A Quick Word

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Okay, so I'm bored. And since I'm not working on another book at the moment, I have decided that it's time for this book to get some editing.

... I say as I haven't even finished Silver Wolf's editing, let alone Eclipse's. But hey, what are you gonna do.

Anyway, so this book is now officially under editing. That means that any chapter that has been edited will have a * mark right before the chapter title.

Now, disclaimer. I am not planning on changing the story in any major way. The exact opposite actually. I'm planning on keeping it exactly the same, except with better writing. Those first chapters were bad. But don't worry about the plot changing at all, it's not like that. It's just making everything flow better, and clarifying a few things.

You are under no obligation to read the new version, but I will tell you that it's gonna be better. Or at least, more professional-looking. I hope.

So yeah, that's now a thing. Keep this in mind if you're reading for the first time, because while nothing will change plot-wise, the quality of the writing will most certainly. Enjoy.

Oh and hey, thanks to all you for reading this! I'm really glad people seem to like it, and I hope all you new readers will feel the same!

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