Chapter 9

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"Princess, no!" Brownie yelped, kneeling over her body.

"Oh god!" Lilly screamed, "What have I done!"

"You killed her that's what!" Brownie growled with a hint of sadness.

"I don't know why though!" She whimpered.

Brownie murmured something inaudible, then said, "Let's bury her, I don't want to see her body anymore."

After they had covered Princess with dirt, they went back to their temporary camp, and sat down and slept far away from each other. When she was half asleep, she almost swore she could hear Brownie crying.

"Are you still coming with me?"

"I have nowhere else to go, but just know, I will never, ever, forgive you!" He snarled.

"I never asked you to..." She sighed.

"Where are we going?"

"Back to the pack I guess..."


"Yes, they are a pack of wolves."

"Lead the way..."

The dogs trekked onward, heading into the forest of memories, or at least it seemed like that to Lilly. With every step, she could feel Night's blood rush into her mouth. Hear the crack of the pups head. Why do I have no control? Why do I lose it?

She had no idea. She walked slowly and cautiously into camp, and wolves turned and looked at her, surprised.

"She's back..." They whispered.

"Who's with her?"

"Lilly..." Night growled, "I missed you!"

The scab was very prominent on Night's neck, but didn't seem to bother him too much. Night ran over to Lilly and pushed his head into her fur, and licked her hurt cheek.

"Who's with you?"

"This is Brownie. Brownie, this is Night."

"Hey." They said

"Lilly, would you like to go hunting?"

"What about Brownie?"

"I'll hang out in camp."

"I can't believe your pack just lets strangers in."

"We're different from the other packs."

"Other packs!?"

"Yes, now follow me."

"After you tell me about the other packs."

"I'll tell you once you bring down a deer."


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