part 34

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There was nothing ahead of you but clear seas for a few moments. The sky had a few cute, fluffy clouds in it, and they reflected on the deep blue water. The waves crashed over each other and into the submarine peacefully, and in those few minutes, you felt at home again. Like you were back on the pier, doing the only thing you ever wanted to do; make music. Suddenly, your peace was cut off by another submarine emerging from the deep blue ocean. And then everything stopped. You glanced back at Murdoc and Cyborg Noodle, both of them had their guns cocked and loaded. Your swung yours around your shoulder and placed it in your hands firmly, waiting for some type of sign to shoot. The only noise was the sound of the waves lapping, not even a birds could be heard off in the distance. And then, the hatch on the submarine a few yards ahead of you opened, and a man with a long cape and a rather weird gas mask stepped out. You heard Murdoc shift behind you, and you turned your head to look back at him. His gun was lowered, but he was still in position to shoot.
The man on the submarine ahead of you stepped off to the side. He was tall, probably as tall as Murdoc. He had no weapon but he was still incredibly threatening. Three other men soon came out of the hatch, all of them barring machine guns like yours. You choked on your breath and your knees nearly buckled. You shut your eyes for a moment and focused on the waves, hoping that you'd wake up and be laying in 2Ds arms on his bed, as if none of this happened. The sound of a bullet busting out of the chamber of a gun behind your broke the peace. And then, there was am assortment of gun shots. Bullets spraying from the other submarine to yours, and vice versa. Your heart was pounding and it felt as if it was going to burst. You shifted your feet and bent down a little, and rose your gun.
You directed it to the man with no weapon himself, and took fire. He leapt from the metal floor of the submarine and dove into the ocean, completely dodging the bullet. You dropped your gun in shock and stopped for a moment; until Murdoc hit you on the back with a loud smack. It left your back numb, and you twisted your head around to look at him. "KEEP YOUR EYES FORWARD AND DON'T STOP SHOOTIN TIL THOSE FUCKIN BASTARDS ARE DEAD. NO DOUBT HE'S GONNA GO GET MORE OF EM', THIS ISN'T EVEN HALF OF THE MOTHER FUCKERS." You spun your head back around to face the enemies you were now seemingly at war with. You took in and out a few deep breaths to ease your nerves, and then continued to shoot. Cyborg Noodle came up beside you and shot as well, taking down one of the men. Rather than him falling down and bleeding out, his body vanished into black ash and smoke. You were incredibly confused, but even more scared. You had so many questions but knew you couldn't ask them. So, you continued to shoot, missing almost everytime. Your hands were shaky and the gun was powerful, so each time you shot your gun would fly up a bit, and your bullet would just barely graze the top of the men's heads. You gritted your teeth out of frustration and got on your knee. You grinded it into the metal for balance and pointed the gun straight to the man on the left of the submarine. You glared down the barrel of the gun and pulled the trigger. The bullet lodged itself into the man's ribcage, and for a moment he was still standing.

And he shot back.

The bullet he shot nicked your upper left arm, causing you to wince in pain. But as soon as the bullet hit you, he was gone, fading into the black ash and smoke as the other man had. Now, there was only one. You heard the hatch behind you open and close, and you whipped your head around. Murdoc and Cyborg Noodle were gone. Your heart dropped and for a moment, everything was still. You were alone and facing someone with a gun. The two of you made eye contact, and he dropped his weapon. He pointed it to the ground and stood up straight and tall. Is he surrendering? You wondered as he just stood there, his gun at his side directed to the metal floor on which he stood. But your weapon was still raised. And you cocked it, placing an index finger on the trigger. You waited to see what he would do, the world still frozen. When suddenly, the silence of the still word was broken by the noise of a bullet breaking free from the barrel of a pistol; behind you. You yanked your head around and saw the man in the trench coat and oddly shaped gas mask holding a pistol pointed directly at you. You felt a sharp pain in your left arm, a little below where you were already bleeding. He dropped his gun and stood still, waiting for you to look at your newly formed wound. You looked at your arm, and your stomach tied itself into a tight knot. You didn't feel it for the time being due to all of the adrenaline, but there was a large pool of blood forming on your arm, staining the fabric of the shirt you were wearing.
Cyborg Noodle shot out of the hatch and ran to you. She grabbed your hand tightly and shouted something at you that you could barely understand. You felt incredibly weak, and your head was spinning. Suddenly, two long hands covered her mouth and yanked her back. Her metal hands scrapped against your soft, shaky ones, cutting them a bit as the strong pull of the man holding her grabbed her back. The man in the trench coat said nothing as he held on to her mouth with one hand and reached into his pocket with another. He pulled out a strange weapon and stepped her neck. And she stopped flailing.
You stood up to your feet and quickly aimed your gun at him, but as soon as you cocked your gun, he dashed to the side of the submarine and another one rose up from the water. He jumped onto it and slid down into the hatch, still grasping Cyborg Noodle. Your heart throbbed as you saw the submarine dive down into the ocean. You felt tears flood your eyes; and suddenly a water fall of sorrow appeared on your cheeks. You yanked up the mask and pulled it back onto your head. You gripped the machine gun, and your knees buckled, and you fell onto the metal floor. You sobbed and sobbed, your face numb. You began to shoot at the water. Shoot at where the submarine had gone under. You screamed and cried as you shot, each bullet hitting the same place in the water.

The hatch next to you opened, and Murdoc jumped out, not wearing his mask. "DID YOU NOT GET THE FUCKIN MEMO? YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO-" you turned your head and looked at him, your brows furrowed and your eyes blood shot. He climbed up fully onto the submarine and slid onto his knees, scooting closer to you. His eyes trailed from your face down to your arm, and he chocked on the air. He grasped your wrist without saying a single word and pulled you down into the submarine. Once down the ladder you once again collapsed into the floor and gripped your arm. You could sure as hell feel the pain now. 2D spun around and his eyes shot open. "(Y/N)." He shouted, his bottom lip trembling. You looked at him and then to Murdoc. Murdoc nodded and ran to the front of the submarine and took 2Ds place of keeping the submarine afloat.
The azure haired boy dashed over to you and skidded to a halt, falling to his knees on the floor. He cupped your cheek and looked into your watery eyes, and tears began to fall from his. You placed your hand over his and held tightly onto his fingers. "I'm okay, I'm just," you let a deep breath out through your nose "I'm just in immense pain. Do, do we have any pain killers?" 2D blinked for a few moments and thought, and then ran to the back of the submarine where the boxes were. "W-we should. Ah'm going to get yew feeling all good. Don't yew worry... don't worry..." he mumbled as he shuffled through the various boxes. You let out a deep sigh and stared down at the small cuts on your hands.
"Murdoc, we have to get Noodle."
"(Y/n), luv, we have to leave. You're in no condition to-"
"Murdoc. I didn't ask permission to. I stated it. We're going to get her. She just saved my life."
The whole room fell silent except for the noises of 2D rustling through the boxes. There was a long pause, and then there was a clicking sound in the front of the submarine. Murdoc let out a sigh and nodded his head, glaring out of the windshield. "Alright, but face ache isn't coming. He's going to make things difficult." You sighed and nodded back, even though Murdoc couldn't see you. He slowly directed the submarine downwards, and it began to dive back into the water. The sunlight vanished yet again.

2D ran back to you, several pain killers in his hand, cloth, and a large bottle of water. "Take these and, and let me wrap yewr arm up wif this, to keep tha blood from floodin out any more," you smiled weakly at him and nodded. You took the pills and drank a big gulp of water as he placed the cloth a little above your wounds. He tied it around your upper arm tightly, but not tight enough to hurt. Due to your high adrenaline, you didn't feel the pain as much as you normally would. And for that, you were thankful.
2D pulled you into a hug and repeatedly kissed your forehead. You were too exhausted and upset to return the hug, so your arms remained at your sides. "I heard all of the bullets, n' I was so worried about yew when Murdoc and tha' robot came back down without yew, I thought yew were-" he choked on his own words and held you tighter.

"Don't worry, Stuart. I'm here. I'm here."

2-D X Reader; Taken out to Sea Where stories live. Discover now