26| Christmas Cheer

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I was sitting in a glass cell that was right beside one that Thea was in except it was sound proof so we weren't able to communicate with each other as we waited for the next part of Darhk's plan. We had been waiting for about an hour before the door's to my cell opened and Damien Darhk stepped inside.

"So are you going to kill us? Because if you aren't I have somewhere I have to be and I'm already late." I said in a bored tone as Darhk stood in front of me with a smirk on his face.

"Artemis al Ghul." He said as she studied me, and I felt my eyes widen in surprise on how he could possible know who I was. Ra's would always tells us about his history with Damien Darhk, but I never thought that I would ever some face to face with him myself. "Surprised? You shouldn't be I've been keeping my eyes on League business for years. Long enough to know that you killed Ra's. He was like a brother to me and that's why I wanted to be the one to kill him."

"Maybe if you hadn't been running away from him for so many years you would have." I replied only causing him to chuckle sarcastically.

"I don't run away from anyone." He said in a now serious tone as he raised his hand that he then balled into a fist and before I had time to make sense of what he was doing I felt a tightening feeling around my throat as it became difficult to breath.

"You really are a coward." I said slowly as I gasped for breath. "Having to use your powers...now that's pathetic."

"I should just kill you right now, but that would be extremely anticlimactic." Darhk suddenly stated as he unclenched his fist, now allowing me to take a breath.

"He's here." One of his men said through the other side of the glass.

"Perfect. I have to admit it took longer than I initially thought." Darhk stated mostly to himself as the guard opened the door for him. "Make sure that they're ready."

Once he left two guards walked into my cell as they pulled me up pushing me out, as the same was being done to Diggle and Thea. "What's going on?" Dig demanded as they took us into another room where a large glass cell stood in the middle. "What is this?"

Without another word we were thrown into the glass cell wondering what all of this was about. "Where's Felicity?" I asked as I realized that they didn't bring along.

"I don't know but we have to find a way out of this thing." Diggle replied as he looked around the large cell.

"Diane can't you just call your speedster boyfriend to get us out?" Thea asked as we continued to look around the cell for any way out.

"Does it look like I have a phone on me Thea?" I questioned in irritation when suddenly Oliver along with Felicity and Dark walked into the room. We weren't able to hear what was going on through the sound proof glass but by the way that Oliver was yelling at Darhk it was clear that things weren't going like he planned them too.

The three of us helplessly watched at they two of Dark's men got a hold of Felicity as they pushed her towards us. They opened the door to our cells just enough to let a screaming Felicity through. "Let me go!" Felicity yelled before they pushed her inside closing the door behind her.

Once Felicity was inside the locked the cell again as a gas was suddenly being released into to room. "Look for seams. This place may not be completely sealed." Diggle yelled out and we did exactly that as we desperately attempted to look for a way out.

It was becoming harder to breath by the second as well all began to cough from the poisons gas that we were inhaling. Suddenly the Black Canary and a man dressed in the Arrow suit appeared, fighting off Darhk's men.

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