Chapter 6

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     Lilly stretched, thankfully finding herself lying in the ditch she fell asleep in. She felt a bit dizzy, but not too dizzy. She got up, and looked down. "Ahhhhh!" Lilly jumped and fell over. "Umph..." Lilly grunted as she hit the ground. What happened to my leg! Lilly suddenly remembered that she had chewed it off, because it had looked horrible, and she didn't know what else to do except chew it off. Her leg had thick brown scabs on where it had been chewed off.

     She got up, shook her head, and stretched. "Ugh, I need to find Brownie. I need to..." She sighed, "Continue." 

Lilly had walked along the road for a while, her paws were aching, and she wanted to stop but her determination kept her going. The sun was high in the sky, making Lilly have to pant in order to not over heat. Lilly came to a large town, it reminded her of her own town. She trotted into the town on her three legs. 

"Wait..." Lilly sniffed the air. "I know that smell!" Lilly's tail wagged as she followed the smell. "It's behind this fence!" Lilly yapped. She pushed with her back legs and, surprisingly, cleared the fence.

"Brownie!" Lilly barked, her tail wagging. 

"Huh?" The dark brown dog turned to her.

"Oh, sorry."

"Oh no youngin' say that again." The old dogs ears perked up.

"Brownie..." Lilly gulped. 

"Oh, that young brown Labrador. He said he had a sister..." 

"You know Brownie! Where is..." 

"Don't interrupt me while I'm talking!" The old dog snarled.

"Sorry..." Lilly's tail drooped.

"Oh your gonna be sorry!" The dog bared his teeth, and moved into a fight stance.

Lilly whimpered as he jumped towards her. A black mist formed in front of Lilly and she watched the dog fly back. The black lab was standing in front of her, his head down, snarling. 

"Wha?" The old dog said suprised.

"Look who's sorry now." The black lab growled. "You can't mess with my sister on my watch."

"Your a demon!" The dog howled.

"We need to get out of here Lilly." He barked. 

"Oh kay..." Lilly said dumb founded. She jumped over the fence, but the black lab just walked through it.

"Follow me." He said. Lilly followed without question. Lilly struggled to keep up with him, her claws clicking on the pavement. Lilly followed him out of the town, and the came to a small cliff. 

"Jump." He barked.

"What! Are you crazy!"

"Just jump."

"Umm, okay..." Lilly backed up and jumped "Ahhhhh" Lillian screamed as she fell. "Why do I still listen to you!" Lilly hit the ground and felt the air be forced out of her. She gasped. Lilly rolled down  the slope, trying helplessly to breathe. She felt herself hit something. 

"Oof!" The other canine said. Lilly felt herself and the other canine come to a stop. Lilly opened her eyes and saw the canines staring into hers. Lilly pushed him off with her three legs. 

"Get off me!" 

"It's not my fault! You rolled into me." The canine barked. Lilly realized he had different hues of black and brown all over his back, with a lighter underbelly. 

"Are you a dog?." Lilly cocked her head.

"No!" He laughed, "I'm a wolf!"


"Wait...  Are you lost?"

"I guess you could call it that." 

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