part 5; hidden roommate

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  The elevator was seemingly as old as the ship was, it shook ever so slightly with each floor it passed by. Soon enough, you were on the floor that Murdoc called negative four, when he could have made it much easier and just listed the building as having ten floors. You shrugged and stepped out of the rusty ol' elevator, and prayed that Murdoc wouldn't notice you had left the living room. The hall you stepped out in to wasn't entirely dark, but it was very dim. After your eyes got adjusted, you looked around the wide and rather long hall. Unlike the floors above the island, there were no stairs down here. You couldn't decided it that was good or bad for your case. If the elevator chose to break, that is was obviously going to do some day very soon, you'd be stuck down here. But, at least that green prick would have no way to get down to you.
  You decided to stop dwelling on the negative, and began to investigate. The walls were dusty and the floors were just plain dirty. Cobwebs hung in corners and there seemed to be quite a few moths for being under water. As you walked down the hall, to your left was a large metal door with a lock on the outside. There was a small porthole window on the door, but it was up too high for you to peer through. You twisted the door knob carefully and heard shuffling around behind the door. Your heart began to pound. Is he... keeping something down here? Is this what he had to 'check on'? You took a few steps back from the locked door, and collected your thoughts. It seems like if what was in that room was dangerous, it would have pounced at the door rather than scurrying away. Your curiosity getting the best of you, and you deciding you had nothing left to lose, you began to search for a key. You continued down the hall, until you came across a conveniently located key rack. You took off the single, bronze key and quietly walked back to the door. You slid the key in to the lock, and click! Just like that, it unlocked. You twisted the door knob to the right, and pushed open the door. It made a rather loud sound, squeaking obnoxiously in your ear.
  You stepped inside, pulled in by the breath taking view in front of you. There was yet another porthole window, but this one was looking out in to the ocean. There weren't any fish, though. It was just a deep blue color. You began to take a few more steps inside, the subtle light from behind you casting your shadow large on the wall. And next to your shadow, laid an even longer and larger one. Your heart stopped and your stomach dropped. You took a step back, tracing the human shadow back to the right corner of the room. You twisted around to face the person sitting there, crammed between the sloppily made bed and cluttered dresser. "A-Are yew one of 'is lady frens?" You squinted your eyes and that shadowy figure, now realizing that what you were looking at was human. You ignored his question, and stared even more. "He usually doe'nt let anyone down 'ere, he must really like yew..." you swallowed hard, choking on your own spit. You felt like you recognized this man's voice, but you weren't sure.
  "Could you stand up and get out of the shadows..." and there it was again, a flood of words spilling out of your mouth, making you sound forceful. With shaky knees, the mad stood up, the upper half of his body now uncovered. Your jaw dropped. His blue, spiky hair was sloppily parted, and very obviously not brushed. His face was flushed, and his eyes; they were two pits of nothingness. You took a few steps forward this time, feeling much more comfortable than you had before. "Are you... are you 2D?" You asked, cocking an eyebrow. "Oh? Eh, uh, Murdoc told yew bout me? That's even more rare," He responded, a slight smile showing up on his face. You shook your head and cleared your throat. "N-no, he did not. And I'm surely not with him. That mother fucker kidnapped me, I'd have to be out of my ever loving mind to find that attractive." The boy snickered and took a few paces out of the shadows. You could now see him entirely, him being only a foot or so away from you now. He was bruised and cut, tall and skinny. He looked down at you, his pitch black eyes meeting yours. "To, ah, answer ya question lov, I am 2D... what's yewr name?"
  He tilted his head, his smile growing larger. "I'm (y/n)..." 2D twiddled his thumbs, not breaking eye contact. "Nice to meet yew, (y/n). Did Murdoc really steal yew away?" Still in shock, all you got out was a murmured "Yeah..." he reached out and put a hand on your shoulder "I trewly am sowy he went and did that, he's a really horrible ma-" his words were cut off as he glanced to his right. "WHALE!" He screeched, bomb diving back between his bed and his dresser. You looked at the port hole window and, sure enough, there was a huge whale looking in. 
  "He can't get you from in here, 2D, you don't need to worry about that." You said to him softly, still standing where you had been this whole time. The poor boy covered his head and pulled his knees in close to his chest. You sighed and walked to the window. There were no drapes, so you grabbed a sheet from his bed and the roll of duct tape off of his desk. You swiftly taped the sheet up above the window, allowing it to fall down and cover it entirely. "Its gone now, I took care of it." You said with a soft smile, turning around to look at 2D. He stood back up, and looked in your direction. A smile shot across his face, and he ran over to you, embracing you in a tight hug. "Oh! Thank yew, (y/n)! Thank yew thank yew!" He let go of you almost as quick as he hugged you. "OH, I'm.. I'm sowy!" You snickered and shrugged "You shouldn't be, hugs are fine with me." 2D said nothing, but gave you a gentle smile.
  "Are yew really not wif Murdoc? Why are yew wearing 'is shirt?" He glared at your shirt, his upper lip curled under in disgust. "I just needed something after my shower." He shook his head and sighed. "Dumb bastard probably got ah video of yew, maybe a few." You shrugged yet again and let out a sharp, short laugh. "Fuck if I care, just goes to show how utterly horrible he is." The both of you smiled, and he walked over to his bed and sat down. He patted an empty space next to him, and you accepted the offer. "I have to say, it's amazing I'm meeting the both of you. And it's amazing that I met Noodle, in a way, but I never thought it would be like this," you waved your arms around 2Ds messy room. "This is horrible. Is he keeping you captive here or something?" "Yes, he is." 2D answered back in a serious tone. "Oh." You breathed out, not knowing what else to say. "I'm sorry," you sighed, looking down at your knees. He rested an elbow on your shoulder, causing your gaze to shoot back up at him. "Don't be, lov. I've been 'ere for a while now. It's foine." You gave him a crooked smile and rose to your feet. "You don't seem to have a lot of food, would you like me to dash up to the main floor and grab you some chips and water?" His eyes beemed and he nodded.
  "I'd like that a lot."

2-D X Reader; Taken out to Sea Where stories live. Discover now