Extreme Measures

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           I checked my clock worriedly for the fifth time in the past hour. "Scooter I have to go", I groaned. It was already 9:00 and I had to pick up Ariana for our date. "We need to get ready for this tour, Nathan. This is going to take time", he answered, typing something on his computer. The boys glanced at me worriedly. 

               Scooter called a couple hours ago saying that there was a couple problems going on with the tour and he needed to meet with us immediately. Apparently all of the data for the tour had been hacked and we needed to plan everything again. "So there is choreography for Glow in the Dark, Chasing the Sun, Invincible, Chasing the Sun, and Glad You Came, correct", Scooter asked, looking up from the computer. Jay nodded. 

             I checked my watch again. 10:00. Ariana was probably waiting. "Scooter I really have to go. I have a date with Ariana". He looked at me apologetically, "Look kid, I'm really sorry. All of the data is erased. This could take all night. Can you reschedule", he asked. I shook my head, "I can't it's our anniversary", I scratched the back of my neck, "She's probably already mad at me". 

          "Just text her”, Jay said.  I shook my head, “I can’t my phone is dead”. It was silent after that. The only sound was Scooter typing on his computer. Silent hours were passing by. The last time I checked the clock it was 11:00. I suddenly got an idea, “Jay can I use your phone to call Ari”? He nodded and handed me his phone. RING RING RING

Hey you’ve reached Ariana! I probably can’t get to the phone right now so just leave a message after the beep. Byee

           I groaned and handed him back the phone. “She didn’t answer”. He shrugged and put his phone in his pocket. I don’t even get why we have to be here! Tom and Max are passed out on the couch and we are just sitting here! “Sorry kid, this won’t take much longer. Just thirty more minutes then you could go to Ariana”, Scooter said to me. I nodded. I just hope she isn’t mad at me. The necklace that I got for her felt heavier in my back pocket.

          Thirty more minutes turned into forty five minutes. It was already 11:45. “Look Scooter, I really need to go”. Scooter scratched his chin, “Well, I’m nearly done, but I guess the boys can help me”. I grinned, “So can I go to Ariana now?” He nodded. I jumped from my chair and right out of the room.

          I grabbed Max’s car keys while he was asleep in Scooter’s office. I opened the door and drove to Ariana’s. It took fifteen minutes, but I was finally there. The windows were dark. She was probably asleep. “Ariana”, I whisper yelled, afraid the neighbors might hear. Nothing moved, not even a curtain. I groaned and realized I had to take extreme measures.


Show Me Love (Nathan Sykes and Ariana Grande)Where stories live. Discover now