"Look I'm sorry, but you can't blame me for wanting to hear what the skull was saying, at first only Lucy could hear him but he's gotten stronger now, you know how I get with these sort of things. I had no idea it would start discussing your love life." George said as he made some tea to help calm him and Lockwood down.

"I know. I understand, but you also talked about my 'love life', and you clearly upset Lucy. Where'd she get to anyway?" Lockwood asked pouring himself a cup of tea.

"I think she's in her room, but listen we need to talk." George took off his glasses and cleaned them off on his shirt, a habit of his.

"Time to come clean. I need to know, what is going on with you and Lucy?"

"I don't know." Lockwood sighed, for once he wasn't calm and collected like usual. He was slouching in his chair, he had an elbow on the table propping his head up and his other arm resting flat on the table. "I just don't know! And it's more frustrating than you could imagine!" Lockwood tapped his fingers against the table trying hard to figure out what exactly he felt for Lucy.

"Well, I would assume that you like her." George slurped his tea.

"Yes I like her, but do I like her in a romantic sense? I've never liked a girl romantically, so how would I know if I like her in that way?"

"You do care about her, I know that much, and you held her all night. I'd say that's pretty romantic, not that I would know anything about romance though."

"Well. She is quite an amazing girl, her Talents are so strong, she's very talented in containing Visitors. One of my best employees, besides you. More than that her personality is like none other." Lockwood chuckled. "Not in a good way sometimes, and she is quite beautiful in her own way. Perhaps I do have feelings for her."

"Alright, just want to know so I don't walk in on you two kissing or anything. Now, Lucy needs new bandages, did you see that they were falling off? I don't think Lucy wants to see me so why don't you go help her."

"I don't think she wants to see me either, I think it might be best to leave her alone for a while."

"Fine but at lunch, you need to change the bandages, remember what the doctor said."

"Yes I remember, her wounded leg is all I can think about. I's my fault she's hurt, it's my fault we had to go to that bloody mansion in the first place!" Lockwood suddenly marched out of the kitchen and down to the offices. Grabbing his sword he violently attacked Esmeralda, slicing her all over. Lockwood worked out his frustrations by practicing his sword tricks, by the time he finished it was noon.

"Lockwood, get up here," George called from the top of the stairs. "Lunch is ready."

"Excellent." Lockwood sprang up the stairs two steps at a time. He ate quickly then made his way up to Lucy's room with a clean bandage, ointment, the bottle of painkillers and Lucy's lunch.

"Luce?" Lockwood slowly opened her door, she was laying on her back, eyes closed, he walked over to her bed and sat on the edge near her legs. He set the plate with her lunch down on the floor as he silently unwrapped her leg, the cut was wet and fleshy.

Softly Lockwood laid gauze with ointment on it over the wound, Lucy gave a cry of pain as she bolted upright, a tear trickled down her cheek as she looked at Lockwood.

"I'm sorry Luce, I didn't mean to hurt you. Here." He handed her a glass of water and two painkillers, she silently took them and laid back down. Lockwood continued to wrap Lucy's leg, she winced in pain every so often, they didn't speak to each other, just sat in awkward silence until Lockwood placed her lunch on the bed and left, but Lucy refused to eat.

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